11000 Common Composites

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39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
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Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
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Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 感到 + * * gan3dao4 feel/ sense/ think fühlen +
A 感冒 + * * gan3mao4 common cold sich erkälten,Erkältung +
A 感謝 + * * gan3xie4 thank/ be grateful danken +
B 感動 + * * gan3dong4 be moved bewegt sein, berührt sein, fühlen, empfinden, denken (daß) +
B 感激 + * * gan3ji1 feel grateful/ be thankful dankbar sein, schätzen, +
B 感覺 + * * gan3jue2 feel/ feeling 1. sinnliche Wahrnehmung, Gefühl 2. sich fühlen, wahrnehmen,empfinden +
B 感情 + * * gan3qing2 emotion/ feeling 1.Gefühl,Gemüt, Empfindung 2.Zuneigung, Symphatie +
B 感想 + * * gan3xiang3 impressions/ reflections Eindruck, Gefühle und Gedanken +
B 感興趣 + * * gan3 xing4qu4 be interested in interessiert sein +
C 感受 + * * gan3shou4 be affected by/ taste/ feel/ experience/ feeling 1. sich etw zuziehen, von etw befallen sein, angesteckt sein 2. empfinden, spüren, fühlen, Eindruck +
D + * * gan3 feeling/ sense 1. sich fühlen, vorkommen, merken 2. (innerlich) berühren, bewegen, imponieren 3. danken, dankbar sein 4. Gefühl, Empfindung +
D 感化 + * * gan3hua4 help sb; to change (by education) jn bekehren +
D 感慨 + * * gan3kai3 sigh with emotion tief ergriffen seufzen, gefühlvoll +
D 好感 + * * hao3gan3 favor gute Meinung, günstiger Eindruck,Zuneigung +
D 感染 + * * gan3ran3 infect angesteckt werden, Infektion,infizieren +
D 情感 + * * qing2gan3 mood/ feeling Gefühl, Gemütsbewegung +
D 敏感 + * * min3gan3 impressible/ sensitive empfindlich, sensibel +
D 反感 + * * fan3gan3 be disgusted with Antipathie,Abneigung +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
198 因为 感冒 + It's so cold that she caught a cold.
345 感到 为难 + I'm in a quandary.
390 他们 感情 不错 + They have a close relationship.
505 感到 高兴 + She feels very happy.
506 她们 感动 流下 眼泪 + They're moved to tears.
1398 悬崖 感到 恐慌 + Standing on the cliff, I became very frightened.
1768 孩子 毕业 父母 感到 欣喜 + The child has graduated, and his parents are pleased.
1907 感到 悲哀 + She feels very sad.
1997 女朋友 面前 感到 心虚 + He feels guilty in front of his girlfriend.
2057 摄影 感兴趣 + She's very interested in photography.
2153 学生 老师 表示 由衷 感谢 + The student expressed her heartfelt thanks to the teacher.
2204 重感冒 + He's caught a bad cold.
2258 感到 茫然 + She's feeling at a loss.
2327 感到 委屈 + She feels very wronged.
2377 得奖 感到 骄傲 + I'm very proud of the prize I won.
2424 感到 沮丧 + She feels frustrated.
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 + The mother is worried about her son's autism.
2543 感情 脆弱 + Her emotions are very fragile. ((She is easily upset.))
2568 生活 感到 无奈 + He feels powerless about his own life.
2622 父母 成功 感到 骄傲 + His parents are proud of his success.
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨 + The teacher is indignant at her behavior.
2795 感到 困惑 + He feels bewildered.
2805 学习 成绩 感到 羞耻 + She is ashamed of her poor academic performance.
2810 感到 羞愧 + He feels ashamed.
3018 感到 羞愧 + She feels very ashamed.
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕 + The sign of an impending cold is a runny nose.
3133 感到 敬畏 + He's the kind of person that people respect and hold in awe.
3138 感到 惶恐 + She feels terrified.
3337 感到 头晕 + She feels dizzy.
3504 感觉 气馁 + He feels very frustrated.
3523 感到 惘然 + He felt totally at a loss.

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