11000 Common Composites

22000 Common Composites

39000 Common Composites

74000 Common Composites

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch GbThaiVieEngDeuSpaPorItalFraNie
Glossika 9 GbThaiVieEngDeuItalFraSpaNiePin
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 特別 + * * te4bie2 special/ particular/ especially besonders +
A + * * bie2 don't Nicht tun ! siehe bie4 +
A 別的 + * * bie2de other/ another anderer +
A 別人 + * * bie2ren other people/ others andere Leute,andere +
B 分別 + * * fen1bie2 separate/ distinguish/ respectively unterscheiden, trennen +
B 區別 + * * qu1bie2 difference/ distinguish/ differ Unterschied, unterscheiden +
B 告別 + * * gao4bie2 leave/ part from/ say good-bye to Abschied +
B 個別 + * * ge4bie2 exceptional 1.einzeln,besonderer,individuell 2. ganz selten, ganz wenig +
C 性別 + * * xing4bie2 sexual-distinction/ sex/ gender Geschlecht +
C + * * bie2 stick in/ fasten with a pin or clip/ leave/ part 1. verlassen, weggehen, sich trennen, scheiden 2.anderer 3. Unterschied, Unterscheidung 4 unterscheiden 5. mit einer Klammer anheften < siehe bie2 > +
C 別處 + * * bie2chu4 another place/ elsewhere anderenorts +
C 別字 + * * bie2zi4 wrongly written or mispronounced character falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe +
C 差別 + * * cha1bie2 difference/ disparity/ distinction Unterschied +
C 級別 + * * ji2bie2 rank/ level/ grade/ class Rang (militärischer Rang) +
D 辨別 + * * bian4bie2 distinguish/ discern unterscheiden +
D 鑒別 + * * jian4bie2 differentiate unterscheiden, differenzieren +
D 派別 + * * pai4bie2 faction/ group Gruppe, Fraktion +
D 別扭 + * * bie4niu unnatural/ awkward widerwärtig,ungeschickt, unnatürlich, unangenehm +
D 離別 + * * li2bie2 part with sich trennen, verlassen +
D 各別 + * * ge4bie2 individual/ idiographic unterschiedlich, eigenartig +
D 識別 + * * shi2bie2 identify unterscheiden, erkennen +
D 不辭而別 + * * bu4 ci2 er2 bie2 leave without saying goodbye gehen ohne auf Wiedersehen zu sagen +
Oxford 32000GlossEngDeu

Mcc SentencesGbEng
241 担心 + Don't worry!
242 妈妈 孩子 道别 + The mother is saying goodbye to her child.
489 钻戒 形状 特别 + The shape of this diamond ring is very unique.
657 它们 外表 什么 差别 + How does their external appearance differ?
767 转身 道别 + She turned and said goodbye to me.
803 裤子 裤腰 特别 + The waist of these pants is really big.
926 它们 之间 存在 明显 差别 + There's an obvious difference between them.
1002 葡萄 本质 没有 差别 + There's no essential difference between the two kinds of grapes.
1072 今天 工作 特别 + Work was really tiring today.
1125 善于 别人 交流 + She's good at communicating with others.
1560 挥手 告别 + She waves goodbye to me.
1730 孩子 惯坏 + Don't spoil the child.
1761 + Stop shouting.
1818 天气 小心 冻坏 + It's cold, so be careful not to catch a cold.
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 + There's a real water shortage here.
2168 需要 别人 施舍 + He depends on people's charity.
2200 女朋友 辞别 + He's saying goodbye to his girlfriend.
2247 做错 不要 别人 + Don't blame others unfairly for things that you've done wrong.
2269 出去 外头 台风 + Don't go out, there's a typhoon blowing!
2486 盗取 别人 隐私 + He's stealing people's private information.
2664 生气 + Come on, don't get angry.
2756 领带 + Don't pull my tie!
2803 心眼 容不下 别人 + She's narrow-minded and can't tolerate other people.
3394 忌讳 别人 + He resents (lit., considers it taboo) others saying he's fat.
3550 欧洲 客栈 别有 风味 + This little European inn has a distinctive charm of its own.

10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
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