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couple + two of something; two people; a pair ?
cup + small round container used to hold liquids for drinking ?
group + number of people or things gathered together ?
stupid + not intelligent; lacking the ability to learn easily ?
support + To give assistance or advice to someone ?
supporter + someone who shows they are in favor of idea/plan ?
suppose + To imagine or guess what might happen ?
up + Move higher; raise ?
upon + More formal term for on ?
supplier + organization that provides a product or service ?
supply + To give or sell goods to others for their use ?
upper + Located above others of the same kind ?
upset + Troubled, worried, or angry ?
occupy + To fill a time, a space, or an area ?
pupil + person who is being taught, in a school, etc ?
supplement + add extra to support or make something complete ?
update + To bring something up to date (usually by adding something) ?

trad: 一對夫妻在公園裏散步。 simpl. 一对夫妻在公园里散步。

Yī duì fūqī zài gōngyuán lǐ sànbù.

The couple are taking a walk in the park.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Các cặp vợ chồng đang đi dạo trong công viên. ?
Các cặp vợ chồng đang dùng một đi bộ trong công viên. ?
( Human Translation: )


Zhuōzi shàng yǒu yī bēi kāfēi.

There is a cup of coffee on the table.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Có một tách cà phê trên bàn. ?
Đó là một tách cà phê trên bàn. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 我和媽媽去超市。 simpl. 我和妈妈去超市。

Wǒ hé māma qù chāoshì.

My mom and I are going to the supermarket.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Mẹ tôi và tôi đang đi đến siêu thị. ?
Mẹ tôi và tôi đang đi đến siêu thị. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 要是你不來,我就跟你分手。 simpl. 要是你不来,我就跟你分手。

Yàoshi nǐ bù lái, wǒ jiù gēn nǐ fēnshǒu.

If you don not come, I am going to break up with you.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Nếu bạn không đến, tôi sẽ chia tay với bạn. ?
Nếu bạn không đến, tôi sẽ chia tay với bạn. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 我七點起床。 simpl. 我七点起床。

Wǒ qī diǎn qǐchuáng.

I get up at seven in the morning.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Tôi dậy lúc bảy giờ sáng. ?
Tôi thức dậy lúc bảy vào buổi sáng. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 我每天定時起床。 simpl. 我每天定时起床。

Wǒ měi tiān dìngshí qǐchuáng.

I get up at a fixed time every day.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Tôi thức dậy vào một thời điểm cố định mỗi ngày. ?
Tôi thức dậy tại một thời điểm cố định mỗi ngày. ?
( Human Translation: )

the supper ? bữa ăn tối ? WOLD
stupid ? ngu ? WOLD
the pupil ? học sinh ? WOLD

soup ? canh ? Food
Pho / noodle soup ? Món phở ? Food
Pho / noodle soup ? phở  ? Food
She supports the zoo. ? Cô ấy ủng hộ sở thú. ? Verbs 1
How do you cook the soup? ? Bạn nấu canh như thế nào? ? Questions 2
They do not support rich people. ? Họ không ủng hộ người giàu. ? Adjectives 1
They support me, so they help me. ? Họ ủng hộ tôi, nên họ giúp đỡ tôi. ? Conjunctions
Hurry up! ? Nhanh lên! ? Common Phrases 2
Say "hurry up!".hurry up! ? Nói "nhanh lên". Nhanh lên! ? Common Phrases 2
Hurry up! Give me the window. ? ? Common Phrases 2
Hurry up if you want to win. ? Nhanh lên nếu bạn muốn thắng. ? Common Phrases 2
Thank you for your support! ? Cảm ơn sự ủng hộ của bạn. ? Nominalization
the support ? sự ủng hộ ? Nominalization
Do you support me? ( 2, interjection) ? ? Verbs 2.5
The nurses are supporting the doctor. ? Các y tá đang hỗ trợ bác sĩ. ? Verbs 2.5
Do you support me? ? Bạn hỗ trợ tôi ư? ? Verbs 2.5
support ? hỗ trợ ? Verbs 2.5
Thanks for your support and cooperation. ? Cảm ơn vì sự hỗ trợ và sự hợp tác của bạn. ? Verbs 2.5
She wants to be a teacher although nobody supports her. ? Cô ấy muốn trở thành một giáo viên mặc dù không ai ủng hộ cô ấy. ? Conjunctions 2
You can buy food from the supermarket ? Bạn có thể mua thức ăn từ siêu thị. ? Places
supermarket ? siêu thị ? Places
They support the women, except her. ? Họ ủng hộ những người phụ nữ, ngoại trừ cô ấy. ? Prepositions 2
They seem to be a couple. ? Họ có vẻ là một đôi. ? Common Phrases 3
He betrayed us and we do not support this. ? Anh ấy đã phản bội chúng tôi vàchúng tôi không ủng hộ điều này. ? Relative Clauses
My dad always supports me. That makes us happy. ? Bố của tôi luôn ủng hộ tôi. Việc đó làm chúng tôi hạnh phúc. ? Relative Clauses
We support our customers. ? Chúng tôi hỗ trợ những khách hàng của mình. ? People
How many customers are buying vegetables in the supermarket? ? Có bao nhiêu khách hàng đang mua rau trong siêu thị? ? People
We are a group. ? Chúng tôi là một nhóm. ? Abstract Objects 1
group ? nhóm ? Abstract Objects 1
My older brother always gets up after me. ? Anh trai của tôi luôn dậy sau tôi. ? Verbs 4
They do not want to get up, although they must go to work. ? Họ không muốn dậy mặc dù họ phải đi làm. ? Verbs 4
get up ? dậy ? Verbs 4
Does she let the little boy stay up late? ? Cô ấy để cậu bé thức khuya? ? Verbs 4
We should not stay up late. ? Chúng tôi không nên thức khuya. ? Verbs 4
stay up late ? thức khuya ? Verbs 4
The supermarket network here is very modern. ? Mạng lưới siêu thị ở đây rất hiện đại. ? Communication
I want to order a cup of hot coffee. ? Tôi muốn gọi một ly cà phê nóng. ? Adjectives 2
We are ready to support you. ? Chúng tôi sẵn sàng hỗ trợ bạn. ? Adjectives 2
How do you define corruption? ? Bạn định nghĩa tham nhũng như thế nào? ? Politics
corruption ? tham nhũng ? Politics
We do not support the policy of the mayor. ? Chúng tôi không ủng hộ chính sách của thị trưởng. ? Politics
The wealth of that politician is the result of corruption. ? Sự giàu có của chính trị gia đó là kết quả của tham nhũng. ? Politics
My family supports this treatment. ? Gia đình của tôi ủng hộ sự điều trị này. ? Medical
What is your blood group? ? Nhóm máu của bạn là gì? ? Medical
blood group ? Nhóm máu ? Medical
That corporation goes bankrupt because of too uch corruption. ? Tập đoàn đó phá sản vì quá nhiều tham nhũng. ? Economics
If my company does not evade tax, it will go bankrupt. ? Nếu công ty của tôi không trốn thuế, thì nó sẽ phá sản. ? Economics
go bankrupt ? phá sản ? Economics
Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. ? Sao Mộc là hành tinh lớn nhất trong Hệ Mặt Trời. ? Astronomy
I flew to Jupiter in my dream. ? Tôi đã bay đến Sao Mộc trong giấc mơ của tôi. ? Astronomy
Jupiter ? Sao Mộc ? Astronomy
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Jupiter are terrestial planets. ? Sao Thuỷ, Sao Kim, Trái Đất và Sao Hoả là các hành tinh đất. ? Astronomy
The dentists do not want stupid plans. ? Các nha sĩ không muốn những kế hoạch ngu ngốc. ? Adjectives 3
He is not stupid. ? Anh ấy không ngu ngốc. ? Adjectives 3
stupid ? ngu ngốc ? Adjectives 3
I can lift up the whole world. ? Tôi có thể nhấc cả thế giới lên. ? Verbs 5
lift up ? nhấc lên ? Verbs 5
The children want to uphold their tradition. ? Những đứa trẻ muốn phát huy truyền thống của mình. ? Verbs 5
uphold ? phát huy ? Verbs 5
water puppetry ? Múa rối nước ? History
I am not against war, but I support peace. ? Tôi không chống chiến tranh, nhưng tôi ủng hộ hoà bình. ? Military
My mother is a superstitious person. ? Mẹ của tôi là một người mê tín. ? Paranormality
I am not superstitious, but I believe science can explain the existence of ? Tôi không mê tín nhưng tôi tin khoa học có thể giải thích sự tồn tại của ma. ? Paranormality
superstitious ? mê tín ? Paranormality
No one can suppress the truth. ? Không ai có thể bưng bít sự thật. ? Reduplicative Words
suppress ? bưng bít ? Reduplicative Words
I get stood up ? Tôi bị cho leo cây. ? Informal Expressions
The doctor also gives up. ? Bác sĩ cũng bó tay. ? Informal Expressions
I give up on your problem. ? Tôi bó tay với vấn đề của bạn. ? Informal Expressions
She drinks coffee to stay up all night. ? Cô ấy uống cà phê để thức trắng đêm. ? Informal Expressions
Staying up all night is not good for health. ? Thức trắng đêm không tốt cho sức khoẻ. ? Informal Expressions
stay up all night ? thức trắng đêm ? Informal Expressions
Today the supermarket becomes crowded. ? Hôm nay, siêu thị trở nên đông đúc. ? Reduplicative Words 2

Where is the supermarket? Ở đâu có siêu thị? * 017
The children are cleaning up the children’s room. Những đứa bé dọn dẹp phòng trẻ em. * 020
My husband is tidying up his desk. Chồng của tôi dọn dẹp bàn làm việc của anh ấy. * 020
I am hanging up the laundry. Tôi phơi quần áo. * 020
Are you cooking the soup in this pot? Bạn nấu xúp ở trong nồi này à? * 021
I will pick you up at the office. Tôi đón bạn ở văn phòng nhé. * 026
I will pick you up at home. Tôi đón bạn ở nhà. * 026
I will pick you up at the bus stop. Tôi đón bạn ở bến / trạm xe buýt. * 026
Could you please wake me up at 7 o’clock? Bạn sẽ đánh thức tôi vào lúc 7.00 giờ được không? * 036
Is there a discount for groups? Có giảm giá dành cho nhóm không? * 044
I want to go to the supermarket. Tôi muốn đến siêu thị. * 053
I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. Tôi muốn đến siêu thị để mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. * 053
Where are the office supplies? Đồ văn phòng phẩm ở đâu? * 054
I need a cupboard and a chest of drawers. Tôi cần một cái tủ cao và một tủ ngăn kéo. * 054
I need a couple of stamps. Tôi cần vài cái tem. * 061
I want to pick up the bank statements. Tôi muốn lấy các phiếu ghi trương mục chuyển khoản. * 062
You must get up early. Bạn phải thức dậy sớm. * 074
They were allowed to stay up late. Mấy đứa ấy đã được phép thức khuya. * 090
Get up, Mr. Miller! Xin ông đứng dậy, ông Müller! * 091
Don’t be stupid! Bạn đừng dốt thế! * 091
I get up as soon as the alarm rings. Tôi thức dậy ngay khi đồng hồ báo thức kêu. * 098
He is not only stupid, but also lazy. Anh ấy không chỉ dốt, mà còn lười biếng nữa. * 100

bưng bít + to suppress hỗ trợ + to support múa rối nước + water puppetry nghề nghiệp + occupation ngu ngốc + stupid phát huy + to uphold tham nhũng + corruption thức khuya + to stay up late thức trắng đêm + stay up all night ủng hộ + to support

like: up ? ?
Father Superior ? Cha Bề Trên ?
Father superior ? Cha bề trên ?
U.S. Supreme Court ? Tòa Tối Cao Hoa Kỳ ?
the Polish president became a puppet of Russia ? Tổng Thống Ba Lan đã làm bù nhìn chi Ngã ?
(1) (exclamation of surprise, regret, etc.)
(2) sickle
(3) to rush, dash
(4) to gather
(5) to flatter, curry favor with, kiss up to
(6) area of 100 square meters
? a ?
to live in peace, happiness with one’s occupation ? an cư lạc nghiệp ?
workplace, occupational safety ? an toàn lao động ?
interrupter ? anh te ruýp tơ ?
mixed up, messed up ? ba rọi ?
rolling waves, misfortune, ups and downs ? ba đào ?
fever with eruption ? ban bạch ?
theater troupe, theatrical group ? ban kịch ?
to consist of, include, embrace, have, be made up of, comprise ? bao gồm ?
to cover up, wrap, envelope, include ? bao phủ ?
military supplies ? binh nhu ?
(1) military
(2) parallel, couple
? biền ?
couplet, parallel sentences, parallel constructions ? biền ngẫu ?
style using couplets ? biền văn ?
to tie up at the corners ? buộc túm ?
to let a cup slip down from one’s hand ? buột tay đánh rơi cái chén ?
pharmacy, druggist; to dispense, prepare medicines, make up medicines ? bào chế ?
(1) see bầy
(2) to display, arrange, set up, show, exhibit
? bày ?
to tell stories, make up a story ? bày chuyện ?
to show support, demonstrate support ? bày tỏ sự hậu thuẫn ?
air supremacy ? bá chủ không trung ?
to set up a ladder ? bác than ?
all, many trades, occupations, arts and crafts ? bách nghệ ?
glutinous rice chupatty ? bánh phồng ?
glutinous rice chupatty mixed with powdered shrimp ? bánh phồng tôm ?
draw up in battle array ? bát trận ?
(1) to group, swarm (around, over), cluster (flies)
(2) collar
? bâu ?
typhoon, hurricane, violent storm, great upheaval, severe ordeal ? bão táp ?
(1) party, faction, band, group, circle, gang, society, alliance
(2) raft, float
? ?
party, group, faction ? bè nhóm ?
storm in a teacup, much ado about nothing ? bé xé ra to ?
over, above, upper, uppermost ? bên trên ?
to protect, defend, take the side of, support ? bênh ?
to protect, support, defend, shield ? bênh vực ?
to close up, fill up, block ? bít ?
(1) cotton
(2) flower, blossom, [CL for flowers]
(3) coupon
(4) to joke, jest, kid around
? bông ?
(1) to compensate for, make up for
(2) messed up, disheveled (hair)
? ?
compensate for a loss, make up for a loss ? bù hao ?
scarecrow, puppet, tool ? bù nhìn ?
to foster, bring up carefully, help wholeheartedly ? bù trì ?
to balance, complement, compensate, make up for ? bù trừ ?
to swell up, flare up ? bùng dậy ?
vermicelli and sour crab soup, noodles in crab chowder ? bún riêu ?
vermicelli and chicken soup, noodles in chicken ? bún thang ?
shellfish soup and vermicelli ? bún ốc ?
doll, puppet ? búp bê ?
doll, puppet ? búp bế ?
go up hill and down dale ? băng ngàn ?
misfortune and fortune, ups and downs, happiness and unhappiness ? bĩ thái ?
silly, stupid ? ?
to cover up, hide, suppress, hush up; black out ? bưng bít ?
to cover up, hide the truth ? bưng bít sự thật ?
corrupted ? bại hoại ?
bankrupt, ruined, ruinous ? bại sản ?
(1) careless, negligent, rash, reckless
(2) epilogue
(3) to pull up, remove
(4) to moor
? bạt ?
outstanding, superhuman ? bạt chúng ?
dictionary of occupational titles ? bản lệt kê nghề nghiệp ?
to suppress one’s anger silently ? bấm gan ?
therapy of point injection, point acupuncture ? bấm huyệt ?
not to like, not to support ? bất phục ?
from then till now, up until now, until this day ? bấy nay ?
report to superior ? bẩm bạch ?
report to a superior ? bẩm trình ?
to prize up a pillar ? bẩy cột nhà ?
to prize up a slab of stone ? bẩy hòn đá ?
(1) busy, occupied
(2) to dress, wear clothes
(3) time, occurrence
? bận ?
busy, occupied; annoyed ? bận bịu ?
busy, occupied; busily ? bận rôn ?
busy, occupied ? bận việc ?
(1) to build (across something), put up
(2) north, northern, Chinese
(3) ferry boat
? bắc ?
to strike up a conversation ? bắt chuyện ?
to strike up a conversation with ? bắt chuyện với ?
to arrest, detain, lock up, imprison, take into custody, incarcerate ? bắt giam ?
to catch up with, keep pace with ? bắt kịp ?
establish liaison, contact, link up, communications ? bắt liên lạc ?
to seize debtor’s property (in payment or in attempt to speed up payment) ? bắt nợ ?
to take root-to pick out and train into a stalwart supporter ? bắt rễ ?
to chop up (into very small bits) ? bằm ?
(1) to carry in one’s arms (a child), pick up
(2) close
? bế ?
to surge up, emerge; to float, bob ? bềnh ?
(gun) support ? bệ tì ?
plait or braid one’s hair, do up one’s hair in a plait; join, associate oneself (with) ? bện tóc ?
(1) to sit on the ground
(2) silly, stupid
? bệt ?
to be delayed or interrupted for 18 months ? bị gián đoạn 18 tháng ?
to become bankrupt, declare bankruptcy ? bị phá sản ?
to be woken up (unpleasantly) ? bị thức giấc ?
to be broken, ruptured ? bị vỡ ?
to tell tall tales, make up stories ? bịa chuyện ?
to fake, forge, fabricate, make up, invent, imagine ? bịa đặt ?
a group of people ? bọn chúng ?
those guys, that group of people ? bọn chúng nó ?
group of people ? bọn người ?
guys, group of men ? bọn đàn ông ?
to forget or give up for a while ? bỏ bẵng ?
to quit, give up, throw in the towel ? bỏ cuộc ?
to give up easily ? bỏ cuộc dễ dàng ?
to invest, put up money ? bỏ ra ?
to abandon, give up, drop ? bỏ rơi ?
to give up an idea ? bỏ ý nghĩ ?
to burn up, burst into flames ? bốc cháy ?
to lift up, rise up ? bốc lên ?
to pick up the phone ? bốc phôn ?
(1) back
(2) age, group, generation
(3) shells, valuables
? bối ?
four-legged, quadruped ? bốn chân ?
rock, swing, move up and down, rocking, swinging ? bống bếnh ?
(1) to build up with earth
(2) to strengthen, make strong, glue together
(3) houseboy, waiter
(4) to reimburse, compensate, restore, indemnify
? bồi ?
to build up one’s health, strengthen, fortify ? bồi bổ ?
compensation, damages; to compensate, make up for, pay damages ? bồi thường ?
(1) to hit, split, cleave, open (a fruit)
(2) nutritious, nourishing
(3) to add, complement, supplement
(4) to appoint, name
? bổ ?
to nourish, build up, fortify ? bổ dưỡng ?
to supplement, fill ? bổ khuyết ?
to add, complete, supplement, make good (on something) ? bổ sung ?
to supplement, complement ? bổ túc ?
(1) to rise (up)
(2) bonus, pay, salary
? bổng ?
up and down, the ups and downs ? bổng trầm ?
by chance, by accident, suddenly, all of a sudden, abruptly ? bỗng không ?
to speak up frankly ? bộc bạch ?
to flare up violently, surge vigorously ? bột khởi ?
dull, stupid ? bớ ngớ ?
to dig with fingers or paws, dig up, find ? bới ?
to make up stories ? bới chuyện ?
to fasten up one’s hair ? bới tác ?
to do up one’s hair ? bới tóc ?
a picture hung upside down ? bức tranh treo ngược ?
to upset, bother; upset, bothered ? bức xúc ?
to lift, take up, uproot ? bứng ?
to flare up, flame up, blush, turn suddenly red, burst out ? bừng ?
wake up suddenly ? bừng tỉnh ?
dinner, supper, evening meal ? bữa ăn chiều ?
irritated, angry, upset ? bực bội ?
(1) to manage, administer, govern, supervise, rule
(2) administrator, foreman
(3) corporal (military rank)
? cai quản ?
to quit drinking, give up alcohol ? cai rượu ?
to resign oneself to, make up one’s mind to ? cam tâm ?
(1) to stop, dissuade
(2) to concern, involve
(3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up
(4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac
(5) shield
(6) liver
(7) to accuse
? can ?
(1) soup
(2) to guard, watch over
(3) to plow
(4) to change, alter
(5) 7th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? canh ?
this shrimp soup is very tasty ? canh tôm ngọt lừ ?
to go up and down, fluctuate ? cao hạ ?
best pupil ? cao đệ ?
revengeful and bent on recoup one’s losses (like a bad loser), con ? cay cú ?
to souse soup on rice ? chan canh ?
set up a stage ? che rạp ?
to cover (up), conceal ? che đậy ?
to cover up the truth ? che đậy sự thật ?
to separate, break up, divide, partition, isolate, partition ? chia cắt ?
to separate a pair, couple ? chia uyên rẽ thúy ?
(1) (of a rice harvest) fifth lunar month
(2) to look up to, admire, observe
(3) to divine
(4) Cham
? chiêm ?
to call up the soul (of a dead person) ? chiêu hồn ?
to make up 80% ? chiếm 80 phần trăm ?
to occupy, take up, make up, seize, take possession, gain, usurp, win ? chiếm ?
to occupy forcefully, take possession of, seize ? chiếm cứ ?
to make up a majority ? chiếm phần lớn ?
to make up approximately 25% ? chiếm vào khoảng 25% ?
to occupy an important position ? chiếm vị trí quan trọng ?
to make up a 2/3 majority ? chiếm đa số 2/3 ?
to make up the majority ? chiếm đa số ?
to occupy (territory); occupation ? chiếm đóng ?
until, up to ? cho tới ?
until now, up until now ? cho tới ngày nay ?
until day, up until now ? cho đến hôn nay ?
as yet, up until now ? cho đến nay ?
(1) to throw over
(2) to wake up suddenly
? choàng ?
crazy story, messed up story ? chuyện phi lý ?
be fed up with ? chán ngấy ?
to blaze up, burst into flame(s), go up in flames ? cháy bùng ?
licked up by the flame ? cháy sém ?
burn up completely, burn down ? cháy trụi ?
to block, keep back, suppress ? chèn ép ?
(1) cup, bowl, cupful
(2) to eat and drink
? chén ?
a cup made of red precious ? chén hà ?
large tea cup (used to pour tea into smaller ones) ? chén tống ?
sink and float, ups and downs ? chìm nổi ?
(1) will, volition
(2) to, up to
? chí ?
coup (d’état), revolution, political upheaval, putsch ? chính biến ?
honest, straightforward, truthful, upright ? chính trực ?
straightforward, upright, legitimate, correct ? chính đính ?
tuft (of hair), clump (of trees), bunch (of flowers), group (of stars) ? chòm ?
to resist, oppose, support ? chõi ?
to gaze at, concentrate one’s attention upon ? chú mục ?
group, people; (pluralizer for persons) ? chúng ?
care, attention, supervision; to see to, look after, take care of, attend on (upon), care for ? chăm sóc ?
to act stupidly, do something dumb ? chơi ngu ?
larder, pantry, cupboard ? chạn ?
to throw up the game and go bankrupt ? chạy làng ?
to pile up, heap up ? chất đống ?
accumulate, pile up, huddle together, flock, cluster ? chập chồng ?
pick up, glean ? chắt mót ?
to sop up, dab ? chặm ?
to be stupefied to insensibility (with pain) ? chết điếng ?
to be influenced by; to sustain, bear, accept, be subject to, experience (something unpleasant, difficult), endure, stand, put up with; on credit ? chịu ?
to give up easily ? chịu thua dễ dàng ?
open to bribery, corruptible, venal, bribable ? chịu ăn ?
to be able to stand, able to tolerate, able to put up with ? chịu được ?
to confront, stand up to ? chống chọi ?
anti-corruption ? chống tham nhũng ?
to jump up, spring up ? chồm ?
to accumulate, gather; superposition ? chồng chất ?
to snatch (up), grab ? chộp lấy ?
to light up, flash ? chớp lên ?
group of 10, dozen ? chục ?
to spring upon and seize; to take (photographs) ? chụp ?
to manage, direct, sponsor, be responsible for; management, direction, supervision ? chủ trì ?
shriveled up (from cold) ? co ro ?
to curl up, shrivel up ? co rúm ?
to look after, take care of, supervise, mind ? coi sóc ?
(1) to supply
(2) bow (used with arrows)
? cung ?
supply (in a market); provide; to furnish, supply, provide ? cung cấp ?
to supply, provide a service ? cung cấp dịch vụ ?
to supply, provide information ? cung cấp tin tức ?
provide, supply; to wait upon, serve ? cung phụng ?
to answer, fill a need, supply, furnish, provide ? cung ứng ?
to clear out, pack up and go, leave ? cuốn gói ?
a conflict flared up, war broke out ? cuộc chiến bùng lên ?
fight or struggle against corruption ? cuộc đấu tranh chống tham nhũng ?
a life full of ups and downs ? cuộc đời nổi chìm ?
arc suppression coil ? cuộn dập hồ quang ?
(of snake) coil up or twist, wind, meander ? cuộn khúc ?
to roll up, curl up ? cuộn tròn ?
(1) [CL for most inanimate objects, isolated events]
(2) object, thing
(3) female
(4) main, principle
(5) solid substances in soup (as opposed to nước, the liquid, broth)
? cái ?
group of professional beggars ? cái bang ?
job, occupation ? cái công việc ?
occupation,trade, profession ? cái nghề ?
stupidity, foolishness ? cái ngu ?
stupidity ? cái ngây ngô ?
(act of) stupidity, stupid thing ? cái ngố ?
group (derogatory) ? cái tụi ?
adjudicate bankruptcy ? cáo cùng ?
mute, unable to speak; to be quiet, shut up, hold one’s tongue ? câm ?
to keep quiet, keep one’s mouth shut, shut up, hold one’s tongue ? câm mồm ?
dab, pull the fishing rod up and down (to tempt fish) ? câu nhắp ?
and more, over, more than, superfluous ? có dư ?
wealthy but stupid ? cóc tía ?
wealthy but stupid ? cóc vàng ?
young lady (of upper class family) ? cô chiêu ?
to be up to one’s ears in work ? công việc ngập đầu ?
to bring up, feed ? cúc dục ?
to fawn (upon), grovel (before) ? cúi luồn ?
to hang up the phone ? cúp máy ?
to hang up the phone ? cúp phôn ?
to hang up the phone ? cúp điện thoại ?
angry, upset, indignant ? căm phẫn ?
rice and gruel mixed up together ? cơm cháo nháo nhào ?
food and clothing, means of support or subsistence ? cơm áo ?
(1) to support, help, aid
(2) pigeon, turtledove
? cưu ?
to interrupt (conversation, speech) ? cướp lời ?
doubled up with laughter ? cười bò ?
to be doubled up with laughter, split ? cười ngặt nghẽo ?
to laugh uproariously, burst into peals of laughter ? cười như nắc nẻ ?
forced marriage; to force a marriage (upon) ? cưỡng hôn ?
to drink up (one’s glass of wine), drain one’s cup ? cạn chén ?
advanced, upper, high (level) ? cấp cao ?
water supply ? cấp nước ?
higher, senior, superior, higher authorities ? cấp trên ?
(1) to hide, store, put away
(2) to lift, elevate, pick up, erect, build, construct
(3) to distill
? cất ?
raise one’s cup of wine ? cất chén ?
to complete, form, make up, create, compose ? cấu thành ?
to build, create, compose, construct, design, engender; structure, makeup, composition ? cấu tạo ?
to pick up a fork ? cầm nĩa lên ?
to support the king, rescue the king ? cần vương ?
close-up, foreground ? cận cảnh ?
to revise, update; up to date ? cập nhật ?
set up (plant) landmarks ? cắm mốc ?
accumulate, lay up, store up, put up, save up ? cắp nắp ?
to interrupt (someone who is speaking) ? cắt lời ?
to cut up vegetables ? cắt rau ?
to interrupt one’s train of thought ? cắt đứt luồng tư tưởng ?
(1) pair, couple
(2) schoolbag, backpack, briefcase
(3) to pinch, grip
? cặp ?
husband and wife, married couple ? cặp vợ chồng ?
(1) glass, cup, glassful
(2) to hit on the head with one’s finger
(3) cormorant
(4) ravine, valley
(5) cereal, grain
? cốc ?
eye cup (for cleaning the eye) ? cốc rửa mắt ?
loyal party member, core member (of a group); major, key ? cốt cán ?
obsolete, superannuated, old-fashioned, outdated ? cổ lỗ sĩ ?
coupon, share certificate, share (of stock) ? cổ phiếu ?
to excite, encourage, support ? cổ võ ?
to support, advocate, call for; to applaud, praise, eulogize ? cổ xúy ?
fan, supporter ? cổ động viên ?
stand-up collar ? cổ đứng ?
(1) grove, clump, tuft, grove, bunch
(2) group, crowd, set
? cụm ?
group of words, phrase, expression ? cụm từ ?
to help the poor, render assistance, lend support ? cứu cơ ?
past pupil, former student, alumna, alumnus ? cựu học sinh ?
the naming of the group as Frontier ? danh xưng của nhóm là Frontier ?
leave for enemy-occupied zones ? dinh tê ?
to wipe out corruption ? diệt tham nhũng ?
to set up, get ready ? dàn sẵn ?
to put up a poster ? dán áp phích ?
old voluptuary, dirty old man, old goat ? dê già ?
redundant, surplus, extra, superfluous ? dư thừa ?
supported by, with the support of ? dưới sự yểm trợ ?
silly, naive, stupid, unwise ? dại ?
foolish, stupid ? dại dột ?
clumsy, stupid ? dại khờ ?
to educate, teach, instruct, bring up, rear, guide ? dạy bảo ?
speak in a superior tone, speak with a superior air, talk ? dạy đời ?
to show up, show one’s face ? dẫn xác ?
to wake up, get up, rise (up) ? dậy ?
to come up, to arise ? dậy lên ?
to get up late ? dậy muộn ?
to get up, wake up early ? dậy sớm ?
way up hill and down dale, frontier area ? dặm ngàn ?
to close up shop, stop trading ? dẹp tiệm ?
soft, flexible, supple, pliable, malleable ? dẻo ?
superstition; superstitious ? dị đoan ?
to clean up, strip bare ? dọn sạch ?
to open up a path, pave the way ? dọn đường ?
turn (something) upside down ? dốc ngược ?
deceiving the superior and defrauding ? dối trên lừa dưới ?
on end, erect, upright, ruffle up ? dửng ?
to be stirred up; wild, agitated ? dửng mỡ ?
backup; to provide for (some undesirable event) ? dự phòng ?
to go up for an examination ? dự thi ?
to set up, erect, raise, found ? dựng ?
to set up, found a nation ? dựng nước ?
to fabricate (story), stand up (vertically) ? dựng đứng ?
when did you get up, wake up? ? em ngủ dậy lúc mấy giờ ?
to put one’s name down, sign up, write one’s name on a list ? ghi tên ?
to attach, join, collect, group, connect, couple ? ghép ?
to couple an antenna ? ghép ăng ten ?
to pull (up, back), restrain, reign in, hold back ? ghìm ?
to detain, lock up, confine ? giam hãm ?
to copulate, couple, have sexual intercourse ? giao cấu ?
beat up, thrash thoroughly ? già đòn ?
trample upon ? giày xéo ?
to inspect, supervise, oversee; surveillance ? giám sát ?
inspector, supervisor ? giám sát viên ?
observer, proctor, superintendent ? giám thị ?
director, manager, supervisor ? giám đốc ?
discontinuity; to break off, interrupt, delay, put off; interrupted, discontinued ? gián đoạn ?
religious group, sect, denomination ? giáo phái ?
face each other in fighting, be line up in battle-array in front ? giáp chiến ?
(1) to start, jump up
(2) to refuse categorically, refuse very positively
? giãy nảy ?
to hang up, stretch, extend, spread ? giăng ?
to play stupid, pretend to be stupid ? giả ngố ?
to suppose, supposing ? giả sử ?
to suppose; supposition, theory ? giả thiết ?
revenge oneself (upon for), take vengeance (on for), avenge ? giả thù ?
breakup the troops ? giải binh ?
to adjourn, dissolve, break up, disband, disperse ? giải tán ?
to break up a movement ? giải tán phong trào ?
to hide, cover up, conceal ? giấu giếm ?
to (make) even, (make) level, dig up, unearth, pull up, settle, arrange, fix up ? giẫy ?
to become mad, upset ? giận dữ ?
to prick up one’s ears ? giỏng tai ?
(1) (classifier); limit, border
(2) group of people, family, community, group
? giới ?
retirees (as a group of people) ? giới hưu trí ?
Labor (as a group of people), the working class ? giới lao động ?
to keep one’s words, live up to one’s word ? giữ lời ?
to keep up, take care of a house ? giữ nhà ?
widower who brings up his children ? gà trống nuôi con ?
eccentric and crack-brained, stupid, idiotic ? gàn dở ?
to strike up a friendship with (someone), make friends ? gá nghĩa ?
(1) upper floor, upper story
(2) to guard, watch
(3) to put, set on
(4) to forget about
? gác ?
to hang up the phone ? gác máy ?
to hang up the phone ? gác phôn ?
troupe, theatre company ? gánh hát ?
(1) to cause, bring about, create, set up
(2) to quarrel
? gây ?
pick up a quarrel, start an argument ? gây lộn ?
to cause a public uproar ? gây xôn xao dư luận ?
to collect, pick up, amass, accumulate ? góp nhặt ?
(1) to cheat, dupe, trick, deceive, beguile
(2) to reject, turn aside
? gạt ?
flip of, poke and turn upside down, play, pluck ? gảy ?
to square up to, have one’s hackles up ? gầm ghè ?
to pick up with chopsticks ? gắp ?
conjure up a deal person’s soul ? gọi hồn ?
mobilize, call up, draft ? gọi lính ?
to call up capital, appeal for funds ? gọi vốn ?
to call up, invoke an idea, notion ? gọi ý ?
to call up, telephone to ? gọi điện thoại ?
to arouse, waken, stir, evoke, conjure up, revive, rouse, excite ? gợi ?
to evoke, conjure up an image ? gợi hình ?
double-faced; duplicity ? hai mặt ?
the married couple ? hai vợ chồng ?
an upright gentleman, a true gentleman ? hiền nhân quân tử ?
corporation, group, union ? hiệp đoàn ?
complete, total support ? hoàn toàn ủng hộ ?
give up the frock, return to the secular life ? hoàn tục ?
turn over a new leaf, reform, give up one’s bad ways for a good life ? hoán cải ?
to give up, sacrifice one’s life ? hy sinh đời mình ?
to warm (up), make warm ? hâm ?
to be an upstart, be a parvenu ? hãnh tiến ?
to wilt, dry up, wither, fade ? héo ?
wither, drop, curl up, roll up ? héo queo ?
be absorbed in, be engrossed in, be wrapped up in ? hì hà hì hục ?
with zeal, zealously, give oneself up to, surrender oneself ? hì hục ?
swim up and down ? hì hụp ?
paper and bamboo puppet (to be burned on worship) ? hình nhân ?
to break even, recoup one’s investment or costs or expenses ? hòa vốn ?
makeup; to camouflage, disguise oneself ? hóa trang ?
to inhale, smoke, suck (air, smoke) absorb, take up (water) ? hút ?
to have a flare-up of zeal (enthusiasm) ? hăng máu ?
vicissitudes, ups and downs ? hưng suy ?
to echo, respond, answer, support; response ? hưởng ứng ?
go down the mountain (upon completion of training) ? hạ sơn ?
to insist upon ? hạch sách ?
straight, upright ? hạo nhiên ?
naval support area ? hải khu hải trợ ?
naval support ? hải trợ ?
task group (naval) ? hải đội đặc nhiệm ?
to jerk up one’s chin (as a sign); to raise one’s voice ? hất hàm ?
(1) almost, nearly, virtually
(2) to wait upon, serve
(3) in order to
(4) monkey
? hầu ?
to invoke, call upon spirits ? hầu bóng ?
boil over with suppressed anger, burst with suppressed anger ? hậm hực ?
force in support in the rear, support rear troops ? hậu thuẩn ?
support, backing; to support, back ? hậu thuẫn ?
to stop putting up with, endure no longer ? hết chịu nổi ?
corrupt system ? hệ thống tham nhũng ?
mug up, bone up on ? học gạo ?
student, pupil ? học trò ?
to study reeducation (euphemism for being in a reeducation camp) ? học tập cải tạo ?
hold a market, open up a market ? họp chợ ?
ask (pupils) questions on a lesson ? hỏi bài ?
to ask stupid questions ? hỏi ngu ?
to bribe, corrupt; bribe, bribery ? hối lộ ?
make up a prescription (by a herbalist) ? hốt thuốc ?
to give up the frock, return to the secular life, to ? hồi tục ?
to support, help (one another); help, support; aid, assistance; mutual ? hỗ trợ ?
all jumbled up, all of a jumble ? hỗn quân hỗn quan ?
local puppet administration (in ? hội tề ?
group, organization ? hội đoàn ?
merry, radiant; to beam, brighten up (one’s face) ? hớn hở ?
get the upper hand (of) ? hớt tay trên ?
cursory, superficial ? hời hợt ?
to put on airs; snobbish, stuck-up, self-important ? hợm mình ?
behave supercilious ? hợm đời ?
ritual sharing of the bridal cup of wine ? hợp cẩn ?
to make up, constitute, compose, form ? hợp thành ?
timely, up to date, at the proper time ? hợp thời ?
in fashion, fashionable, stylish, up-to-date ? hợp thời trang ?
to abolish, cancel, annul, give up on, repeal, abrogate ? hủy bỏ ?
to abandon a plan, give up on an idea ? hủy bỏ ý định ?
pleasure and enthusiasm, uplifting feeling, inspiration ? hững ?
shut up, be still ? im đi ?
to declare bankruptcy ? khai phá sản ?
when fortune smiles upon you, when you are favored by fortune ? khi nên ?
be proud and impertinent toward one’s superiors ? khinh mạn ?
enclave (place where a group lives) ? khu xóm ?
take up a collection ? khuyên giáo ?
give up one’s uprightness ? khuất tiết ?
provoke an uproar in, behave rowdily in ? khuấy rối ?
cough up blood ? khái huyết ?
antenatal examination, prenatal check-up, pregnancy ? khám thai ?
to watch, oversee; supervisor, watchman ? khán thủ ?
French resident superior (in central Vietnam) ? khâm sứ ?
pride, courage, sense of purpose and uprightness ? khí tiết ?
group, cluster of trees ? khóm cây ?
dried up, affected by drought, shallow ? khô cạn ?
grow up to adulthood ? khôn lớn ?
uninterrupted, constant ? không dứt ?
very naive, very foolish stupid ? khù khờ ?
pork cut at joint of tail-crupper ? khấu đuôi ?
naive and foolish, stupid ? khờ dại ?
rise up in arms (against an oppressive rule) ? khởi nghĩa ?
to start (up), initiate, reboot ? khởi động ?
surprised, shocked, stupefied; surprise ? kinh ngạc ?
to found, set up a state ? kiến quốc ?
(1) stingy, miserly
(2) exhaused, worn out, spent, used up
(3) outstanding, excellent
(4) blind alley
? kiệt ?
to save up odds and ends ? ky cóp ?
to pull up a chair ? kéo ghế ?
to pull up; to go up ? kéo lên ?
to draw up a net ? kéo lưới ?
to pull up a net ? kéo lưới lên ?
put on airs, give oneself airs, behave superciliously ? kênh kiệu ?
to appeal (to), call (up)on ? kêu gọi ?
to call upon the Vietnamese community ? kêu gọi cộng đồng người Việt ?
to appeal to, call upon (the) authorities ? kêu gọi nhà cầm quyền ?
to stir up, incite ? kích khởi ?
to stir up, incite ? kích phát ?
report respectfully (used in addressing superior) ? kính bẩm ?
pauper, beggar, poor person ? kẻ khó ?
idiot, stupid person ? kẻ ngu ?
a stupid person ? kẻ ngu dại ?
to strike up a friendship ? kết giao ?
in time; to overtake, catch up with ? kịp ?
to catch up to need ? kịp nhu cầu ?
honest, upright, honest ? liêm khiết ?
group of companies, collective, joint-venture ? liên doanh ?
group of families ? liên gia ?
linked, joined together, uninterrupted ? liên hoàn ?
constant, uninterrupted ? liên miên ?
(labor) union, federation, group, league, syndicate ? liên đoàn ?
uninterrupted, successive ? liền liền ?
the married couple, the husband and wife ? loan phượng ?
very busy with something, knee-deep in something, up to one’s ? lu bù ?
without let-up or stopping, incessantly ? luôn tay ?
to make a puppet (out of someone) ? làm bù nhìn ?
to make an estimate, draw up an estimate ? làm bản ước lượng ?
conceited, stuck up; to consider something beneath one’s dignity ? làm cao ?
to kick up a row ? làm dữ ?
to interrupt, disrupt ? làm gián đoạn ?
to rebel, vise up against ? làm loạn ?
to make it up with ? làm lành ?
to take up, start an action ? làm lấy ?
to give oneself superior airs, put on superior airs ? làm oai ?
to bankrupt (someone or something) ? làm phá sản ?
to round something up or down ? làm tròn số ?
to suprise me ? làm tôi ngạc nhiên ?
to clean up, make healthy ? lành mạnh hóa ?
Laos; cup, trophy ? lèo ?
to direct, pilot, steer, guide, head up, lead ? lèo lái ?
to steer, head up the government ? lèo lái chính phủ ?
to go up, arise, come up ? lên ?
to go up and down, be melodious ? lên bổng xuống trầm ?
to go up in price ? lên giá ?
to get (up) into bed ? lên giường ?
to raise the pitch, up the tone, raise one’s ? lên giọng ?
to go upstairs ? lên gác ?
upstairs; to go upstairs ? lên lầu ?
to pick up the phone ? lên máy ?
to come (up) to sb’s house ? lên nhà ?
to go up to one’s room ? lên phòng ?
to voice support ? lên tiếng ủng hộ ?
to increase, go up to ? lên tới ?
to increase, go up to ? lên đến ?
hoot at, spit upon, deride ? lêu ?
(cupped) palm, hollow of one’s hand ? lòng bàn tay ?
to flash up, appear ? lóe lên ?
upon leaving, upon taking leave ? lúc chia tay ?
to rush at, fall upon, dash at ? lăn xả ?
good, sincere, upright ? lương chính ?
honest, upright, upstanding, good, moral ? lương thiện ?
to deceive, fool, dupe, cheat, swindle ? lường gạt ?
comb; to pick up, gather (news), have (results) ? lược ?
to pick up, collect, gather; bunch, handful, fistful ? lượm ?
gather here and there, pick up here there ? lượm lặt ?
make (take) up a collection, subscribe ? lạc quyền ?
recuperate (after a long illness) ? lại người ?
beseech, supplicate ? lạy lục ?
by, to, for oneself; to take adopt, charge a price; seize; to pick up, take, charge (a price) ? lấy ?
to take up a position ? lấy thế ?
to take up a firing position ? lấy thế bắn ?
to pick up a car ? lấy xe ?
eat, pull up by stealth ? lẩm ?
to form an association, set up a society ? lập hội ?
to set up, establish a program, plan ? lập kế hoạch ?
to reestablish, take up again, repeat, say again ? lập lại ?
to draw up a scheme ? lập mưu ?
to set up, establish ? lập thành ?
to set up a factory ? lập xưởng chế ?
set up altar ? lập đàn ?
to set up a commission, committee ? lập ủy ban ?
to turn upside down, turn over; to cross, double-cross ? lật ?
turn upside down ? lật ngửa ?
to built, set up, install ? lắp đặt ?
take pains, brave dangers, travel up hill and down dale, go ? lặn lội ?
hurry up; to hurry ? lẹ lên ?
to confuse, mix up; wrong ? lộn ?
layer upon layer, batch after batch ? lớp lớp ?
shallow, superficial ? lớt phớt ?
be interrupted of fail half-way ? lỡ làng ?
to dupe, take in ? lỡm ?
fool, dupe; to deceive, dupe, fool ? lừa bịp ?
mock-up, layout, make-up, model ? ma két ?
magical, supernatural force, power ? ma lực ?
engraved upon one’s memory ? minh tâm ?
mung bean noodle soup with chicken ? miến gà ?
posthumous name conferred upon a king ? miếu hiệu ?
bring upon oneself more trouble (by doing unnecessary extra work) ? mua việc ?
quadruped, animal, hound ? muông ?
wild animals, wild quadrupeds, (wild) beast ? muông thú ?
soup spoon ? muỗng canh ?
you (used by a superior to an inferior) ? mày ?
(1) gutter, rainspout
(2) to hang up clothes
? máng ?
close-support aircraft, ground-attack aircraft, fighter bomber ? máy bay cường kích ?
step-up transformer, booster ? máy tăng thế ?
(1) to faint, lose consciousness, unconscious
(2) to dote upon, be crazy about, infatuated
? ?
dull-witted, stupid; stupidity ? mê muội ?
to take (to), give oneself up (to), devote oneself to, be passionately fond (of), be absorbed in; infatuated ? mê mải ?
superstition; superstitious ? mê tín ?
puppetry, art of puppet-showing ? múa rối ?
water puppet show ? múa rối nước ?
scoop, ladle soup out into bowls ? múc ?
turned-up nose, snub nose ? mũi hếch ?
to fester, suppurate, gather ? mưng mủ ?
insolent to one’s superiors ? mạn thượng ?
base occupation ? mạt nghệ ?
busy, occupied, engaged ? mắc bận ?
to be duped, deceived, fooled ? mắc lận ?
to be duped ? mắc lỡm ?
to be duped, deceived ? mắc lừa ?
to pick up a bad habit ? mắc tật ?
to heap insults on somebody, scold and curse, vituperate ? mắng chửi ?
to heap insults on somebody, vituperate ? mắng nhiếc ?
to have an upset expression on one’s face ? mặt mày hầm hầm ?
soft, flexible, supple, pliant ? mềm mại ?
flexible, compliant, supple ? mềm mỏng ?
to rise, spring up, pop up ? mọc lên ?
to shoot up like mushrooms ? mọc lên như nấm ?
to operate, cut up, perform surgery, dissect ? mổ ?
crowd, group, gang ? một bọn ?
(a group of) ten ? một chục ?
a couple ? một cặp ?
a cup of coffee ? một ly cà phê ?
a different occupation ? một nghề khác ?
a group of fishermen ? một nhóm dân chài ?
a group of people ? một nhóm người ?
stupid person ? một thằng ngu ?
a cup of coffee ? một tách cà phê ?
another cup of coffee ? một tách cà phê nữa ?
group of, crowd of ? một đám ?
a group of people ? một đám người ?
to turn up, open wider ? mở lớn ?
scornful, contemptuous, disdainful, supercilious, self-righteous, self-important ? mục hạ vô nhân ?
to bubble up with joy ? mừng quýnh lên ?
to vomit, spew up (food) ? mửa ?
boy pupil, boy student ? nam sinh ?
whirl up, spiral up, (of smoke) rise in curls ? nghi ngút ?
strict upright, strict honest ? nghiêm chính ?
perk up the ears ? nghiêng tai ?
startup test run ? nghiệm thu chạy thử ?
to think up something else, come up with another idea ? nghĩ ra một chuyện khác ?
to think of a plan, come up with a plan ? nghĩ ra một kế hoạch ?
to think of a plan, come up with a plan ? nghĩ đến một cái kế ?
to look up at bunch of fruit on a tree ? nghếch chùm quả trên cây ?
occupation, calling, trade, craft, profession, work, craft ? nghề ?
primary occupation, profession ? nghề chính ?
trade, occupation, profession, career ? nghề nghiệp ?
trade, profession, occupation, job ? nghề ngổng ?
looking stupid, looking dull ? nghệch ?
deliberate upon the punishment ? nghị tội ?
squirm, wriggle, be up to mischief, stir, move, budge ? ngo ngoe ?
besides, outside, aside from, in addition; without, exterior, external; up north (referring to the northern part of VN) ? ngoài ?
link forefingers (in sign of a contract agreed upon) ? ngoặc tay ?
to bend, not to stand upright; ailing, sickly ? ngoặt ngoẹo ?
(1) foolish, stupid
(2) the Emperor Yu, who ruled China from 2204-2197 BC
? ngu ?
stupid people ? ngu dân ?
dumb, stupid, foolish, dense, ignorant ? ngu dại ?
foolish, stupid; fool, idiot ? ngu dốt ?
stupid and base ? ngu hèn ?
dull, dull-headed, stupid, foolish ? ngu ngốc ?
stupid, thick-headed ? ngu si ?
your stupid subject ? ngu thần ?
stupid, dumb, slow-witted, foolish ? ngu xuẩn ?
your stupid little brother ? ngu đệ ?
power source, power supply ? nguồn điện ?
(1) once upon a time
(2) formerly, old times, old days
? ngày xưa ?
once upon a time ? ngày xửa ngày xưa ?
dull, stupid ? ngáo ?
stupefied ? ngây ?
dull, stupid; stupidity ? ngây ngô ?
to be stupefied with grief ? ngây người ra vì buồn ?
clear up, be elucidated ? ngã lẽ ?
silly, foolish, stupid ? ngô nghê ?
hypertext markup language (HTML) ? ngôn ngữ đánh đấu siêu văn bản ?
simple-minded, naive, stupid ? ngù ngờ ?
shake (one’s head), broken, interrupted, hesitate, stammer, falter ? ngúc ngắc ?
rise high, curl upwards, (of flames, smoke) rise profusely ? ngút ?
(1) to cease, stop, suspend, delay, interrupt
(2) to clot, condense
? ngưng ?
to raise, bend, stretch upward (face or neck) ? ngước ?
to look up at ? ngước nhìn ?
honest, upstanding citizen ? người dân lương thiên ?
financial support ? người yểm trợ tài chánh ?
person upstairs ? người ở trên ?
to look up to, admire; admiration ? ngưỡng mộ ?
look up to the sky ? ngưỡng thiên ?
opposite, reverse, contrary, inverse, upstream, up-river, upstream, upside down ? ngược ?
choked, stifling, suffocating, suppressive ? ngạt hơi ?
to hold one’s head up, hold one’s head high ? ngẩng đầu ?
to ponder, reflect upon, think over, consider ? ngẫm ?
reflect upon, cogitate ? ngẫm nghĩ ?
couple ? ngẫu lực ?
to behold, view, gaze upon, contemplate; to take aim at ? ngắm ?
interruption; to interrupt ? ngắt ?
to interpose, interrupt, slap somebody down, butt in on somebody, cut somebody short ? ngắt lời ?
to interrupt someone; to pick, pluck, pinch off ? ngắt lời người nào ?
interrupted ? ngắt quãng ?
interrupter ? ngắt điện ?
sit up quickly ? ngỏm dậy ?
stupid ? ngố ?
stupid, foolish, simple ? ngốc ?
stupid, foolish, simple ? ngốc nghệch ?
stupid, foolish, simple ? ngốc ngếch ?
bolt, gobble up, devour ? ngốn ngấu ?
to sit up straight ? ngồi thẳng người ?
to sit up straight ? ngồi thẳng người lên ?
to shoot up (of cabbage, tobacco plant); towering ? ngồng ?
stupefied ? ngớ ?
quisling troops, puppet troops ? ngụy binh ?
puppet regime, puppet government ? ngụy quyền ?
puppet army or troops, puppet soldier ? ngụy quân ?
to falsify, counterfeit, forge; counterfeit, made up, forged ? ngụy tạo ?
to get up, awaken from sleep, wake up ? ngủ dậy ?
put up indiscriminately at others’ houses ? ngủ lang ?
to put up at an inn or at a hotel ? ngủ trọ ?
to raise, turn up, lift (one’s head) ? ngửng ?
to lift up one’s face ? ngửng mặt lên ?
be in a stir, get uproarious ? nhao ?
be just off to a good start, be just starting, arise, be born, spring up, crop up, appear ? nhen nhúm ?
to disturb, upset ? nhiễu loạn ?
strive to come up (from water) ? nhoai ?
canvas tent (set up temporarily for a ceremony) ? nhà rạp ?
house with no upstairs ? nhà trệt ?
easy, free, unoccupied, casual ? nhàn nhã ?
humane and upright ? nhân hậu ?
the label of a cough syrup bottle ? nhãn lọ thuốc ho ?
porcupine ? nhím ?
be able to sit up (after being laid up), raise (a little, slightly, lift) (a little, slightly) ? nhóc nhách ?
to gather, group, collect; group ? nhóm ?
group, organization ? nhóm hội ?
white supremacist group ? nhóm kỳ thị da trắng ?
group leader ? nhóm trưởng ?
group member ? nhóm viên ?
to raise up (high) ? nhô cao ?
creased up, wrinkled up ? nhăn nhíu ?
tie oneself (up) into knots ? như gà mắc tóc ?
to give up, yield, deny oneself ? nhường ?
to give up one’s place, seat ? nhường chỗ ?
to cede, give up, give back, return ? nhường lại ?
give (up) the floor ? nhường lời ?
to give up the throne ? nhường ngôi vua ?
bounce upon ? nhảy xổ ?
to pick up the (telephone) receiver ? nhấc ống nghe điện thoại ?
heave, sway, go up and down (especially on the water) ? nhấp nhô ?
determined, resolute; to decide, make up one’s mind, resolve ? nhất quyết ?
to take up a job, start a job, accept a job ? nhận việc ?
to join (a gang, group, band) ? nhập bọn ?
to immigrate, enter and take up residence ? nhập cư ?
to pick up the phone ? nhắc điện thoại lên ?
small; to pick up, gather, collect, take; fast, quick ? nhặt ?
clear up, clear away ? nhặt nhạnh ?
to endure, go without, suppress, abstain, refrain (from doing something) ? nhịn ?
sit up suddenly ? nhỏm ?
to confine, lock up, imprison ? nhốt ?
to spit; to pull up, pull out, extract ? nhổ ?
to pluck up weeds ? nhổ cỏ ?
pull up young plants of rice ? nhổ mạ ?
to uproot ? nhổ rễ ?
to pull up, uproot ? nhổ rễ lên ?
strike (break up) camp ? nhổ trại ?
be in a stir, be alarmed; feel upset ? nhộn nhạo ?
numerous trees were uprooted ? những cây cối bị trốc gốc ?
the days leading up to Tet ? những ngày áp Tết ?
to tie up a wrong-doer ? niệt cổ kẻ gian ?
not up to the mark, below par, inexperienced, shortcomings ? non kém ?
fester, suppurate ? nung mủ ?
to nourish, feed, keep, bring up, take care of ? nuôi ?
bottle-feed (a baby), bring up on the bottle ? nuôi bộ ?
to bring up, rear, nurture, foster ? nuôi dưỡng ?
to bring up children, child-rearing ? nuôi dạy con cái ?
to bring up, foster ? nuôi nấng ?
to nourish, feed, keep alive, support ? nuôi sống ?
to bottle up one’s anger ? nuốt giận ?
suppress one’s hatred, suppress one’s resentment ? nuốt hận ?
to suppress one’s desire ? nuốt nước bọt ?
to swallow something up or whole ? nuốt trộng ?
noisy; to cause a disturbance, raise an uproar, raise a din ? náo ?
to disturb, turn upside down ? náo loạn ?
to act up, talk nonsense when drunk ? nát rượu ?
to raise, support, lift, pick up ? nâng ?
to upgrade; upgrade, improvement ? nâng cấp ?
to support, help, assist ? nâng đỡ ?
to repress, suppress one’s feelings ? nén lòng ?
to raise, bring up, set, pose, state, display; (tent) pole ? nêu ?
to intensify, heighten, uphold ? nêu cao ?
to bring up, raise (a question, e.g.); to display, show ? nêu lên ?
to bring up (a subject), note, point out ? nêu ra ?
cut into the grow-ups’ conversation, interrupt adults or superiors ? nói leo ?
reportedly, supposedly ? nói là ?
to express, voice, speak up, say, tell ? nói lên ?
speak up, speak one’s mind ? nói sòng ?
to sum up, summarize, in sum, in short ? nói tóm lại ?
to invent, tell made-up stories, tell lies ? nói điêu ?
to burn up, be very hot, be burning up ? nóng rang ?
to throw up, vomit ? nôn ?
to throw up violently, be violently sick ? nôn ọe thốc tháo ?
shallow, superficial, not deep ? nông ?
empty, superficial, shallow ? nông cạn ?
new year, upcoming year ? năm mới ?
(1) patient
(2) to call upon
(3) salt-marsh
? nại ?
call upon (witness) ? nại chứng ?
to bone up, cram for an examination, study very hard ? nấu sử sôi kinh ?
to sprout up, be born ? nẩy sinh ?
lie up, be laid low ? nằm bẹp ?
be on one’s back, supine ? nằm liệt ?
to lie supine, lie on one’s back, lie face up, be flat on one’s back ? nằm ngửa ?
make up a story ? nặn chuyện ?
to make up a story and slander someone ? nặn chuyện để vu cáo người ?
flatter, fawn on, fawn upon ? nịnh ?
to take over, take up, succeed a business ? nối nghiệp ?
broad flat drying basket; prop up; endeavor, push up ? nống ?
to prop up a pillar ? nống cột nhà ?
steamer support ? nồi đáy ?
to explode, blow up, burst, shoot ? nổ ?
to blow up a bomb, set off a bomb ? nổ bom ?
full of vicissitudes, full of ups and downs ? nổi chìm ?
to rise up, rebel, revolt; revolution, insurrection ? nổi dậy ?
to rise up against oppression ? nổi dậy chống áp bức ?
to rise up in revolt, revolution ? nổi lân làm một cuộc cách mạng ?
to raise up, light up ? nổi lên ?
to lose one’s temper, get upset ? nổi nóng ?
internal unrest, civil strife, war, internal upheaval ? nội loạn ?
to give up a thief to the police ? nộp tên kẻ cắp cho công an ?
to hand in a request, give up, hand over, submit an application, register one’s name (for something) ? nộp đơn ?
(1) to develop, blossom, open up
(2) to hatch
(3) rise, expand
? nở ?
housework,feminine occupations ? nữ công ?
noisy, uproarious ? om sòm ?
to make up a prescription ? pha chế theo đơn thuốc ?
to make a cup of coffee ? pha ly cà phê ?
(1) to open up, dissect
(2) brake
? phanh ?
fling away, throw off, give up forego, relinquish ? phao khí ?
extraordinary, superhuman, unusual ? phi phàm ?
to stir up revolt ? phiến loạn ?
to eject, erupt, squirt, spray, throw out ? phun ?
(volcanic) eruption ? phun lửa ?
puffed (up) cheeks ? phung phúng ?
bankruptcy, insolvency, failure; to fail completely, go bankrupt ? phá sản ?
to break (up, through), destroy ? phá vỡ ?
to break up a group of protestors ? phá vỡ đoàn biểu tình ?
(1) bossy, boastful, haughty
(2) manner, way
(3) upper part of exam paper bearing examinee’s name
? phách ?
order (said of a superior authority) ? phán truyền ?
to distribute, send out, become; [CL for gunshots, abrupt actions] ? phát ?
get tired (of), be fed up (with) ? phát chán ?
put up to (for) auction, auction, put on sale (things confiscated ? phát mại ?
to divide, split up, distribute, allot, sort out,categorize ? phân chia ?
to break up, disintegrate ? phân hủy ?
bottom-up analysis ? phân tích dưới lên ?
subgroup, subdivision ? phân đoàn ?
storage closet, cupboard ? phòng xép ?
to launch (into orbit), jump up (into, onto) ? phóng lên ?
take sides with (support) the influential people ? phù thịnh ?
kind-hearted, gentle and upright ? phúc hậu ?
startup procedure ? phương thức khởi động ?
group of singers, choir, theatrical ? phường tuồng ?
show irreverence to superiors ? phạm thượng ?
to offer or put up resistance, protest ? phản kháng ?
cosmetics, makeup; to make oneself up, put on make up ? phấn sáp ?
angry, upset, indignant ? phẫn nộ ?
to spit (at, upon), insult ? phỉ nhổ ?
wear one’s heart upon one’s sleeve ? phổi bò ?
be blown or puffed up, swell ? phổng ?
merry, gay, lively, jolly, euphoric ? phớn phở ?
Vietnamese noodle soup served with beef or chicken ? phở ?
noodle soup with beef wine sauce ? phở xốt vang ?
appendix, addendum, supplement ? phụ lục ?
additional fee, supplementary fee ? phụ phí ?
to be dependent upon one’s family ? phụ thuộc gia đình ?
break an agreement, not to live up to a pledge ? phụ ước ?
(1) to admire and respect, esteem, submit, yield
(2) clothes
(3) be accustomed to, bear (climate)
(4) again, anew; to repeat, reply, recover, recuperate
(5) to prostrate oneself; to lie in ambush
? phục ?
to serve, labor, wait upon, do hard work, attend to ? phục dịch ?
(1) male phoenix
(2) to receive (from a superior), serve, obey, honor
? phụng ?
to support, maintain (one’s parents) ? phụng dưỡng ?
regroup, reassemble, gather together ? quy tập ?
to decide, determine, make up one’s mind; secret ? quyết ?
startup procedure ? quá trình nghiệm thu ?
test run startup procedure ? quá trình nghiệm thu chạy thử ?
occupational army ? quân chiếm đóng ?
military supplies ? quân nhu ?
military administration, military supervision ? quân quản ?
to sweep up, tidy up ? quét tước ?
to roll, wind up, wrap (up) ? quấn ?
mass, group, crowd, people; the masses, public ? quần chúng ?
to refuse to surrender or give up; indomitable ? quật cường ?
grown-up and successful children ? quế hòe ?
gods, spirits, supernatural beings ? quỷ thần ?
post up the list of those who passed the examination ? ra bảng ?
to show up, present oneself ? ra mặt ?
incessantly, without interruption, non-stop ? ra rả ?
greens and rice soup, poor food ? rau cháo ?
coach, tutor, bring up with care ? rèn cặp ?
porcupine, hedgehog ? rím ?
uninterrupted, without a break, on end ? ròng rã ?
to tighten up, pull back, make more conservative ? rút vào thế thủ ?
dense, superfluous, wordy, verbose ? rườm rà ?
free, unoccupied ? rảnh ?
unoccupied, idle, free ? rảnh rỗi ?
to hurry, quicken, pick up the pace ? rảo bước ?
wake up one’s mind, be bent on, intend (to), have the ? rắp tâm ?
give up one’s study (in search of a job) ? rẽ ngang ?
to get all twisted up, get all tangled up ? rối như tơ vò ?
water puppetry, water puppet ? rối nước ?
nervous, upset, muddling ? rối trí ?
free, unoccupied ? rỗi ?
be upset, be excited ? rộn rực ?
to leave office, give up a function, responsibility ? rời bỏ chức vụ ?
to abdicate, give up the throne ? rời ngai vàng ?
to copy, duplicate ? sao bản ?
stupid ? si ngốc ?
to grow up, be born and bred ? sinh trương ?
to grow up in Japan ? sinh trương tại Nhật Bản ?
junior bachelor, pupil, student ? sinh đồ ?
very large, super-, giant; to transcend ? siêu ?
information superhighway ? siêu xa lộ thông tin ?
to fawn upon ? siểm nịnh ?
light up, shed light on, enlighten ? soi rọi ?
(1) but, however, still, nevertheless
(2) pair, couple; fellow (worker, classmate)
(3) window, bar
? song ?
couple of swords ? song kiếm ?
to fawn upon (someone) ? sàm nịnh ?
to walk abreast, stroll abreast to catch up with, to ? sánh bước ?
wind and waves, ups and downs, troubles ? sóng gió ?
to bone up, cram for ? sôi kinh nấu sử ?
to erupt, break out, foam, froth ? sùi ?
rough, not smooth; to erupt, break out ? sùi sùi ?
number of pupils, number of attendants ? sĩ số ?
sum up partially, make a preliminary summing-up of a discussion ? sơ kết ?
teacher and pupil ? sư sinh ?
to swell up; swollen up ? sưng vếu lên ?
concupiscence, lust ? sắc dục ?
(1) to be about to, going to
(2) to arrange, put in order, set
(3) group, band
? sắp ?
to line up, stand in line ? sắp hàng ?
my number is up, I’m done, I’m finished ? số tôi tận rồi ?
initial, startup capital ? số vốn ban đầu ?
to put down a riot, uprising ? sụ dẹp bạo loạn ?
to bubble, froth up, boil (over), break out (of a rash) ? sủi ?
to repair, fix, mend, correct, update ? sửa chữa ?
stunned, stupefied, dumbfounded ? sửng ?
astonished, stupefied, transfixed ? sững sờ ?
inspection, supervision ? sự giám sát ?
help, support; aid, assistance ? sự hỗ trợ ?
idiocy, stupidity ? sự ngu dốt ?
to wake up suddenly ? sực tỉnh ?
to dissolve, disperse, evaporate, break up, rout, dissipate, melt, thaw, be over, be close to ? tan ?
to break apart, break up, disintegrate ? tan rã ?
broken up, smashed, in pieces; to break into pieces ? tan tành ?
coupons ? tem phiếu ?
to corrupt somebody’s morals, deprave, deteriorate, degenerate ? tha hóa ?
greed, avarice, concupiscence ? tham dục ?
corrupt; corruption ? tham nhũng ?
corrupt official ? tham quan ô lại ?
corruption, bribe, hush money ? tham tang ?
pure and upright ? thanh bạch ?
pure, incorruptible, unbribable ? thanh khiết ?
honest, upfront, upright ? thanh liêm ?
to clean up, close (account), dispose of, liquidate, murder ? thanh toán ?
holy, sacred, inviolable, marvelous, supernatural ? thiêng ?
to prepare, get ready, make ready, build up, build out; device, equipment ? thiết bị ?
to establish, set up, found ? thiết lập ?
shallow, superficial, short-sighted, insular, narrow-minded ? thiển cận ?
(of illness) to subside, fall, recede, go down, ease up, diminish, lessen, reduce ? thuyên giảm ?
syrup, mixture ? thuốc nước ?
(1) to belong, of, part of, occupation
(2) to know by heart
(3) to tan, cure
? thuộc ?
to belong to a group, faction, party ? thuộc về phe ?
so far, up to now, until now ? thuở nay ?
to form up, take shape ? thành hình ?
to set up, establish diplomatic relations ? thành lập quan hệ ngoại giao ?
component, constituent, composition, element, segement, (sub)group; exploration ? thành phần ?
grow familiar (with, experienced, skillful, be well up to) ? thành thục ?
city group, group, team, community ? thành đoàn ?
(dialect) get mixed up in other people’s business ? thày lay ?
example; for example, for instance in case, if, supposing ? thí dụ ?
general history, history from ancient times up to the present ? thông sứ ?
(1) animal, quadruped
(2) pleasureable, delightful; pleasure, delight
(3) to confess, admit
(4) garrison force
? thú ?
visit, call on or upon, look after, take care of ? thăm nom ?
rise and fall, ups and downs ? thăng trầm ?
leisure, spare time, unoccupied, free ? thư nhàn ?
address (a superior) in a respectful way ? thưa bẩm ?
speak up, answer, reply ? thưa thốt ?
above, superior, over, upper ? thượng ?
high(er), upper level ? thượng cấp ?
superexcellent, superfine ? thượng hảo hạng ?
upstream; upper, high (society, class) ? thượng lưu ?
source, upper reaches ? thượng nguồn ?
Senate, upper house (legislative) ? thượng viện ?
free, relaxed, unoccupied, leisurely ? thảnh thơi ?
to write up, draft a document ? thảo tài liệu ?
be upset, be turned upside down ? thất điên bát đảo ?
coupled lens ? thấu kính ghép ?
tie up, restrict (in) cord, limit (to) ? thắt buộc ?
stupid person, idiot ? thằng ngu ?
(southern dialect) upright ? thẳng thớm ?
(1) body, group
(2) ability, capability
(3) card
? thể ?
corrupt, rotten ? thối nát ?
resident superior (in north Vietnam, under French domination) ? thống sứ ?
to speak (up), say ? thốt lên ?
the period of French occupation ? thời Pháp thuộc ?
snobbish; up-to-date ? thời thượng ?
to wake (someone), get up, rise ? thức dậy ?
to get up late ? thức dậy trễ giờ ?
to wake up, awake ? thức giấc ?
to wake up early ? thức giấc sớm ?
to sit up late and get up early ? thức khuya dậy sớm ?
confounded, dumbfounded, stupefied, nonplussed ? thừ ?
(1) left over, superfluous, extra
(2) to take advantage of
(3) to inherit
(4) to receive (from above)
(5) to take charge
(6) to help, assist
? thừa ?
to grow, develop, reproduce, colonize; to eat (up)
(2) true, real
? thực ?
I, me (a mandarin addressing his superior) ? ti chức ?
the news upset the people ? tin đã làm cho dân chúng phẫn nộ ?
first inhabitant, occupant ? tiên chiếm ?
scatter, dispel, break up, vanishing, dissolution ? tiêu tán ?
to get close to, come up to, advance towards ? tiến tới gần ?
bottom-up approach ? tiếp cận dưới lên ?
thereupon, following ? tiếp liền ?
supplies; to supply, provide ? tiếp tế ?
to take on, load up on food and fuel ? tiếp tế thực phẩm và nhiên liệu ?
to supply, support reinforce ? tiếp viện ?
logistics, relaying, supply and transportation ? tiếp vận ?
to wipe out, suppress ? tiểu trừ ?
gang, group, party, team; mathematics ? toán ?
group leader, team leader ? toán trưởng ?
recapitulation, summary, resume, summing-up, synopsis ? toát yếu ?
(1) to consult, look up
(2) to fit in
(3) to add
(4) to apply
? tra ?
to look up in a dictionary ? tra từ điển ?
to upgrade, outfit, refurbish, equip, arm; equipment ? trang bị ?
to make up, beautify ? trang điểm ?
to fight for supremacy ? tranh hùng ?
to polish up, improve ? trau dồi ?
to polish up, improve one’s Vietnamese ? trau dồi tiếng Việt ?
to hang a sign, put up a sign ? treo bảng ?
to remove, suppress, exterminate, withdraw ? triệt ?
in the next few days, in the upcoming days ? trong những ngày tới ?
fair, just, upright, pure, clean, chaste ? trong sạch ?
in the upcoming, next decade ? trong thập niên tới ?
(1) to hold, support, persistent
(2) late, slow, tardy
(3) pond
(4) courtyard
(5) to run a race
? trì ?
(1) noose, lasso
(2) pupil (of the eye)
? tròng ?
black pupil (of the eye) ? tròng đen ?
bind or tie up with string ? trói tròn ?
to look after, take care of, overlook, supervise, administer ? trông nom ?
(1) earthworm
(2) to back up, pull back
? trùn ?
to grow up, mature; maturation ? trưởng thành ?
to go through many ups and downs ? trải qua rất nhiều sóng gió ?
(1) town
(2) master, manage, command
(3) overcome, bar, block up, control, subdue, repress, restrain
(4) market town, curb, region, district
? trấn ?
to repress, put down, quell, suppress ? trấn áp ?
quadruplets ? trẻ sinh tư ?
to emerge, rise, go up, come up ? trồi ?
(1) to rise up, soar up
(2) to surpass
(3) to be irregular
? trổi ?
to rise up, flare up ? trỗi dậy ?
to suppose, assume ? trộm nghĩ ?
to merge, mix, blend, turn upside down ? trộn ?
to mingle, mix (up), blend, knead ? trộn lẫn ?
to go back upstairs ? trở lên lầu ?
assistant, helper, supporter ? trợ thủ ?
(1) axis, shaft, Axis (powers in WWII)
(2) to expel, force out
(3) to hoist, jack up, lift
? trục ?
to set, fix, erect, set up, institute, create ? tu tạo ?
pleiad (group, of seven stars) ? tua rua ?
to fly up into the air ? tung lên trời ?
to go to seed, wither up (away) ? tàn tạ ?
to support to an aim ? tác thành ?
(1) cup, cupful
(2) to split, divide, separate
? tách ?
a cup of coffee ? tách cà phê ?
(1) modern, recent, fresh, up-to-date, new
(2) 8th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? tân ?
to tidy up, arrange ? tém ?
to come up with a solution ? tìm ra một giải pháp ?
to offer support, assistance ? tình nguyện ủng hộ ?
to store up, accumulate; trace, vestige ? tích ?
to hoard, gather, accumulate, store up, stockpile ? tích lũy ?
to calculate a check, come up with a bill ? tính tiền ?
counting until, up to ? tính đến ?
to depend upon ? tòng thuộc ?
to conclude, summarize, sum up; summary ? tóm lược ?
to sum up, summarize; in sum, in short ? tóm lại ?
to carry off, sweep off, round up (of police); to unite, gather ? tóm thâu ?
I would have to be stupid to (do sth), I’m not stupid enough to (do sth) ? tôi ngu gì ?
to respect one’s superiors ? tôn thượng ?
to accompany, follow; to depend on, be up to ? tùy ?
to be hard up for, pressed for ? túng ?
hard up, in need ? túng bấn ?
to be hard up for money ? túng tiền ?
to go up, increase (in price, value) ? tăng giá ?
to recuperate ? tĩnh dưỡng ?
to pieces, up, down ? tơi bời ?
aid, help, furnish, supply, stock, subsidize, make a grant to ? tư cấp ?
stupid idea ? tư tưởng ngu dốt ?
stupefied, dumbfounded, thunderstruck ? tưng hửng ?
robber chief, leader of a group of criminals ? tướng cướp ?
to carve, engrave on (upon), cherish ? tạc ?
(1) to manage to get, dig up
(2) early
(3) sweep
(4) jujube
(5) seaweed, algae
? tảo ?
to uproot, wipe out ? tẩy trừ ?
to eradicate, uproot, stop, bring an end to ? tận diệt ?
to assemble, group, gather, collect; collection ? tập hợp ?
to concentrate, centralize, gather, focus, mass (up); concentration ? tập trung ?
collective, community, public, corporation, company, group, clique ? tập đoàn ?
a group of fortresses ? tập đoàn cứ điểm ?
to wash (up), bathe ? tắm rửa ?
stop up, obstruct ? tế tác ?
corruption, social evil ? tệ đoan ?
(1) province, prefecture; city
(2) to wake up, awaken, recover consciousness
? tỉnh ?
to wake up, regain consciousness; conscious ? tỉnh dậy ?
to sober up, become sober ? tỉnh rượu ?
province group, provincial group ? tỉnh đoàn ?
plugged up, dud ? tịt ?
speed; to turn up (over), blow up ? tốc ?
modern, up-to-date, recent ? tối tân ?
stirrup-cup ? tống tửu ?
well-matched couple ? tốt đôi ?
(1) nest
(2) only
(3) group, team
? tổ ?
to organize, set up, establish; organization ? tổ chức ?
team leader, group leader ? tổ trưởng ?
vice-principal, chief or head supervisor ? tổng giám thị ?
general uprising ? tổng khởi nghĩa ?
to summarize, sum up; summary ? tổng kết ?
summing-up, recapitulation ? tổng luận ?
to go there; up to that point ? tới đó ?
to curl up (one’s lips) ? tớn ?
group, crowd, crew, gang ? tụi ?
they (group of younger people) ? tụi em ?
my gang, my crowd, my group of friends ? tụi tui ?
group, crowd ? tụi đàng ?
chest, cupboard, wardrobe, closet ? tủ ?
angry, upset, irritated, furious; to be angry, get angry; anger ? tức giận ?
to abandon, renounce, forsake, leave, give up, desert, get off of; renunciation ? từ bỏ ?
to give up a role, position ? từ bỏ chức ?
to renounce, give up the throne ? từ bỏ ngai vàng ?
from then until now, until now, up to now, heretofore ? từ trước tới nay ?
group of words ? từ tổ ?
conceited, stuck up. presumptuous, haughty ? tự cao tự đại ?
to supply oneself ? tự cấp ?
to feel superior to, have a superiority complex ? tự tôn ?
self-sufficient, self-supporting ? tự túc ?
illiterate, stupid, ignorant ? u u minh minh ?
fluid, flowing, supple, flexible, melodious ? uyển chuyển ?
stupid, dumb, ignorant ? uất trì ?
to feel tipsy only after drinking a cup of alcohol ? uống có một chén rượu đã ngà ngà ?
to implore, supplicate, beseech ? van lơn ?
to implore, supplicate, beseech ? van lạy ?
rely upon, pull down (a tree branch) lop off (a branch) depend on (argument) ? vin ?
eminence, superiority, honor ? vinh hoa ?
to write up one’s diary ? viết nhật ký ?
a storm in a teacup, a tempest in a ? việc bé xé ra to ?
inspection, supervision ? việc giám sát ?
Vietnamese language support ? việc hỗ trợ chữ Việt ?
political support ? việc ủng hộ chính trị ?
financial support ? việc ủng hộ tài chánh ?
to bring up reasons (why) ? viện các lý do ?
invoke, bring up (a reason) ? viện to ?
forget one’s origin, disown one’s origin; uprooted ? vong bản ?
to reconcile, make up (after an argument, e.g.) ? vuốt giận ?
to turn up, show up, show one’s face ? vác mặt ?
the vicssitudes of life, the reverses or tricks of fortune, the ups and ? vân cẩu ?
to obey one’s superiors ? vâng lời bề trên ?
follower, supporter, side, wing ? vây cánh ?
to roll up, put up, tuck up ? vén ?
to wrap, buckle, hold up; warped ? vênh ?
haughty, conceited, arrogant, stuck-up; to swagger, have one’s nose in the air ? vênh mặt ?
arrogant, haughty, supercilious, proud ? vênh vang ?
if, in case, let us assume, suppose ? ví bằng ?
the upper jaw ? vòm họng ?
punishment inflicted upon he pupils (in the old days) (draw a ? vòng mép ?
unharmed, unhurt, unoccupied, at leisure, uneventful, without a care ? vô sự ?
highest, supreme ? vô thượng ?
highland, upland ? vùng cao ?
to rise up, revolt ? vùng lên ?
enemy-occupied territory ? vùng tạm chiếm ?
free zone, unoccupied zone ? vùng tự do ?
astonished, stupefied, dumbfounded, niny, booby ? vúc vắc ?
operational startup document ? văn bản nghiệm thu ?
literary supplement (in magazine, newspaper) ? văn uyển ?
to gather, collect, pick up, grab, snatch ? ?
to rise up, stretch oneself ? vươn ?
to still exist up to the present day ? vẫn còn tồn tại cho tới ngày nay ?
to turn up (volume) ? vặn lớn ?
to look up, perk up, prick up ? vếch ?
to perk up, prick up, raise ? vểnh ?
(1) edge, side (of a road, etc.)
(2) to protect
(3) group of 500 soldiers
? vệ ?
army officer, commander of a vệ (group of 500 men) ? vệ úy ?
to grab, seize, spring upon, pounce ? vồ ?
to spring upon ? vồ lấy ?
to spring upon a victim ? vồ lấy nạn nhân ?
to feed up, fatten ? vỗ béo ?
foolish, stupid ? vớ vẫn ?
with winds of up to 60 knots ? với vận tốc gió lên đến 60 knots ?
to break, rupture ? vỡ ?
to go bankrupt, become bankrupt, default on a loan ? vỡ nợ ?
to break apart, rupture, burst ? vỡ tung ?
(1) switch, rod, cane
(2) to gush, pour, leap (out); to pick up to save to pass
? vợt ?
corruption ? vụ tham nhũng ?
scoop something, up with an instrument ? vục ?
information superhighway ? xa lộ thông tin ?
to upset ? xao xuyến ?
to lift up with a crowbar, lever something up ? xeo ?
pry up, provoke ? xeo nạy ?
to go up in the sky ? xung thiên ?
to make up, distort ? xuyên tạc ?
dull-witted, stupid ? xuẩn ?
foolish and stupid ? xuẩn ngốc ?
to confuse, mix up, mess up, turn upside down, upset; confusion, mix up, disorder ? xáo trộn ?
to invade, conquer, occupy, seize ? xâm chiếm ?
to encroach upon, injure ? xâm hại ?
to nibble away at, eat up gradually ? xâm thực ?
to set up a roadblock ? xây cản trở giao thông ?
to build (up), construct; constructive ? xây dựng ?
secondary, small, supplementary, extra ? xép ?
to cross out, erase, annul, delete, rub out, suppress, abolish, eliminate ? xóa bỏ ?
lively, uproarious, in an uproar; tumult ? xôn xao ?
to rise up (smell) ? xông lên ?
to rise up into one’s nose, reach one’s nose ? xông lên mũi ?
idle, unoccupied ? xõng lưng ?
to stump up, shell out, fork out, cough up ? xùy ?
to scoop up the garbage ? xúc rác ?
to roll up, tuck up ? xăn ?
always, up to now, until now, long since, for a long time ? xưa nay ?
to turn up, roll up, tuck up ? xắn ?
to saw, split (up), cut ? xẻ ?
to cut off, cut up, cut out ? xẻo ?
to categorize, classify, place into a category, group together, rank ? xếp hạng ?
dart, pounce (upon), assault, assail, attack suddenly ? xốc tới ?
squat down upon the hams or heels, squat, crouch ? xổm ?
to cover, support; support ? yểm trợ ?
financial support ? yểm trợ tài chánh ?
to lump, group together ? à uôm ?
runner up, second-best (in a beauty contest) ? á hậu ?
(1) to bother, annoy, pester, worry
(2) to blacken, darken, stain; dark, obscure
(3) rice and boiled fish, thick fish soup
(4) to possess, obsess
? ám ?
(1) to estimate
(2) literary work, oeuvre, work of beauty
(3) group, cluster
? áng ?
a group of clouds ? áng mây ?
(1) Austria, Austrian, Austrio-
(2) shirt, jacket, coat, tunic, gown, dress, garment worn on upper body, case, wrapping, crust, coat
? áo ?
(1) to press (up to, against), place against, approach, get close
(2) to detain
(3) to pawn
? áp ?
to impose, force upon ? áp đặt ?
to hide, hush up, cover up ? ém ?
hush up a matter or an affair ? êm chuyện ?
extortionate clerkdom, corrupt clerkdom ? ô lại ?
to fawn upon, toady to ? ôm chân ?
lords and ladies, people in high places, upper classes ? ông hoàng bà chúa ?
(1) to buzz, be noisy
(2) fast, swift, hurried; to hurry (up)
(3) to win (in certain card games)
(4) to thunder, make a thundering sound
? ù ?
dazed, stupid, bewildered ? ù cạc ?
stupid, foolish ? ù ì ?
to upset, overturn, turn (over) ? úp ?
to rob, burglarize, raid, hold up, hijack ? ăn cướp ?
Taiwan declared its full support ? Đài Loan tuyên bố hoàn toàn ủng hộ ?
to writhe in pain, be doubled up with pain, sting ? đau quặn ?
to go up, rise, ascend ? đi lên ?
to have drug-induced euphoria ? đi mây về gió ?
to come or go after, follow, lag behind; upcoming, future ? đi sau ?
foolish, stupid, crazy, insane, mad ? điên dại ?
to make up, prepare ? điều chế ?
to make a press round-up or press review ? điểm báo ?
band, group, union, convoy ? đoàn ?
group of protestors ? đoàn biểu tình ?
group of solders, force ? đoàn quân ?
to catch up with, reach ? đuổi kịp ?
lotus shaped lamp support ? đài sen ?
a group of mice ? đàn chuột ?
to oppress, repress, quell, suppress; repression ? đàn áp ?
(1) to dig (up), unearth
(2) peach
(3) to escape
? đào ?
to dig up, excavate ? đào lên ?
to excavate, dig up (from the ground) ? đào từ đất lên ?
to kick somebody upstairs ? đá hất lên ?
oust (by underhand tricks), supplant ? đá ngầm ?
group, crowd; [CL for crowds, groups of people] ? đám ?
group of gamblers, table of gamblers ? đám bạc ?
group of people ? đám người ?
what’s even more suprising (is that) ? đáng ngạc nhiên hơn là ?
to suppress or repress (a revolt) ? đánh dẹp ?
whip eggs, beat (up) eggs ? đánh trứng ?
to team up, gang up, play a double (tennis) ? đánh đôi ?
fight and suppress revolts all over ? đánh đông dẹp bắc ?
to team up, gang up ? đánh đọ ?
come and take up one’s duty, come and assume one’s responsibility ? đáo nhiệm ?
to not be stupid ? đâu có ngu ?
to close up, fill a gap ? đóng bít ?
set up a commanding position ? đóng chốt ?
pair, couple, two ? đôi ?
married couple, husband and wife ? đôi vợ chồng ?
terra-cotta (china) seat, terra-cotta (china) support for flower-pots ? đôn ?
(1) rough, vulgar, coarse; insult
(2) slow, stupid, dumb
(3) to have sex with, screw, fuck
? đù ?
(1) thigh, upper leg
(2) to peep, look at, spy
? đùi ?
to cover, wrap, protect, envelope, support, aid ? đùm bọc ?
to sum (up), summarize, compile ? đúc kết ?
fabricate, invent, make up (a story) ? đơm đặt ?
to raise, bring up, bring before ? đưa lên ?
set up, established in 1981 ? được thành lập vào năm 1981 ?
follow up an advantage ? được thể ?
raise an uproar ? đại náo ?
to step up on ? đạp lên ?
Down with corruption! ? đả đảo tham nhũng ?
coup (d’état); overthrow ? đảo chánh ?
stage a coup d’etat ? đảo chính ?
to invert, upset, turn upside down ? đảo lộn ?
to overturn, upset ? đảo ngược ?
foolish, stupid, silly ? đần ?
to give oneself up, surrender oneself ? đầu thú ?
to pile up, pack (earth, stone), construct, fill up ? đắp ?
fly, travel on a cloud (of supernatural beings) ? đằng vân ?
order; to set up, establish, coin (a new word, name); to place, put ? đặt ?
to set up headquarters ? đặt bản doanh ?
to set up a government, administration ? đặt chính quyền ?
to set up a foundation ? đặt nền móng ?
to set up headquarters ? đặt trụ sở ?
to bring up a topic, mention an issue ? đặt vấn đề ?
making a nice couple, well-as-sorted ? đẹp đôi ?
from, beginning; to come, arrive; to, until, up to ? đến ?
until now, up to now ? đến giờ phút này ?
up to now; up to the present, up to this time, this day, until now ? đến nay ?
to uphold, raise, heighten, think highly of ? đề cao ?
to deal with, touch upon, mention, bring up, speak about ? đề cập ?
to mention (sth), bring up (sth) ? đề cập tới ?
(1) to compensate for, return, make up for
(2) temple
? đền ?
to save (up) money ? để dành tiền ?
heaved block, uplifted block ? địa lũy ?
decide, make up one’s mind ? định chí ?
fixed residence, fixed home; to settle (in a place), set up one’s residence ? định cư ?
oversee, supervise ? đốc suất ?
(1) couple
(2) to apply
(3) opposing, anti-
? đối ?
immoral, corrupt, decadent, depraved, debauched, dissolute ? đồi trụy ?
compatriot, fellow countryman, person in one’s same group, fellow-citizen ? đồng bào ?
general uprising ? đồng khởi ?
people of a group having different views ? đồng sàng dị mộng ?
(1) pupil (of the eye)
(2) young boy
? đồng tử ?
flock into, concentrate upon ? đổ dồn ?
to break to pieces, fall to pieces, be revealed; to call off, break up, break off; offshoot ? đổ vỡ ?
to fill up with gas ? đổ xăng ?
(1) group, organization, unit, team
(2) to carry, wear on one’s head
(3) to drop
(4) jack
(5) sergeant
? đội ?
to refer to, touch upon ? động chạm ?
(1) sudden, abrupt, unexpected
(2) to sew, stitch up, mend
(3) to pierce, put a hole in (metal)
? đột ?
rise up unexpectedly, stage a surprise uprising ? đột khởi ?
sudden, abrupt, unexpected; suddenly, unexpectedly, out of the blue ? đột ngột ?
to erupt, break out, appear suddenly ? đột phát ?
to snap up, snatch, catch ? đớp ?
grow stupid, be stunned (struck with surprise) ? đờ mặt ?
absent, glazed, stupid ? đờ đẫn ?
to help, assist (by assuming burden), parry, ward off, turn aside, prop, hold up, relieve ? đỡ ?
help (somebody) stand up (sit up) ? đỡ dậy ?
to stand up, rise up, sit up ? đứng lên ?
to hold oneself erect, stand up straight ? đứng thẳng ?
stupified ? đứng đơ ?
to stand stupified ? đứng đực ?
interruptedly ? đứt quãng ?
sever, be interrupted, broken off, discontinuous ? đứt đoạn ?
don’t get upset, bothered ? đừng có nóng ?
don’t get mad, don’t get upset, take it easy ? đừng nóng ?
don’t be silly, don’t be stupid ? đừng vô lý ?
(1) (of animals) male, masculine
(2) stupified, astonished
? đực ?
advantage, upper hand, predominance, preponderance ? ưu thế ?
stubborn, obstinate, stupid, silly, foolish ? ương gàn ?
mixed up, crazy ? ương ương dở dở ?
full of pent-up anger, full of pent-up resentment ? ấm ức ?
the upbringing of children, child education ? ấu học ?
noisily; (very) noisy, boisterous, strident, uproarious ? ầm ĩ ?
noisy, uproarious ? ỏi ?
noisy, uproarious ? ỏm tỏi ?
badly beaten up, dead beat, exhausted ? ốm đòn ?
to rush (upon), pounce ? ?
noisy, uproarious ? ồn ?
to be fed up; to have the shivers ? ớn ?
hot red pepper (with small seed pointing upward) ? ớt chỉ thiên ?
on the edge of, brink of bankruptcy ? ở trên bờ phá sản ?
capsize, upset, be thrown down, fall over, fall down ? ụp ?
to support, stand up for, back ? ủng hộ ?
to support strongly ? ủng hộ mạnh mẽ ?
to support human rights ? ủng hộ nhân quyền ?
to support a decision ? ủng hộ quyết định ?
to support an initiative ? ủng hộ sáng kiến ?
blocked, obstructed; to encumber, block up, jam ? ứ tắc ?
to oppress, suppress, inhibit, restrict, control, repress, restrain ? ức chế ?
hypothesis, assumption, supposition ? ức thuyết ?
don’t be stupid ? chớ có ngu ?
to take up residence in the United States ? định cư Mỹ ?