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brown + of the color of coffee or chocolate ?
down + Going from a higher position to a lower position ?
own + yours, his, hers, etc.; not belonging to another ?
owner + person who owns or has something ?
ownership + state of having a legal right to possess something ?
town + small city ?
unknown + Being unfamiliar or not known ?

trad: 他們從山坡上滑下來了。 simpl. 他们从山坡上滑下来了。

Tāmen cóng shānpō shàng huá xiàlái le.

They are sliding down the slope.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Họ đang trượt xuống dốc. ?
Họ đang trượt xuống dốc. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 這個小鎮的人口不多。 simpl. 这个小镇的人口不多。

Zhège xiǎozhèn de rénkǒu bù duō.

This town has a small population.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Thị trấn này có dân số ít. ?
Thị trấn này có dân số nhỏ. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 我的兒子長高了。 simpl. 我的儿子长高了。

Wǒ de érzi zhǎng gāo le.

My son has grown tall.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Con trai tôi đã phát triển cao. ?
Con trai của tôi đã tăng trưởng cao. ?
( Human Translation: )


Tā néng zhànlì le.

He can stand on his own now.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Ông có thể đứng trên riêng của mình bây giờ. ?
Ông có thể đứng trên riêng của bây giờ. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 風把氣球吹走了。 simpl. 风把气球吹走了。

Fēng bǎ qìqiú chuīzǒu le.

The wind has blown the balloon away.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Gió đã thổi quả bóng đi. ?
Gió đã thổi bay đi bóng. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 店主給我找零錢。 simpl. 店主给我找零钱。

Diànzhǔ gěi wǒ zhǎo língqián.

The shop owner gave me the change.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Các chủ cửa hàng đã cho tôi sự thay đổi. ?
Chủ cửa hàng đã cho tôi thay đổi. ?
( Human Translation: )

own ? sở hữu ? Verbs 3

brown ? Màu nâu ? Colors
The table is light brown. ? Chiếc bàn có màu nâu nhạt. ? Colors
a happy town ? Một thị trấn hạnh phúc ? Places
town ? thị trấn ? Places
He owns a computer. ? Anh ấy sở hữu một cái máy tính. ? Verbs 3
A Chinese man owns this airport. ? Một người đàn ông Trung Quốcsở hữu sân bay này. ? Verbs 3
own ? sở hữu ? Verbs 3
She represents the beauty of this town. ? Cô ấy đại diện cho vẻ đẹp của thị trấn này. ? Verbs 4
The architects are designing the landscape of this town. ? Các kiến trúc sư đang thiết kế cảnh quan của thị trấn này. ? Nature
lonesome town ? Thị trấn cô đơn ? Adjectives 3

How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre? Bao nhiêu bến / trạm là đến trung tâm? * 038
Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts. Nhớ đến quần áo ngủ và áo sơ mi. * 049
Black, brown or white? Đen, nâu hay là trắng? * 056
Lie down on the examining table. Bạn hãy nằm lên giường! * 059
a brown bag Một cái túi màu nâu * 080
I’m buying a brown bag. Tôi mua một cái túi màu nâu. * 081
Sit down, Mr. Miller! Xin ông ngồi xuống, ông Müller! * 091

like: own ? ?
the Tomb of the Unknown Solider ? Mộ Chiến Sĩ Vô Danh ?
brown American, Hispanic-American, Latino-American ? Mỹ nâu ?
agreeing with everyone, without any opinion of one’s own; yes-man ? ba phải ?
run-down, uncared-for ? ba vạ ?
to fly down, drop down ? bay xuống ?
(1) to write down, make a note (of something)
(2) to weave (basket)
(3) to edit, compile
(4) edge, limit, border
? biên ?
to note down, write down ? biên chác ?
had I known (then one would have done something else) ? biết thế ?
to sell one’s country down the river ? buôn dân bán nước ?
falling down, hang loosely ? buông lơi ?
to let slip down, let slip out, become loose, get loose ? buột ?
to let a cup slip down from one’s hand ? buột tay đánh rơi cái chén ?
frowning, scowling ? bàu bạu ?
to sell someone down the river ? bán đứng ?
to put down, quell, repress ? bát tiễu ?
secret, classified, confidential, unknown; secretly, stealthily ? bí mật ?
to hand down (formula) secretly ? bí truyền ?
to lay down one’s arms, surrender ? bó giáo ?
sad, down, melancholy ? bùi ngùi ?
go up hill and down dale ? băng ngàn ?
misfortune and fortune, ups and downs, happiness and unhappiness ? bĩ thái ?
to step down, step out ? bước xuống ?
to walk down the stairs ? bước xuống cầu thang ?
to express displeasure; scowling, frowning ? bầu bậu ?
to fold down a collar ? bẻ cổ áo ?
ups and downs of life ? bể dâu ?
each disease has its own cure ? bệnh nào thuốc nấy ?
to be drowned ? bị chết đuối ?
to be imprisoned, thrown in jail ? bị cầm tù ?
to blush, flush, come down with a fever ? bị nóng hót ?
to cut down, cut back, reduce ? bỏ bớt ?
to pull down the blinds ? bỏ rèm cửa xuống ?
to pull down the blinds, curtains ? bỏ tấm màn cửa sổ xuống ?
to drop down, put down ? bỏ xuống ?
one’s own father ? bố đẻ ?
rock, swing, move up and down, rocking, swinging ? bống bếnh ?
one’s own religion (referred to humbly) ? bổn đạo ?
up and down, the ups and downs ? bổng trầm ?
to go up and down, fluctuate ? cao hạ ?
(1) to frown
(2) areca palm
? cau ?
to frown, gather one’s eyebrows ? cau mày ?
to frown, wince ? cau mặt ?
(one’s own) father ? cha già ?
father, one’s own father ? cha đẻ ?
to frown, knit (one’s brows) ? chau ?
to frown, knit the brows ? chau mày ?
to hold, own, possess ? chiếm hữu ?
teenaged, not-fully grown up ? choai choai ?
sewer-rat, brown rat ? chuột cống ?
to trample down, on; to crush ? chà đạp ?
brown tea ? chè mạn ?
to chop down(wards) ? chém xuống ?
(1) to write down, copy, transcribe, note
(2) carp (kind of fish)
(3) to smack (one’s lips, mouth)
? chép ?
handwritten; to write down, copy by hand ? chép tay ?
main, principle, chief; self, own; exactly, just, precisely ? chính ?
to slow down, stop ? chùn ?
unprecedented, previously unknown (until now) ? chưa từng có từ trước tới giờ ?
previously unknown, not known until now ? chưa được biết đến trước đây ?
to run down, run downstairs ? chạy xuống ?
to put down in writing (the ideas of a community) ? chấp bút ?
plain, simple, down to earth ? chất phác ?
to cut down a tree ? chặt cây ?
to be drowned ? chết chìm ?
to be mowed down, die like flies ? chết như rạ ?
to drown and drift, be drowned ? chết trôi ?
manager, director, boss, owner, chief ? chủ ?
former, original owner ? chủ cũ ?
landlord; master, lord of the house, homeowner ? chủ nhà ?
management, owner, master, lord, manager ? chủ nhân ?
one’s own child, one’s natural son or daughter, offspring ? con đẻ ?
something unknown, the unknown, the unusual ? cái lạ ?
something known, the usual (thing) ? cái quen ?
dab, pull the fishing rod up and down (to tempt fish) ? câu nhắp ?
to have one’s own (separate) personality, characteristics ? có hồn của nó ?
she has settled down to married life ? cô ta đã ra ở riêng ?
village owned land, public land ? công thổ ?
village owned rice field ? công điền ?
bow down, humble oneself ? cúc cung ?
to bend down (because of shame or shyness) ? cúi gằm ?
to bow down, prostrate oneself ? cúi lạy ?
to bend over, bend one’s body downwards ? cúi người ?
to bow down to the ground, bow low ? cúi rạp ?
city, town, housing (project) ? cư xá ?
to cut back on, cut down, reduce ? cắt giảm ?
previous owner ? cố chủ ?
hometown, native village ? cố hương ?
robe and crown (imperial costume) ? cổn miện ?
brown tuber ? củ nâu ?
brownish ? da lươn ?
reddish brown, bronze ? da đồng ?
famous, renown painter or painting ? danh họa ?
name, reputation, fame; famous, renown, well-known ? danh tiếng ?
hand down a posthumous resentment ? di hận ?
townsfolk, townspeople, city dweller ? dân thành thị ?
(1) ocean
(2) Yang - positive
(3) to show off, make known
(4) to open
(5) goat
? dương ?
with extreme slowness, hand write to somebody on a ? dẫn rượu ?
to put down, beat down, press, emphasize ? dằn ?
way up hill and down dale, frontier area ? dặm ngàn ?
to put down, repress, quell ? dẹp ?
to record, note down, write down ? ghi ?
to write down, take a note ? ghi chép ?
to put one’s name down, sign up, write one’s name on a list ? ghi tên ?
to lie down for a short while ? ghé lưng ?
handed down from ancestors ? gia truyền ?
descend, come down (from heaven) ? giáng hạ ?
to decrease, cut down, reduce, lessen, drop, fall ? giảm ?
to cut down, lighten ? giảm nhẹ ?
to decrease, go down, fall, reduce, cut down ? giảm xuống ?
brown paper ? giấy bao gói ?
to put down heavily ? giằn ?
descend (go down) mountain-low (of setting sun) ? gác núi ?
to break down, fail, collapse, fall in ? gãy đổ ?
flip of, poke and turn upside down, play, pluck ? gảy ?
brown bear ? gấu nâu ?
Asian brown bear ? gấu nâu châu á ?
sindora tree, sindora wood-of a brownish-back color ? gụ ?
crown prince ? hoàng thái tử ?
to flow down, fall down ? huyền chảy xuống ?
hamlet, town; neighbors, neighbor; neighboring ? hàng xóm ?
(1) summer
(2) to lower, let down (price, flag); to land (a plane)
? hạ ?
go down the mountain (upon completion of training) ? hạ sơn ?
to lower, fall, come down, drop ? hạ xuống ?
(1) to matter
(2) sound of laughing
(3) clown, funny-man
? hề ?
to learn, study (on one’s own), research, investigate, educate oneself ? học hỏi ?
to break down, fail, miss ? hỏng ?
earn one’s living, feed one’s own mouth ? hồ khẩu ?
persimmon grown in lang son province ? hồng lạng ?
(1) to have, own
(2) right
(3) friend
? hữu ?
to scorn, disdain, look down on, despise ? khinh ?
bow down, humble oneself ? khom lưng uốn gối ?
to shut, close (down), condemn ? khép ?
not to known what to say, self-willed, headstrong ? khó nói ?
unknown, nameless, unnamed ? không tên ?
one’s character (as shown by one’s way of speaking) ? khẩu khí ?
hand down orally, transmit by oral tradition ? khẩu truyền ?
experience has shown that ? kinh nghiệm cho thấy rằng ?
to crush, clamp down on, domineer ? kìm kẹp ?
note down, take notes of, make careful recommendations to ? ký chú ?
to announce, make known, inform; announcement ? loan báo ?
to own, manage ? làm chủ ?
to knock down, topple, destroy ? làm sụp đổ ?
stream down, flow down ? lã chã ?
to go on go-slow strike, go on slowdown strike ? lãn công ?
to go up and down, be melodious ? lên bổng xuống trầm ?
to have illicit love affairs; hanging down, dangling, trailing; to hang down loosely ? lòng thòng ?
rice (grown in water) ? lúa nước ?
torrential rain, downpour, flood ? ?
to hand down a good name ? lưu phương ?
to hand down, pass down ? lưu truyền ?
to know one’s own strength ? lượng sức ?
strange, unknown, extraordinary ? lạ lùng ?
strange, foreign, unknown; stranger ? lạ mặt ?
to download software ? lấy nhu liệu ?
to turn upside down, turn over; to cross, double-cross ? lật ?
take pains, brave dangers, travel up hill and down dale, go ? lặn lội ?
hang down, trail ? lỏa tỏa ?
upside down, topsy-turvy ? lộn bậy ?
to wear (down), abrade ? mài mòn ?
gutter, downspout ? máng xối ?
step-down transformer ? máy hạ thế ?
the cat praises its own tail (to blow one’s own horn) ? mèo khen mèo dài đuôi ?
to wear (down, out); worn ? mòn ?
to stick one’s fingers down one’s throat; mocking, scoffing ? móc họng ?
high hat and long gown, high official position ? mũ cao áo dài ?
torrential rain, downpour ? mưa lũ ?
to rain hard; downpour, shower ? mưa rào ?
to use borrowed property for one’s own gain ? mượn đầu heo nấu cháo ?
frowning face ? mặt bàu bạt ?
bad side, downside, negative, minus ? mặt hại ?
everyone has it his own way ? mỗi người một phách ?
a 100% foreign-owned company ? một công ty vốn 100% của ngoại quốc ?
please sit down, please have a seat ? mời ngồi ?
stew in one’s own juice ? mỡ nó rán nó ?
(do something) in one’s own sweet time (way) ? ngang dọc ?
to slant downwards, tilt down ? nghiêng xuống ?
owner of an estate, property owner, proprietor, holder ? nghiệp chủ ?
sing, recite disconnected phrases (for one’s own entertainment) ? nghêu ?
hand down falsely, exaggerate, overstate, grossly exaggerate ? ngoa truyền ?
outside of town, out of town ? ngoại ô thành phố ?
rightful owner ? nguyên chủ ?
subside, become appeased, become less sharp (severe), cool down, calm ? nguôi ?
to fall down, collapse, tumble down; crossroads, cross, crossing, turning point ? ngã ?
to fall down, collapse ? ngã quị ?
homeowner, landlord ? người chủ nhà ?
adult, grown-up ? người lớn ?
a simple, down to earth person ? người mộc mạc ?
to swallow the bitter pill, sit down under an abuse ? ngậm bồ hòn làm ngọt ?
to interpose, interrupt, slap somebody down, butt in on somebody, cut somebody short ? ngắt lời ?
jade crown, tiara ? ngọc miện ?
make known one’s intention, express one’s intention ? ngỏ ý ?
to sit (down) at a table ? ngồi vào bàn ?
to sit down at the conference table ? ngồi vào bàn hội nghị ?
to sit down in a chair ? ngồi xuống ghế ?
to sit down by the side of the road ? ngồi xuống vệ đường ?
gambling house owner ? nhà gá ?
to see with one’s own eyes ? nhìn thấy tận mắt ?
to look over, look down on ? nhìn xuống ?
to look down at the ground ? nhìn xuống đất ?
frowning ? nhíu nhó ?
to like or love the sound of one’s own voice ? nhõng nhẽo ?
to jump down to the ground ? nhảy xuống đất ?
heave, sway, go up and down (especially on the water) ? nhấp nhô ?
go into (be in, be thrown into) ecstasy, (Buddhism) meditating ? nhập định ?
one’s own efforts ? những cố gắng bản thân ?
monk’s brown clothes ? nâu sồng ?
brown sugary water ? nước hàng ?
to download ? nạp xuống ?
to lie (down), be located in ? nằm ?
to throw oneself down, roll over onto one’s back ? nằm lăn ?
to lie down (to sleep), lie sleeping, be dormant ? nằm ngủ ?
to lie on one’s front, lie on one’s stomach, lie prone, lie prostrate, lie face down (wards), be flat on one’s face ? nằm sấp ?
to lie down, die ? nằm xuống ?
to drink down, drink until empty ? nốc cạn ?
to gulp down a whole bottle of alcohol ? nốc hết chai rượu ?
to be known to everybody ? nổi như cồn ?
(one’s own) feelings, sentiments ? nỗi lòng ?
home-made, home-grown, locally made; local goods ? nội hóa ?
potenbially disastrous from one's own doings ? oan nghiệt ?
to eat in an uncultured way, gobble down one’s food ? phàm ăn ?
to destroy, sabotage, tear down, break up ? phá hoại ?
to pull down (a building), demolish ? phá sập ?
to annul, reverse, strike down a verdict ? phá án ?
to state, make known one’s impressions ? phát biểu cảm tưởng ?
come down with beriberi, develop disease ? phát phù ?
top-down analysis ? phân tích trên xuống ?
one’s own room ? phòng viêng ?
blessing handed down by ancestors ? phúc ấm ?
write down one’s appreciation (of a poem) ? phẩm đề ?
business district, downtown; street ? phố ?
be blown or puffed up, swell ? phổng ?
browned beef noodle, fried noodles ? phở xào ?
to let down, disappoint ? phụ lòng ?
to be down (shades, blinds) ? phủ xuống ?
to have known each other a long time ? quen biết nhau đã lâu ?
to take one’s own life ? quyên sinh ?
boorish, loutish, clownish ? quê kệch ?
native village, homeland, one’s own native place ? quê nhà ?
(1) to kneel down
(2) species of lotus, sunflower
? quì ?
grown-up and successful children ? quế hòe ?
state-owned, public ? quốc lập ?
(1) to kneel down
(2) species of lotus, sunflower
? quỳ ?
to go down on one’s knees, kneel, genuflect ? quỳ gối ?
curled-down moustache ? râu quặp ?
to pull out, step back, withdraw, stand down; withdrawal ? rút lui ?
boil down to ? rút lại là ?
to fall, drop, come down, slide down ? rơi ?
damp down a fire ? rấm bếp ?
to drop, fall down; to crash ? rớt xuống ?
to fall down, fall below, fall underneath ? rớt xuống dưới ?
(1) to invite, ask
(2) to hang down, droop
? rủ ?
dejected, downcast, discouraged ? rủn chí ?
downstream, downriver; to go down a river ? suôi ?
to run down, disparage ? sàm báng ?
wind and waves, ups and downs, troubles ? sóng gió ?
to lie down flat (on one’s face) ? sấp ?
cap and gown, academic attire ? sắc phục đại học ?
property; to own, hold ? sở hữu ?
to put down a riot, uprising ? sụ dẹp bạo loạn ?
tumble down in a genuflexion, kowtow ? sụp lạy ?
to collapse, tumble, fall down, crumble ? sụp đổ ?
to hear something with one’s own ears ? tai nghe mắt thấy ?
brown coal, lignite ? than nâu ?
renown, fame, reputation, celebrity, report, rumour ? thanh văn ?
in one’s own way ? theo cách riêng ?
in one’s own way ? theo kiểu của mình ?
(of illness) to subside, fall, recede, go down, ease up, diminish, lessen, reduce ? thuyên giảm ?
city or town committee ? thành bộ ?
major, main, principle town, city ? thành phố chính ?
seaport, harbor town, city ? thành phố cảng ?
neighboring town, city ? thành phố phụ cận ?
crown prince ? thái tử ?
(1) village, town, hamlet
(2) to swallow
? thôn ?
announcement, report, statement, message; to inform, announce, make known, advise, warn ? thông báo ?
to lose ground, go down in the world ? thất thế ?
crown prince ? thế tử ?
city, town, village ? thị xã ?
reputation, fame, renown, celebrity ? thịnh danh ?
fame, renown, reputation ? tiếng tăm ?
top-down approach ? tiếp cận trên xuống ?
deposit, down-payment ? tiền đặt ?
narrowness of mind ? tiểu khí ?
small landowner ? tiểu địa chủ ?
to quell, put down, eradicate ? triệt hạ ?
in one’s own opinion ? trong suy nghĩ riêng ?
on one’s own property ? trong đất của mình ?
to hunt, track down, look for (criminal) ? truy nã ?
handed down or transmitted orally ? truyền tụng ?
drown (as a punishment) ? trôi sông ?
farm owner ? trại chủ ?
to pay down a debt ? trả bớt món nợ ?
to return to the original owner(s) ? trả lại cho chủ cũ ?
(1) town
(2) master, manage, command
(3) overcome, bar, block up, control, subdue, repress, restrain
(4) market town, curb, region, district
? trấn ?
to assure, calm down, relax, reassure ? trấn an ?
to calm, calm down, relax ? trấn kinh ?
to repress, put down, quell, suppress ? trấn áp ?
be drowned, drown oneself in a river ? trầm hà ?
to drown oneself ? trầm mình ?
put down a revolt ? trị loạn ?
~ and later, downwards, forwards, onwards ? trở đi ?
crown prince ? trừ quân ?
to slide down, slip ? tuột ?
owner, proprietor, landlord, landowner, household ? tài chủ ?
to fall (down), tumble, stumble ? ?
to fall down, flop down ? té cái ạch ?
of one’s own free will, as one wishes ? tùy tâm ?
private, privately owned ? tư doanh ?
private ownership; privately-owned ? tư hữu ?
privately owned, private ? tư lập ?
privately owned land or field or rice fields ? tư điền ?
to download (computer) ? tải xuống ?
to download a file ? tải xuống một tập tin ?
with one’s own eyes ? tận mắt ?
to fall down, fall into ? tỏm xuống ?
to notify, make known, transmit, convey, send on, deliver, serve (legal papers) ? tống đạt ?
to slide down, fall behind, drop behind ? tụt ?
from, since, of; to leave; to turn down; word, expression, vocabulary; temple guard; to renounce, give up ? từ ?
top-down, from top to bottom ? từ trên xuống ?
(1) Chinese character
(2) Buddhist temple, pagoda
(3) from, since
(4) oneself, on one’s own, self-
(5) otherwise known as, alias
? tự ?
to stand on one’s own feet ? tự lực cánh sinh ?
to do something on one’s own accord; unilaterally, on one’s own ? tự ý ?
to struggle with one’s own self ? tự đấu tranh với bản thân ?
automatic, of one’s own volition ? tự động ?
the edge of town or city ? ven đô ?
rely upon, pull down (a tree branch) lop off (a branch) depend on (argument) ? vin ?
forget one’s origin, disown one’s origin; uprooted ? vong bản ?
be carried away by someone’s own eloquence ? vui miệng ?
to sit down at the conference table ? vào bàn hội nghị ?
screw; to pull down, wrest down ? vít ?
unowned ? vô chủ ?
unknown, unnamed ? vô danh ?
to be thrown, hurled, flung about ? văng ?
crown, royalty ? vương chính ?
crown, diadem ? vương miện ?
still unknown, remain a mystery ? vẫn trong vòng bí ẩn ?
to act freely, act on one’s own initiative ? vẫy vùng ?
to turn down (the) music ? vặn nhỏ nhạc ?
to go home (to one’s own country) ? về nước ?
(exclamation) shot down, rejected, disappointed ? vỡ mặt ?
to put down, subdue ? vụ dẹp ?
(1) down, downstream
(2) favorable, easy
? xuôi ?
to go down, come down, get out (of a car, vehicle) ? xuống ?
to be downgraded ? xuống cấp ?
to go down stairs ? xuống cầu thang ?
to go down, descend ? xuống dưới ?
to downgrade, reduce the category of ? xuống hạng ?
to go down into a hole ? xuống lỗ ?
downstairs; to go downstairs ? xuống nhà ?
to go down, decline ? xuống thấp ?
to feel down, feel depressed ? xuống tinh thần ?
to come down here ? xuống đây ?
(down) to the ground ? xuống đất ?
to confuse, mix up, mess up, turn upside down, upset; confusion, mix up, disorder ? xáo trộn ?
to go down, go flat, deflate ? xì hơi ?
government owned business, government-run business ? xí nghiệp nhà nước ?
sink, go deep or far down (of hat, turban) ? xùm xụp ?
to go down, subside (swelling, etc.) ? xẹp xuống ?
squat down upon the hams or heels, squat, crouch ? xổm ?
fatigued, jaded, tired, run down, disordered, ruffled, in ? xờ xạc ?
(1) Austria, Austrian, Austrio-
(2) shirt, jacket, coat, tunic, gown, dress, garment worn on upper body, case, wrapping, crust, coat
? áo ?
wedding dress or gown, bridal gown ? áo cưới ?
bathrobe, nightgown, night-dress ? áo ngủ ?
(1) to drown out, silence, stifle
(2) ace
? át ?
to force down prices ? ép giá ?
black dragon brown tea (a kind of Chinese tea) ? ô long ?
manager, director, boss, owner, chief ? ông chủ ?
brown, waning, wilted, dried up ? úa ?
to work for one’s own advantage ? ăn mảnh ?
to stage a sit-down strike, throw a tantrum, raise a fuss ? ăn vạ ?
overcome, weighed down, with grief, sorrow ? đeo sầu ?
go to town (for shopping) ? đi phố ?
to go down in history ? đi vào lịch sử ?
to go downstairs ? đi xuống lầu ?
to go downstairs ? đi xuống nhà ?
tomb of the unknown soldier, war memorial ? đài liệt sĩ ?
drown (a talk~ not to one’s liking) by speaking louder ? đánh trống lấp ?
to bear, press (down), crush ? đè ?
to press down heavily ? đè nặng ?
to put off, slow down, stagnate, reach a deadlock ? đình trệ ?
to shutdown a machine (computer) ? đóng máy ?
east palace-crown prince’s residence-crown prince ? đông cung ?
coronation; to be crowned ? đăng quang ?
to be crowned champion ? đăng quang vô địch ?
to demolish, knock down; down with ~! ? đả đảo ?
each country has its own customs and ? đất lề quê thói ?
to beat down, smash down ? đập xuống ?
to cut down, chop down ? đẵn ?
to cut down wood, trees ? đẵn gỗ ?
advance security money; to make a down-payment ? đặt cọc ?
(pre)defined; to make a deposit, down-payment, reservation ? đặt trước ?
to write down, inscribe; subject, title ? đề khám ?
crown, top of the head ? đỉnh đầu ?
landlord, landlady, landowner ? địa chủ ?
to cut down, chop down ? đốn ?
to cut down a tree ? đốn cây ?
to burn down a house, burn down a building ? đốt nhà ?
to burn down a village ? đốt phá một làng mạc ?
joint ownership ? đồng sở hữu ?
it is pouring down with rain ? đổ mưa ?
(1) hamlet, small town, settlement
(2) to brood, sit on eggs
? ấp ?
unknown number ? ẩn số ?
to be broken down, flimsy ? ọp ẹp ?
to grind down, oppress ? ốp lép ?
undergrown because of lack of light ? ớm ?
settle down to married life ? ở riêng ?
capsize, upset, be thrown down, fall over, fall down ? ụp ?
gulp down, swallow ? ừng ực ?
to drink down, swallow loudly ? ực ?
dark brown (colored) ? màu nâu đậm ?