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trad: 學生們下課了。 simpl. 学生们下课了。

Xuéshengmen xiàkè le.

The students have gotten out of class.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Các sinh viên đã nhận được ra khỏi lớp. ?
Các sinh viên đã nhận ra khỏi lớp. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 她在用毛線織圍巾。 simpl. 她在用毛线织围巾。

Tā zài yòng máoxiàn zhī wéijīn.

She is knitting a scarf out of yarn.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Cô đang đan một chiếc khăn ra khỏi sợi. ?
Cô Đan một chiếc khăn ra khỏi sợi. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 體力用盡了。 simpl. 体力用尽了。

Tǐlì yòngjìn le.

They have run out of energy.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Họ đã hết năng lượng. ?
Họ đã chạy ra khỏi năng lượng. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 他覺得喘不過氣。 simpl. 他觉得喘不过气。

Tā juéde chuǎnbuguò qì.

He is out of breath.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Ông là hết hơi. ?
Anh ấy ra khỏi hơi thở. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 他把其他對手淘汰了。 simpl. 他把其他对手淘汰了。

Tā bǎ qítā duìshǒu táotài le.

He knocked his opponents out of the race.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Ông gõ đối thủ của mình ra khỏi cuộc đua. ?
Ông rời đối thủ của mình ra khỏi cuộc đua. ?
( Human Translation: )

We ran out of food. ? Chúng tôi đã hết thức ăn. ? Common Phrases 3

I am getting out of the water now. Tôi lên bờ đây. * 052

like: out of ? ?
his change of mind came out of the blue ? anh ta thay đổi ý kiến đột ngột ?
argue to refuse (to do something), argue somebody out of doing ? bàn lùi ?
dissuade from, talk somebody out of doing something ? bàn ra ?
(2) vagrant, homeless; to wander'> (1) dazed, out of one's senses
(2) vagrant, homeless; to wander
(2) vagrant, homeless; to wander'> ? bơ thờ ?
to get out of a car ? bước xuống xe ?
frightened out of one’s wits ? bạt vía ?
frightened, scared out of one’s wits ? bạt vía kinh hồn ?
improper, invalid, out of order ? bất hợp lệ ?
inconvenient, awkward, out of place ? bất tiện ?
to trick a confession out of someone ? bắt nọn ?
to be out of order ? bị hư ?
to be kicked out of school ? bị đuổi học ?
out of one’s wits, scared out of one’s wits ? bở vía ?
to force (out of the way) ? chèn ?
to be completely out of breath after a long run ? chạy xa đứt cả hơi ?
to be scared out of one’s wits ? chẳng còn hồn vía ?
contracted; to shrivel, shrink, shrink out of shape, cringe ? co dúm ?
child born out of wedlock ? con ngoài giá thú ?
illegitimate child, child born out of wedlock, bastard child ? con rơi ?
to leave, get out of the house ? cút ra khỏi nhà ?
get out of here!, beat it !, scram !, get out of my sight ! ? cút đi ?
dry, shallow, empty, out of; to go dry, exhaust ? cạn ?
to be out of words, have nothing more to say ? cạn lời ?
forbidden zone, out of bounds area ? cấm địa ?
(1) neck, collar
(2) ancient, old, out of date, old fashioned
(3) drum
(4) merchant
(5) blind
(6) leg
(7) share, stock
? cổ ?
to rescue, save, get sb out of danger ? cứu vớt ?
battered out of shape ? dúm dụm ?
winkled, out of shape ? dăn dúm ?
to settle out of hand; unambiguous, definitive, clear-cut ? dứt khoát ?
raise a siege, raise the encirclement-help out of danger, put out of ? giải vây ?
have nothing more to eat, run out of food ? gác mỏ ?
hang the head (out of shame), wear sullen looks ? gằm ?
meeting a woman as one goes out of the house ? gặp gái ?
unborn child out of wedlock, unborn illegitimate child ? hoang thai ?
to be out of beer, run out of beer ? hết bia ?
to be out of ideas, have no idea ? hết ý kiến ?
panic-stricken, frightened out of one’s wits, scared to death ? hốt hoảng ?
let the cat out of the bag, expose unintentionally one’s weak spot ? hở cơ ?
away, absent, out of sight ? khuất mặt ?
to be out of sorts or under the weather, be off color, be ? khó ở ?
to be out of the question ? không có chuyện ?
to be scared out of one’s wits ? kinh hồn ?
sidelong, out of the corner of one’s eye ? liếc mắt ?
go out of one’s mind, mental derangement, be mentally ? loạn óc ?
to make a puppet (out of someone) ? làm bù nhìn ?
to make weapons out of bronze ? làm các võ khí bằng đồng ?
a few and out of order, lying around without any pattern ? lỏng chỏng ?
run out of funds while travelling, be in want of ? lỡ độ đường ?
for the smallest part; if ever, one chance out of ten thousand; if by chance ? muôn một ?
to come out of mourning ? mãn tang ?
deformed, distorted, out of shape ? méo ?
to pull out of one’s wallet ? móc bóp ra ?
to take money out of one’s pocket ? móc tiền ?
to take something out of one’s pocket ? móc túi ?
to take out of one’s pocket ? móc túi ra ?
be without off spring, heirless ? mất giống ?
to shed tears out of compassion ? mủi lòng rơi nước mắt ?
beyond or out of (one’s) reach ? ngoài tầm tay ?
to get something out of a small hole ? ngoáy ?
outside of town, out of town ? ngoại ô thành phố ?
short-winded, be short-winded, short of breath, out of wind ? ngắn hơi ?
like a fish out of water ? như cá trên cạn ?
drop out of school and look for a job, be a drop-out ? phá ngang ?
to rush out of, shoot out of ? phóng ra ?
to get out of jail ? ra khỏi tù ?
come out of oven (bake-house, kiln) ? ra lò ?
feel out of sorts, feel under the weather ? se mình ?
soil slightly one’s trousers out of incontinence ? són ?
to rid oneself of debt, get out of debt, be clear of ? sạch nợ ?
to be scared shitless, shit in one’s pants (out of fear) ? sợ đến độ ỉa cả trong quần ?
to get out of danger, get away ? tai qua nạn khỏi ?
to get out of danger, escape danger ? thoát nạn ?
(1) to promote
(2) to come out of (a trance)
? thăng ?
to come out of a trance ? thăng đồng ?
to let someone out of, release someone from ? thả ra ?
unemployed, out of work; unemployment ? thất nghiệp ?
to get out of breath, be breathless from something or from ? thở dốc ?
out of season, out of fashion, out of place ? trái mùa ?
(1) to drink straight out of a container
(2) to blush, be embarassed
(3) to enter a religion
(4) to repair
(5) beard
? tu ?
to slip out of one’s hand ? tuột khỏi tay ?
nibble, gnaw, get pickings out of occupy ? tàm thực ?
touch out of curiosity ? tần mần ?
to get out of sleep ? tỉnh ngủ ?
to die out of loyalty ? tử tiết ?
to slip out of one’s hands ? vuột khỏi tầm tay ?
unemployed, out of work, having nothing else to do ? vô công rỗi nghề ?
to escape from prison or jail, break out of prison or jail ? vượt ngục ?
to throw money out of the window ? vứt tiền qua cửa sổ ?
to get out of a vehicle ? xuống xe ?
go out of mourning, leave off mourning ? đoạn tang ?
to drive Chinese troops out of VN ? đánh bật quân Trung Quốc ra khỏi Vietnamese ?
to issue, put out official number ? đưa ra những con số chính thức ?
born out of wedlock, bastard ? đẻ hoang ?
sudden, abrupt, unexpected; suddenly, unexpectedly, out of the blue ? đột ngột ?
unwell, out of sorts (of children) ? ươn mình ?