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much + a lot; large amount; a high degree of ?


Bìngrén jīntiān hǎoduō le.

The patient is much better today.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Bệnh nhân là tốt hơn ngày hôm nay. ?
Bệnh nhân là tốt hơn ngày hôm nay. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 這件衣服多少錢? simpl. 这件衣服多少钱?

Zhè jiàn yīfu duōshao qián?

How much does the suit cost?

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Làm thế nào nhiêu chi phí phù hợp? ?
Phù hợp với chi phí bao nhiêu? ?
( Human Translation: )


Bàba bǐ wǒ gāo hěn duō.

My father is much taller than me.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Cha tôi là cao hơn nhiều so với tôi. ?
Cha tôi là cao hơn tôi. ?
( Human Translation: )


Dìshang yǒu hěn duō tǔ.

There is too much dust on the ground.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Có quá nhiều bụi trên mặt đất. ?
Có quá nhiều bụi trên mặt đất. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 算一算你的錢包有多少現金? simpl. 算一算你的钱包有多少现金?

Suàn yī suàn nǐ de qiánbāo yǒu duōshao xiànjīn?

Count how much cash you have got in your wallet.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Đếm bao nhiêu tiền bạn đã có trong ví của bạn. ?
Đếm bao nhiêu tiền bạn có trong ví của bạn. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 姐妹倆長得很像。 simpl. 姐妹俩长得很像。

Jiěmèi liǎ zhǎng de hěn xiàng.

The sister look very much alike.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Các chị em trông rất giống nhau. ?
Các chị trông rất nhiều như nhau. ?
( Human Translation: )

thank you very much, goodbye ? Cảm ơn rất nhiều, tạm biệt. ? Numbers
I realize that i love her so much. ? Tôi nhận ra tôi yêu cô ấy rất nhiều. ? Verbs 2.5
Happiness is a place between too little and too much. ? Hạnh phúc là một nơi giữa quá ít và quá nhiều. ? Common Phrases 3
My father likes sport very much. ? Bố tôi rất thích thể thao. ? Sports
I do not know much about my origin. ? Tôi không biết nhiều về nguồn gốc của mình. ? Abstract Objects 3

I’d like something that won’t take much time. Tôi muốn món gì mà không cần lâu. * 032
How much luggage can I take? Tôi có thể mang theo bao nhiêu hành lý? * 037
How much does a ticket cost? Bao nhiêu tiền một vé xe? * 038
How much is the entrance fee? Vé vào cửa bao nhiêu tiền? * 044
How much are the admission tickets? Vé vào cửa bao nhiêu tiền? * 047
How much is the postage to America? Cước phí / Bưu phí sang Mỹ bao nhiêu tiền? * 061
How much money can one withdraw? Có thể lấy bao nhiêu tiền. * 062
How much did you drink? Bạn đã uống bao nhiêu rồi? * 087
How much did you work? Bạn đã làm việc bao nhiêu rồi? * 087
How much did you write? Bạn đã viết bao nhiêu rồi? * 087
You drink too much – don’t drink so much! Bạn uống nhiều quá – đừng có uống nhiều quá! * 091
You smoke too much – don’t smoke so much! Bạn hút thuốc lá nhiều quá – đừng có hút thuốc nhiều quá! * 091
You work too much – don’t work so much! Bạn làm việc nhiều quá – đừng có làm việc nhiều quá! * 091
I’m angry that you drink so much beer. Tôi bực mình vì bạn uống nhiều bia quá. * 094
a little longer – not much longer Còn – không nữa * 102
No, I won’t stay here much longer. Không, tôi không ở đây lâu nữa. * 102

bao nhiêu + how much, how many

like: much ? ?
(1) how much, many, so much, so many, some, any
(2) envelope, bag, pack, case, sleeve; to cover, enclose
? bao ?
how much, how many, all, ever, however much, however many ? bao nhiêu ?
so much, so many ? biết mấy ?
that much, that many, this much, this many ? bây nhiêu ?
storm in a teacup, much ado about nothing ? bé xé ra to ?
so much, that much, that many ? bấy nhiêu ?
equal to, as much as ? cho bằng ?
as much as now, as much as this moment ? cho bằng lúc này ?
there is only that much money ? chỉ có bây nhiêu tiền thôi ?
that much will do ? chỉ cần bấy nhiêu ?
to endure much, great pain, suffering ? chịu nhiền đau thương ?
to attach much importance to something, appreciate ? coi trọng ?
(1) to be so much the ~er, increasing, more and more
(2) claw, shaft
? càng ?
so much the better ? càng hay ?
so much the better ? càng tốt ?
there is (are) much or many; to have much or many, be numerous ? có nhiều ?
to have much, be rich in natural gas ? có nhiều dầu khí ?
to have much experience ? có nhiều kinh nghiệm ?
(of child) cry much at night ? dạ đề ?
too much fire ? già lửa ?
to generate much discussion, debate ? gây nhiều tranh cãi ?
twice (as much as) ? gấp hai ?
to double; double, twice as much, twofold ? gấp đôi ?
to regret very much, be very sorry ? hối hận vô cùng ?
(1) to be overcharged, pay too much
(2) to blunder, make a mistake
? hớ ?
have one’s throat contracted by too much sweetness ? khé cổ ?
did not create, generate much interest ? không gây được chú ý ?
not much, not many ? không nhiều ?
not as much as other people think ? không nhiều như người ta tưởng ?
to not pay much attention ? không để ý lắm ?
leave somebody alone, so much the worse for ? kệ thây ?
to do too much, go too far ? làm quá ?
to want to die; very much, terribly ? muốn chết ?
very, very much, greatly, vastly ? mèm ?
how much, how many, what, how?; several, some, a few; and, with ? mấy ?
(1) unruffled, imperturbable
(2) without much fuss, without ado
(3) suddenly, all of a sudden
? nghiễm nhiên ?
very much, a lot ? nhiều lắm ?
how much, how many, how ? nhường bao ?
how much, how very ? nhường nào ?
that much, that many ? nhường ấy ?
that much will do ? nhường ấy cũng đủ ?
(pluralizer); several, various; to be only; certain number of, some; as much as, as many as ? những ?
to say nothing about, much less ? nói gì tới ?
superficial; to act lightly, without much thought ? nông nổi ?
explode in salvoes, burst out with much noise ? nổ ran ?
let alone, much less ? nữa là ?
to have a little too much to drink ? quá chén ?
very much, many, too much, excessive ? quá nhiều ?
very much, terribly ? quá sức ?
to say to much, exaggerate, make to much of; excessive ? quá đáng ?
abundant, plentiful, copious, many, much, a great many ? rông rổng ?
very much, many ? rất nhiều ?
one’s line, what is much of one’s line, one’s knowledge (of some ? sở đắc ?
much less ~, so much the worse for ~ ? thây kệ ?
so much the worse, too bad ? trối kệ ?
to cost much, be very costly ? tốn nhiều ?
to not last much longer ? tồn tại lâu nữa ?
what else, to what (further) extent, how much more ? tới cái gì nữa ?
caress, fondle, stroke, make much of, flatter, pat ? ve vuốt ?
very, very much, plenty of ? veo ?
(1) large, big, great, very, much
(2) period, era
? đại ?
much wooed, much proposed to ? đắt chồng ?
to sell well, be much in demand, be much sought after ? đắt hàng ?
to that extent, so much, to such a degree ? đến như vậy ?
not to mention, much less ? đừng nói đến ?
noisy, loud; with much noise, fanfare ? ồn ào ?
to open with much fanfare ? ồn ào khánh thành ?
to must need to do sth even more, so much the more one needs to ... ? càng phải ?