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trad: 這個案件涉及到很多人。 simpl. 这个案件涉及到很多人。

Zhège ànjiàn shèjí dào hěn duō rén.

Many people are involved in this case.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Nhiều người tham gia trong trường hợp này. ?
Nhiều người đang tham gia trong trường hợp này. ?
( Human Translation: )

like: involved ? ?
to be implicated, involved in ? bị liên can trong ?
to be involved, participate, take part; involvement ? can dự ?
to be involved with, concern ? có dính dáng ?
related to, involved in ? có dính dáng tới ?
to concern, be involved with ? có dính líu tới ?
involvement, connected, concerned, implicated, involved; to concern, get involved with ? dính dáng ?
to get involved with ? dính dáng vào ?
to involve, concern, be involved; involvement ? dính líu ?
get involved in (some trouble) ? giây giướng ?
to have no connection to, not be involved in ? không có dính dáng gì đến ?
to be involved or implicated in ? liên lụy ?
complicated, involved, difficult, intricate ? lắt léo ?
(1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
? mối ?
complicated, complex, involved; complication, complexity ? rắc rối ?
very complicated, involved, confused ? rối rắm ?
to get involved in a scandal ? tay đã nhúng chàm ?
not to be involved (in something) ? vô can ?
be involved, tangled (in) ? vương vít ?
to get involved, be involved in ? vương víu ?