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trad: 我認識這個漢字。 simpl. 我认识这个汉字。

Wǒ rènshi zhège Hànzì.

I know this Chinese character.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Tôi biết nhân vật này của Trung Quốc. ?
Tôi biết nhân vật Trung Quốc này. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 她在練毛筆字。 simpl. 她在练毛笔字。

Tā zài liàn máobǐzì.

She is practicing Chinese brush calligraphy.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Cô đang luyện tập bàn chải thư pháp Trung Quốc. ?
Cô ấy thực hành thư pháp Trung Quốc bàn chải. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 中國古代周朝比秦朝早幾百年。 simpl. 中国古代周朝比秦朝早几百年。

Zhōngguó gǔdài Zhōucháo bǐ Qíncháo zǎo jǐ bǎi nián.

The ancient Chinese Zhou dynasty was several hundred years earlier than the Qin dynasty.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Các triều đại Trung Quốc Zhou cổ đại sớm hơn so với thời nhà Tần vài trăm năm. ?
Người cổ đại Trung Quốc Chu là một vài trăm năm trước đó hơn nhà Tần. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 她會中國武術。 simpl. 她会中国武术。

Tā huì Zhōngguó wǔshù.

She can do Chinese Wushu.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Cô ấy có thể làm Trung Quốc Wushu. ?
Cô có thể làm Trung Quốc võ. ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 中國的官方語言是漢語。 simpl. 中国的官方语言是汉语。

Zhōngguó de guānfāng yǔyán shì Hànyǔ.

The official language of China is the Han language (Chinese).

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Ngôn ngữ chính thức của Trung Quốc là ngôn ngữ Hán (Trung Quốc). ?
Ngôn ngữ chính thức của Trung Quốc là ngôn ngữ Hán (Trung Quốc). ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 這個漢字有什麼含義? simpl. 这个汉字有什么含义?

Zhège Hànzì yǒu shénme hányì?

What does this Chinese character mean?

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
không ký tự Trung Quốc này có nghĩa là gì? ?
Nhân vật Trung Quốc này có nghĩa là gì? ?
( Human Translation: )

The Chinese leaders are arriving. ? Những nhà lãnh đạo Trung Quốc đang đến. ? Verbs 3
A Chinese man owns this airport. ? Một người đàn ông Trung Quốcsở hữu sân bay này. ? Verbs 3
Her ancestors are Chinese. ? Tổ tiên của cô ấy là người Trung Quốc. ? History

like: chinese ? ?
Global Times (a Chinese daily newspaper) ? Hoàn Cầu Thời Báo ?
Nom (old Vietnamese writing system based on Chinese characters) ? Nôm ?
Mandarin Chinese (language) ? Quan thoại ?
simplified Chinese (characters) ? Trung Hoa đơn giản ?
3rd cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac ? bính ?
mung bean vermicelli, Chinese vermicelli, glass ? bún tàu ?
to hold a written conversation (using Chinese characters) ? bút đàm ?
(1) to build (across something), put up
(2) north, northern, Chinese
(3) ferry boat
? bắc ?
(1) section, part department, ministry
(2) gear, part, device
(3) radical (of a Chinese character)
(4) collection, set, pack (cards), suit (clothes)
(5) appearance, mean, behavior, bearing
(6) step, pace
(7) [CL for laws]
(8) land
(9) foot
(10) re
? bộ ?
(1) to stop, dissuade
(2) to concern, involve
(3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up
(4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac
(5) shield
(6) liver
(7) to accuse
? can ?
(1) soup
(2) to guard, watch over
(3) to plow
(4) to change, alter
(5) 7th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? canh ?
Nom characters (Chinese characters used to write Vietnamese) ? chữ Nôm ?
simplified word, (Chinese) character ? chữ giản thể ?
ardeola, heron, Chinese pond heron, ardeola bacchus ? cò bợ ?
ancient literature, classical written Chinese; classical (i.e. Chinese) ? cổ văn ?
to consolidate the Russian-Chinese relationship ? củng cố sự liên hệ Nga-Hoa ?
(1) gradually, little by little, by degrees
(2) third year of the Chinese zodiac (“tiger”)
? dần ?
tenth year of the Chinese zodiac (“rooster”) ? dậu ?
(1) bordering, near, adjacent, close to, before
(2) 1st cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? giáp ?
horizontal lacquered board (engraved with Chinese characters) ? hoành phi ?
waiter (in a Chinese restaurant) ? hầu sáng ?
to study Chinese characters only for exams ? học chữ Hán không ngoài mục đích thi cử ?
twelvth year of the Chinese zodiac (“pig”) ? hợi ?
(1) frightened, terrified
(2) capital city
(3) Chinese classics
(4) pass through, experience
(5) economics
(6) warp, longitude
? kinh ?
ancient Chinese classic works ? kinh truyện ?
(1) order, discipline
(2) small table, bench
(3) self
(4) to write, record
(5) cycle, era
(6) 6th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? kỷ ?
tone rules (for Chinese and Vietnamese ? luật bằng trắc ?
heaven and earth (in Chinese philosophy) ? lưỡng nghi ?
bright, clear; oath, alliance; Ming (1368-1644, last native Chinese dynasty in the history of China) ? minh ?
person of mixed Chinese and Vietnamese blood ? minh hương ?
fourth year of the Chinese zodiac (“cat” or “rabbit”) ? mão ?
(1) smell, scent, odor, color
(2) eighth year of the Chinese zodiac (“goat” or “sheep”)
? mùi ?
5th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac ? mậu ?
an old-fogy of a Chinese scholar ? một ông thầy đồ nệ cổ ?
(1) seventh year of the Chinese zodiac (“horse”)
(2) noon, midday
? ngọ ?
people’s currency (Chinese currency), renminbi ? nhân dân tệ ?
handwriting, stroke (in a Chinese character) ? nét chữ ?
knife, scimitar, slant stroke to the right (in writing Chinese characters) ? nét mác ?
horizontal stroke (of Chinese character) ? nét ngang ?
(1) valuable, noble, precious, to esteem; valuable
(2) quarter, three months
(3) 10th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? quí ?
second year of the Chinese zodiac (“ox”) ? sửu ?
following the Chinese model ? theo kiểu Trung Quốc ?
in the Chinese style, manner, fashion ? theo kiểu mẫu Trung Hoa ?
(1) expanse of land, stretch of land
(2) Chinese ash tree
? thung ?
Chinese herbs, Chinese medicine ? thuốc bắc ?
pills (in Chinese traditional medicine) ? thuốc tễ ?
(1) intimate, close, dear
(2) person, body
(3) ninth year of the Chinese zodiac (“monkey”)
? thân ?
fifth year of the Chinese zodiac (“dragon”) ? thìn ?
poetry in Chinese-transcribed Vietnamese ? thơ nôm ?
agar, Chinese gelatin (isinglass, Japanese gelatin) isinglass ? thạch ?
names of Chinese officials and governors in Vietnam during the ? thứ sử ?
to be well-versed in Chinese characters ? tinh thông chữ Nho ?
to spread across the Chinese border ? tràn qua biên giới Trung Quốc ?
eleventh year of the Chinese zodiac (“dog”) ? tuất ?
(1) ship, boat
(2) stable
(3) China, Chinese
(4) (classifier for big leaves)
? tàu ?
(1) modern, recent, fresh, up-to-date, new
(2) 8th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? tân ?
first year of the Chinese zodiac (“rat”) ? ?
well versed in Chinese literature ? túc nho ?
first year of the Chinese zodiac (“rat”) ? ?
(1) jealous
(2) tiny bit; small, tiny, little
(3) sixth year of the Chinese zodiac (“snake”)
? tị ?
the four Chinese accents ? tứ thanh ?
four books (ancient Chinese works) ? tứ thư ?
(1) Chinese character
(2) Buddhist temple, pagoda
(3) from, since
(4) oneself, on one’s own, self-
(5) otherwise known as, alias
? tự ?
sixth year of the Chinese zodiac (“snake”) ? tỵ ?
the study of Chinese characters ? việc học chữ Hán ?
the Chinese character culture (countries which use(d) Chinese characters) ? văn hóa chữ Hán ?
to arrange by radical or number of strokes (Chinese characters) ? xếp theo bộ ?
(1) sound
(2) lunar
(3) Yin, female, negative, minus
(4) reading (of a Chinese character)
? âm ?
Japanese reading (of a Chinese character), kun-yomi ? âm Nhật ?
Vietnamese reading (of a Chinese character) ? âm Việt ?
black dragon brown tea (a kind of Chinese tea) ? ô long ?
(1) to nail, nail
(2) 4th cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? đinh ?
to drive Chinese troops out of VN ? đánh bật quân Trung Quốc ra khỏi Vietnamese ?
to read in the Vietnamese manner, Vietnamese reading (of a Chinese character) ? đọc theo lối Việt ?
teacher, tutor(of Chinese language) ? đồ nho ?
(1) to elevate, lift
(2) 2nd cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
? ất ?