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bring + to take or go with someone to a place ?

trad: 肥胖容易引起各種疾病。 simpl. 肥胖容易引起各种疾病。

Féipàng róngyì yǐnqǐ gè zhǒng jíbìng.

Obesity can bring about a range of illnesses.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
Béo phì có thể mang lại một loạt các bệnh. ?
Bao nhiêu watts là bóng đèn điện này? ?
( Human Translation: )

trad: 貪官禍國殃民。 simpl. 贪官祸国殃民。

Tānguān huòguó-yāngmín.

Corrupt officials bring disaster to the country and the people.

( Google and Bing Machine Translations: )
quan chức tham nhũng mang lại tai họa cho đất nước và nhân dân. ?
Quan chức tham nhũng mang thảm họa cho đất nước và nhân dân. ?
( Human Translation: )

What brings you joy? ? Cái gì mang đến niềm vui cho bạn? ? Abstract Objects 2

I’ll bring that – I brought that. Tôi mang cái này – tôi đã mang cái này. * 086

like: bring ? ?
to foster, bring up carefully, help wholeheartedly ? bù trì ?
incriminate, bring a charge against ? bắt lỗi ?
to bring bad luck on, put a jinx on ? chạm vía ?
to bring relief to the needy ? chẩn tế ?
to join, bring together; salvo ? chập ?
to bring along, carry along ? chở theo ?
to bring up, feed ? cúc dục ?
to bring misfortunes on ? di họa ?
to push, bring about ? dun rủi ?
to foster and educate, bring up ? dưỡng dục ?
to rear, nourish, bring up ? dưỡng sinh ?
to educate, teach, instruct, bring up, rear, guide ? dạy bảo ?
to bring wedding offerings ? dẫn cưới ?
to guide, lead, bring along ? dắt ?
to move out, bring out ? dọn ra ?
(1) to desire, want
(2) to educate, rear, bring up
? dục ?
to teach and bring up ? giáo dưỡng ?
widower who brings up his children ? gà trống nuôi con ?
(1) to cause, bring about, create, set up
(2) to quarrel
? gây ?
to bring about, create, cause fear ? gây e ngại ?
to cause, engender, bring about ? gây ra ?
to bring about, create, cause more bloodshed ? gây thêm đổ máu ?
(1) ware (as in software)
(2) to sue, charge, bring suit against
? kiện ?
to sue, bring a legal action ? kiện cáo ?
to bring sb back to reality ? kéo ai về thực tế ?
to bring an accusation against somebody ? luận tội ?
to make noticeable, bring out, call attention to ? làm nổi bật lên ?
to bring about, give birth to ? làm sinh ra ?
to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life ? làm sống lại ?
spill, bring down ? làm đổ ?
to bring to trial ? lập án ?
to bring along ? mang theo ?
to bring back ? mang về ?
to bring, carry ? na ?
unify, bring together into one whole (system) ? nhất thống ?
to bring in, put in, import; to join, enter, add; to receive ? nhập ?
to nourish, feed, keep, bring up, take care of ? nuôi ?
bottle-feed (a baby), bring up on the bottle ? nuôi bộ ?
to bring up, rear, nurture, foster ? nuôi dưỡng ?
to rear, bring up ? nuôi dạy ?
to bring up children, child-rearing ? nuôi dạy con cái ?
to bring up, foster ? nuôi nấng ?
to raise, bring up, set, pose, state, display; (tent) pole ? nêu ?
to bring up, raise (a question, e.g.); to display, show ? nêu lên ?
to bring up (a subject), note, point out ? nêu ra ?
to bring wedding presents to the bridge’s house ? nạp thái ?
to set off, stand out, bring into relief ? nổi bật ?
to bring to light ? phơa bày ra ánh sáng ?
resurrection; to bring back to life, resurrect, revive ? phục hoạt ?
coach, tutor, bring up with care ? rèn cặp ?
to (bring to) light, illuminate, shed light on, enlighten ? soi sáng ?
give birth to and bring up ? sản dục ?
to carry, bring, take with; to set free, release, forgive, pardon ? tha ?
to bring to legal proceedings, sue, file charges ? thưa kiện ?
show, produce, bring forth ? tròi ?
to bring or inject new blood into ? trẻ hóa ?
to create, bring about ? tạo ra ?
to eradicate, uproot, stop, bring an end to ? tận diệt ?
to bring up reasons (why) ? viện các lý do ?
invoke, bring up (a reason) ? viện to ?
life principle that brings unhappiness ? vía van ?
to leap; to play with; to set off; to bring out ? vờn ?
to bring, lead, escort (prisoner) ? áp giải ?
to vomit, bring up ? ói ?
to take, bring along, carry ? đem ?
to bring along a gun ? đem cây súng theo ?
to restore, return, bring back, take back ? đem lại ?
to carry about, bring along, take along ? đem theo ?
to bring money ? đem tiền ?
to bring into ? đem vào ?
to bring into a hospital ? đem vào nhà thương ?
to bring home, carry home ? đem về nhà ?
to bring, take away ? đem đi ?
to bring along, produce ? đem đến ?
to bring about the desired result ? đem đến kết quả mong muốn ?
to bring together, (re)unite, gather, join ? đoàn tụ ?
to meet the bride and bring her home ? đón dâu ?
to take, give, conduct, lead, bring (something or someone) ? đưa ?
to bring people closer together ? đưa con người lại gần nhau hơn ?
to raise, bring up, bring before ? đưa lên ?
to bring to light a dubious affair ? đưa một chuyện mờ ám ra ánh sáng ?
to bring out a new look ? đưa ra một bộ mặt ?
to bring forth a document ? đưa ra một tài liệu ?
to bring to light ? đưa ra ánh sáng ?
to bring about, create, enact ? đặt ra ?
to bring up a topic, mention an issue ? đặt vấn đề ?
to bring forth, give birth to (child), hatch, lay ? đẻ ?
to give birth to, bring forth ? đẻ ra ?
to deal with, touch upon, mention, bring up, speak about ? đề cập ?
to mention (sth), bring up (sth) ? đề cập tới ?
the upbringing of children, child education ? ấu học ?
to bring back, carry back ? đưa trả ?