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family + a group of people who are related through blood

12 New HSK word(s): 1 家 + home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[ 2 门 + gate/ door/ CL:扇[shan4]/ gateway/ doorway/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ opening/ valve/ switch/ way to do something/ knack/ family/ house/ (religious) sect/ school (of thought)/ class/ category/ phylum or division (taxonomy)/ classifier for large guns/ classifier for les 2 姓 + family name/ surname/ name/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 老 + prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity/ old (of people)/ venerable (person)/ experienced/ of long standing/ always/ all the time/ of the pas 4 亲戚 + a relative (i.e. family relation)/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4];位[wei4] 5 丁 + cubes of meat and vegetables/ man/ members of a family/ population/ fourth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ 5 家庭 + family/ household/ CL:戶|户[hu4];個|个[ge4] 6 后顾之忧 + fears of trouble in the rear (idiom)/ family worries (obstructing freedom of action)/ worries about the future consequences/ often in negative expressions; meaning "no worries about anything" 6 出身 + family background/ class origin 6 家常 + the daily life of a family 6 家属 + family member/ (family) dependent 6 天伦之乐 + pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom)/ family love and joy/ domestic bliss
family tộc loại
