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extremely + In a way that is much more than usual or expected

12 New HSK word(s): 1 太 + highest/ greatest/ too (much)/ very/ extremely 3 极 + extremely/ pole (geography; physics)/ utmost/ top 4 死 + to die/ impassable/ uncrossable/ inflexible/ rigid/ extremely 4 极其 + extremely 4 十分 + to divide into ten equal parts/ very/ hundred percent/ completely/ extremely/ utterly/ absolutely 5 不得了 + desperately serious/ disastrous/ extremely/ exceedingly 5 杀 + to kill/ to murder/ to fight/ to weaken or reduce/ to smart (topolect)/ to counteract/ (used after a verb) extremely 6 不堪 + cannot bear/ cannot stand/ utterly/ extremely 6 万分 + very much/ extremely/ one ten thousandth part 6 要命 + to cause sb's death/ very/ extremely/ frightening/ annoying 6 贼 + thief/ wily/ deceitful/ evil/ extremely/ disagreeably 6 热泪盈眶 + eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom)/ extremely moved
extremely muôn phần
extremely quá cảnh
extremely tột độ
