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whatever + Anything or everything needed; no matter what
somewhat + little, not very

25 New HSK word(s): 1 什么 + what?/ who?/ something/ anything 1 多少 + number/ amount/ somewhat 1 怎么 + how?/ what?/ why? 2 为什么 + why?/ for what reason? 3 多么 + how (wonderful etc)/ what (a great idea etc)/ however (difficult it may be etc) 4 不管 + no matter (what; how)/ regardless of/ no matter 4 可惜 + it is a pity/ what a pity/ (it's) too bad 4 最好 + best/ (you) had better (do what we suggest) 4 任何 + any/ whatever/ whichever/ whatsoever 4 无论 + no matter what or how/ regardless of whether... 5 反正 + to put things back in order/ to return to the correct path/ in any event/ come what may/ whatever happens (I'm still sure it's right)/ anyway 5 如何 + how/ what way/ what 5 所谓 + so-called/ what is called 5 糟糕 + too bad/ how terrible/ what bad luck/ terrible/ bad 5 凭 + to lean against/ to rely on/ on the basis of/ no matter (how; what etc)/ proof 5 人事 + human affairs/ ways of the world/ consciousness of the world/ what is humanly possible/ personnel matters/ sexual awareness/ sexual passion/ facts of life 6 见闻 + what one sees and hears/ knowledge/ information 6 见义勇为 + to see what is right and act courageously (idiom; from Analects)/ to stand up bravely for the truth/ acting heroically in a just cause 6 啥 + (dialect) what 6 知足常乐 + satisfied with what one has (idiom) 6 制服 + to subdue/ to check/ to bring under control/ (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/ uniform (army; party; school etc)/ livery (for company employees)/ CL:套[tao4] 6 咋 + (dialect) why/ how/ what 6 进而 + and then (what follows next) 6 偏偏 + (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)/ unfortunately/ against expectations 6 毫无 + not in the least/ none whatsoever/ completely without
