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trip + journey or visit to a place
strip + To take something away from (someone)

8 New HSK word(s): 2 旅游 + trip/ journey/ tourism/ travel/ tour 3 条 + strip/ item/ article/ clause (of law or treaty)/ classifier for long thin things (ribbon; river; road; trousers etc) 4 出差 + to go on an official or business trip 4 超过 + to surpass/ to exceed/ to outstrip 5 趟 + quantifier for the number of trips or runs made 6 扒 + to hold on to/ to cling to/ to dig up/ to rake/ to push aside/ to climb/ to pull out/ to strip off 6 斑纹 + stripe/ streak 6 专程 + special-purpose trip
trip chuyến viếng thăm
