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11 New HSK word(s): 6 刹车 + to brake (when driving)/ to stop/ to switch off/ to check (bad habits)/ a brake 6 把关 + to guard a pass/ to check on sth 6 将军 + (Military) admiral/ (chess) to check/ to embarrass 6 考核 + to examine/ to check up on/ to assess/ to review/ appraisal/ review/ evaluation 6 托运 + to consign (goods)/ to check through (baggage) 6 验收 + to check on receipt/ an inventory of received goods/ to verify and accept (a delivery) 6 清理 + clear/ to put in order/ to check up 6 制服 + to subdue/ to check/ to bring under control/ (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/ uniform (army; party; school etc)/ livery (for company employees)/ CL:套[tao4] 6 制止 + to curb/ to put a stop to/ to stop/ to check/ to limit 6 对照 + to contrast/ to compare/ to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts)/ to check 6 遏制 + to check/ to contain/ to hold back/ to keep within limits/ to constrain/ to restrain
to check củ soát
to check kiểm kê
to check soát
