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surprise + To do something that another person didn't expect

8 New HSK word(s): 4 呀 + (particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel; expressing surprise or doubt) 4 竟然 + unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ in spite of everything/ in that crazy way/ actually/ to go as far as to 5 居然 + unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 6 哎哟 + hey/ ow/ ouch/ interjection of pain or surprise 6 袭击 + an attack (esp. surprise attack)/ raid/ to attack 6 不料 + unexpectedly/ to one's surprise 6 惊奇 + to be amazed/ to be surprised/ to wonder 6 惊讶 + amazed/ astonished/ to surprise/ amazing/ astonishment/ awe
surprise cái ngạc nhiên
surprise sự ngạc nhiên
