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say + To use words to tell your message
essay + short written work that displays someone's opinions or beliefs regarding a particular subject

20 New HSK word(s): 1 说话 + to speak/ to say/ to talk/ to gossip/ to tell stories/ talk/ word 3 表示 + to express/ to show/ to say/ to state/ to indicate/ to mean 4 至少 + at least/ (to say the) least 4 本来 + original/ originally/ at first/ it goes without saying/ of course 4 文章 + article/ essay/ literary works/ writings/ hidden meaning/ CL:篇[pian1];段[duan4];頁|页[ye4] 5 废话 + nonsense/ rubbish/ superfluous words/ You don't say!/ No kidding! (gently sarcastic) 5 传说 + legend/ folklore/ tradition/ it is said/ they say that... 5 说不定 + can't say for sure/ maybe 5 作文 + to write an essay/ composition (student essay)/ CL:篇[pian1] 5 告别 + to leave/ to bid farewell to/ to say good-bye to 5 成语 + Chinese set expression; often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each; often alluding to a story or historical quotation/ idiom/ proverb/ saying/ adage/ set expression/ CL:條|条[tiao2];本[ben3];句[ju4] 6 举世闻名 + (saying) world famous 6 得不偿失 + (saying) the gains do not make up for the losses 6 散文 + prose/ essay 6 化验 + laboratory test/ chemical experiment/ assay 6 不言而喻 + it goes without saying/ it is self-evident 6 俗话 + common saying/ proverb 6 归根到底 + (saying) to sum it up... 6 精打细算 + (saying) meticulous planning and careful accounting 6 表态 + to declare one's position/ to say where one stands
