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political + Concerning government or public affairs

8 New HSK word(s): 5 政治 + politics/ political 5 制度 + system (e.g. political; adminstrative etc)/ institution/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 事业 + undertaking/ project/ activity/ (charitable; political or revolutionary) cause/ publicly funded institution; enterprise or foundation/ career/ occupation/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 政权 + regime/ (wield) political power 6 动荡 + unrest (social or political)/ turmoil/ upheaval/ commotion 6 保守 + (politically) conservative/ to guard/ to keep 6 敏感 + sensitive/ susceptible/ politically sensitive (pretext for censorship) 6 事务 + (political; economic etc) affairs/ work
