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13 New HSK word(s): 2 牛奶 + cow's milk/ CL:瓶[ping2];杯[bei1] 3 啤酒 + beer/ CL:杯[bei1];瓶[ping2];罐[guan4];桶[tong3];缸[gang1] 4 购物 + shopping 4 符合 + in keeping with/ in accordance with/ tallying with/ in line with/ to agree with/ to accord with/ to conform to/ to correspond with/ to manage/ to handle 4 篇 + sheet/ piece of writing/ bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old)/ classifier for written items: chapter; article 4 乒乓球 + table tennis/ ping-pong/ ping pong/ table tennis ball/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 矿泉水 + mineral spring water/ CL:瓶[ping2];杯[bei1] 5 平 + flat/ level/ equal/ to tie (make the same score)/ to draw (score)/ calm/ peaceful/ see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1] 6 墨水儿 + ink/ CL:瓶[ping2] 6 川流不息 + the stream flows without stopping (idiom)/ unending flow 6 船舶 + shipping/ boats 6 绑架 + to kidnap/ to abduct/ to hijack/ a kidnapping/ abduction/ staking 6 畅销 + best seller/ chart-topping
