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cover + thing you put over something to close or hide it
coverage + type of programs a radio or TV station broadcasts
discover + To find something new that was not known before
discovery + Learning something for the first time
govern + To officially control and lead, conduct the policy, make decisions
government + group of people and system which rule a nation
governor + person who leads a state or province
lover + person who loves someone or is loved by someone
over + in the direction of; toward
recover + To revive, become healthy after an illness or injury
recovery + process of returning to a former state after problems or a downward turn
controversial + Causing a great deal of argument, discussion, or conflict
moreover + In addition to what has been said
overall + Viewed as a whole; in general, not as details
overcome + To succeed in a struggle against; defeat
overseas + In or to a foreign country that is across a sea
poverty + state of being poor

125 New HSK word(s): 1 北京 + Beijing; capital of People's Republic of China/ Peking/ PRC government 2 完 + to finish/ to be over/ whole/ complete/ entire 2 阴 + overcast (weather)/ cloudy/ shady/ Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/ negative (electric.)/ feminine/ moon/ implicit/ hidden/ genitalia 3 上网 + to be on the internet/ to stretch a net (in a sports game or for covering sth)/ to be netted (of fish) 3 包 + to cover/ to wrap/ to hold/ to include/ to take charge of/ package/ wrapper/ container/ bag/ to hold or embrace/ bundle/ packet/ to contract (to or for)/ surname Bao/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1] 3 接 + to receive/ to answer (the phone)/ to meet or welcome sb/ to connect/ to catch/ to join/ to extend/ to take one's turn on duty/ take over for sb 3 越 + to exceed/ to climb over/ to surpass/ the more... the more 3 过去 + (in the) past/ former/ previous/ to go over/ to pass by 3 而且 + (not only ...) but also/ moreover/ in addition/ furthermore 3 发现 + to find/ to discover 4 并且 + and/ besides/ moreover/ furthermore/ in addition 4 通过 + by means of/ through/ via/ to pass through/ to get through/ to adopt/ to pass (a bill)/ to switch over 4 商量 + to consult/ to talk over/ to discuss 4 交 + to hand over/ to deliver/ to pay (money)/ to turn over/ to make friends/ to intersect (lines) 4 另外 + additional/ in addition/ besides/ separate/ other/ moreover/ furthermore 4 考虑 + to think over/ to consider/ consideration 4 被 + by (indicates passive-voice sentences or clauses)/ quilt/ to cover (literary) 4 讨论 + to discuss/ to talk over/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 遍 + a time/ everywhere/ turn/ all over/ one time 4 加班 + to work overtime 5 通讯 + communications/ a news story (e.g. dispatched over the wire)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 递 + to hand over/ to pass on sth/ to gradually increase or decrease/ progressively 5 争论 + to argue/ to debate/ to contend/ argument/ contention/ controversy/ debate/ CL:次[ci4];場|场[chang3] 5 争取 + to fight for/ to strive for/ to win over 5 统治 + to rule (a country)/ to govern/ rule/ regime 5 痛快 + overjoyed/ delighted/ happily/ heartily/ enjoying/ also pr. tong4 kuai5 5 政府 + government/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 浏览 + to skim over/ to browse 5 抢 + fight over/ to rush/ to scramble/ to grab/ to rob/ to snatch 5 采访 + to interview/ to gather news/ to hunt for and collect/ to cover 5 恢复 + to reinstate/ to resume/ to restore/ to recover/ to regain/ to rehabilitate 5 说服 + to persuade/ to convince/ to talk sb over/ Taiwan pr. shui4 fu2 5 露 + dew/ syrup/ nectar/ outdoors (not under cover)/ to show/ to reveal/ to betray/ to expose 5 克 + to be able to/ to subdue/ to restrain/ to overcome/ gram 5 官 + official/ government/ organ of body/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 思考 + to reflect on/ to ponder over 5 克服 + (try to) overcome (hardships etc)/ to conquer/ to put up with/ to endure 5 此外 + besides/ in addition/ moreover/ furthermore 5 控制 + control/ to exercise control over/ to contain 5 解放 + to liberate/ to emancipate/ liberation/ refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949/ CL:次[ci4] 5 披 + to drape over one's shoulders/ to open/ to unroll/ to split open/ to spread out 5 盖 + lid/ top/ cover/ canopy/ to build 5 台阶 + flight of steps (leading up to a house)/ step (over obstacle)/ bench/ fig. way out of an embarrassing situation 5 再三 + over and over again/ again and again 5 过分 + excessive/ undue/ overly 5 全面 + all-around/ comprehensive/ total/ overall 5 过期 + to be overdue/ to exceed the time limit/ to expire (as in expiration date) 5 朝 + imperial or royal court/ government/ dynasty/ reign of a sovereign or emperor/ court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor/ to make a pilgrimage to/ facing/ towards 5 过 + (experienced action marker)/ to cross/ to go over 5 担任 + to hold a governmental office or post/ to assume office of/ to take charge of/ to serve as 5 套 + cover/ sheath/ to encase/ a case/ to overlap/ to interleave/ bend (of a river or mountain range; in place names)/ harness/ classifier for sets; collections/ tau (Greek letter Ττ) 5 主持 + to take charge of/ to manage or direct/ to preside over/ to uphold/ to stand for (eg justice)/ to host (a TV or radio program etc) 5 辩论 + debate/ argument/ to argue over/ CL:場|场[chang3];次[ci4] 5 破产 + to go bankrupt/ to become impoverished/ bankruptcy 5 挡 + to resist/ to obstruct/ to hinder/ to keep off/ to block (a blow)/ to get in the way of/ cover/ gear 5 成语 + Chinese set expression; often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each; often alluding to a story or historical quotation/ idiom/ proverb/ saying/ adage/ set expression/ CL:條|条[tiao2];本[ben3];句[ju4] 5 反复 + repeatedly/ over and over 6 反思 + to think back over sth/ to review/ to revisit/ to rethink/ reflection/ reassessment 6 挨 + to suffer from/ to endure/ to tide over (a difficult period)/ to delay 6 泛滥 + to be in flood/ to overflow (the banks)/ to inundate/ to spread unchecked 6 监视 + to monitor/ to oversee/ to keep a close watch over/ to spy on 6 修理 + to repair/ to perform maintenance/ to overhaul/ to fix/ to prune/ to trim 6 折腾 + to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly)/ to repeat sth over and over again/ to torment sb/ to play crazy 6 抹杀 + to erase/ to cover traces/ to obliterate evidence/ to expunge/ to blot out/ to suppress 6 重叠 + to overlap/ to superimpose/ to telescope/ to run together/ to duplicate/ one over another/ superposition/ an overlap/ redundancy/ reduplication (in Chinese grammar; e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll) 6 连年 + successive years/ over many years 6 忽略 + to neglect/ to overlook/ to ignore 6 疏忽 + to neglect/ to overlook/ negligence/ carelessness 6 争端 + dispute/ controversy/ conflict 6 争夺 + fight over/ contest/ vie over 6 统筹兼顾 + an overall plan taking into account all factors 6 霸道 + the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent 6 华侨 + overseas Chinese/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4] 6 争议 + controversy/ dispute 6 画蛇添足 + lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom)/ fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous/ to overdo it 6 交代 + to hand over/ to explain/ to make clear/ to brief (sb)/ to account for/ to justify oneself/ to confess/ to finish (colloquial) 6 穿越 + to pass through/ to cross/ to overcome 6 推翻 + overthrow 6 包庇 + shield/ harbor/ cover up 6 掩盖 + to conceal/ to hide behind/ to cover up 6 愈 + heal/ the more...the more/ to recover/ better 6 掩护 + to screen/ to shield/ to cover/ protection/ cover/ CL:面[mian4] 6 回收 + to recycle/ to reclaim/ to retrieve/ to recover 6 残留 + to remain/ left over/ surplus/ remnant 6 官方 + official/ (by the) government 6 掩饰 + to conceal a fault/ to gloss over 6 否决 + veto/ to overrule/ to veto/ to reject 6 浑身 + all over/ from head to foot 6 外向 + outward-looking/ extrovert/ extroverted (personality)/ export-oriented (economy) 6 管辖 + to administer/ to have jurisdiction (over) 6 徘徊 + to dither/ to hesitate/ to pace back and forth/ by ext. to hover around/ to linger 6 俗话 + common saying/ proverb 6 盘旋 + to spiral/ to circle/ to go around/ to hover/ to orbit 6 素质 + inner quality/ basic essence/ change over time 6 惋惜 + to feel sorry for a person over sth that should have happened 6 覆盖 + to cover 6 治理 + to govern/ to administer/ to manage/ to control 6 苦尽甘来 + bitterness finishes; sweetness begins (idiom)/ the hard times are over; the good times just beginning 6 挎 + to carry (esp. slung over the arm; shoulder or side) 6 跨 + to step across/ to stride over/ to straddle/ to span 6 酝酿 + (of alcohol) to ferment/ (of a crisis) to be brewing/ to mull over (an issue)/ to hold exploratory discussions 6 况且 + moreover/ besides/ in addition/ furthermore 6 威信 + (of a government; etc.) prestige and public reliance 6 宰 + to slaughter livestock/ to govern or rule/ to cheat customers/ Imperial official in dynastic China 6 协商 + to consult with/ to talk things over/ agreement 6 全局 + overall situation 6 过度 + excessive/ over-/ excess/ going too far/ extravagant/ intemperate/ overdue 6 过渡 + to cross over (by ferry)/ transition/ interim/ caretaker (administration) 6 过奖 + to over-praise/ to flatter 6 漂浮 + to float/ to hover/ to drift (also fig.; to lead a wandering life)/ to rove/ showy/ superficial 6 未免 + unavoidable/ a bit too much/ over the top (you exaggerate) 6 贫困 + impoverished/ poverty 6 疑惑 + to doubt/ to distrust/ unconvincing/ to puzzle over/ misgivings/ suspicions 6 周转 + turnover (in cash or personnel)/ to have enough resources to cover a need 6 遗留 + (leave or be a) legacy/ left over/ hand down (to next generation) 6 逐年 + year after year/ with each passing year/ over the years 6 讨价还价 + haggle over price 6 遍布 + to cover the whole (area)/ to be found throughout 6 发觉 + to find/ to detect/ to discover 6 主权 + sovereignty 6 民间 + among the people/ popular/ folk/ non-governmental/ involving people rather than governments 6 翻 + to turn over/ to flip over/ to overturn/ to translate/ to decode 6 隐蔽 + to conceal/ to hide/ covert/ under cover 6 隐瞒 + to conceal/ to hide (a taboo subject)/ to cover up the truth 6 立交桥 + overpass/ flyover
