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force + To use physical strength or violence to persuade

16 New HSK word(s): 4 只好 + without any better option/ to have to/ to be forced to 5 力量 + power/ force/ strength 6 武装 + arms/ equipment/ to arm/ military/ armed (forces) 6 冲突 + conflict/ to conflict/ clash of opposing forces/ collision (of interests)/ contention 6 气势 + momentum/ manner/ energy/ look of great force or imposing manner/ powerful 6 团结 + a rally/ to hold a rally/ to join forces 6 强制 + to enforce/ enforcement/ forcibly/ compulsory 6 强迫 + to compel/ to force 6 动力 + power/ motion/ propulsion/ force 6 活力 + energy/ vitality/ vigor/ vital force 6 暴力 + violence/ (use) force/ violent 6 生机 + opportunity to live/ to reprieve from death/ life force/ vitality 6 逼迫 + to force/ to compel/ to coerce 6 勉强 + to do with difficulty/ to force sb to do sth/ reluctant/ barely enough 6 理直气壮 + in the right and self-confident (idiom)/ bold and confident with justice on one's side/ to have the courage of one's convictions/ just and forceful 6 示威 + to demonstrate (as a protest)/ a demonstration/ a military show of force
force cường lực
