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drop + To let something fall from your hand

8 New HSK word(s): 1 点 + drop (of liquid)/ stain/ spot/ speck/ jot/ dot stroke (in Chinese characters)/ decimal point/ point/ mark (of degree or level)/ a place (with certain characteristics)/ iron bell/ o’clock/ a little/ a bit/ some/ (point) unit of measurement for type/ to tou 4 掉 + to fall/ to drop/ to lag behind/ to lose/ to go missing/ to reduce/ fall (in prices)/ to lose (value; weight etc)/ to wag/ to swing/ to turn/ to change/ to exchange/ to swap/ to show off/ to shed (hair) 5 滴 + a drop/ to drip 5 摔 + to throw down/ to fall/ to drop and break 5 背景 + background/ backdrop/ context/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 6 衰退 + to decline/ to fall/ to drop/ to falter/ a decline/ recession (in economics) 6 跌 + to drop/ to fall/ to tumble/ Taiwan pr. die2 6 凝聚 + to condense/ to coagulate/ coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets)/ aggregation/ coherent
drop giọt
