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drive + To control a vehicle so that it moves somewhere
driver + Someone who operates a vehicle

9 New HSK word(s): 3 司机 + chauffeur/ driver/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 主动 + to take the initiative/ to do sth of one's own accord/ active/ opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]/ drive (of gears and shafts etc) 5 目录 + catalog/ table of contents/ directory (on computer hard drive)/ list/ contents 5 胡说 + to talk nonsense/ drivel 5 促使 + to induce/ to promote/ to urge/ to impel/ to bring about/ to provoke/ to drive (sb to do sth)/ to catalyze/ to actuate/ to contribute to (some development) 5 驾驶 + to pilot (ship; airplane etc)/ to drive 6 机动 + locomotive/ motorized/ power-driven/ adaptable/ flexible (use; treatment; timing etc) 6 志气 + ambition/ resolve/ backbone/ drive/ spirit 6 魄力 + courage/ daring/ boldness/ resolution/ drive
drive ổ đĩa
