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behind + In or toward the back

6 New HSK word(s): 4 掉 + to fall/ to drop/ to lag behind/ to lose/ to go missing/ to reduce/ fall (in prices)/ to lose (value; weight etc)/ to wag/ to swing/ to turn/ to change/ to exchange/ to swap/ to show off/ to shed (hair) 5 甩 + to throw/ to fling/ to swing/ to leave behind/ to throw off 5 落后 + to fall behind/ to lag (in technology etc)/ backward/ to retrogress 6 后面 + rear/ back/ behind/ later/ afterwards 6 内幕 + inside story/ non-public information/ behind the scenes/ internal 6 掩盖 + to conceal/ to hide behind/ to cover up
behind đằng sau
behind ở sau
