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forest + large area with many trees
interest + to make someone want to know about something
rest + time when one relaxes, sleeps, or is inactive
arrest + To use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes
restaurant + place where you can order, buy and eat a meal
restore + To put or bring back into existence or use, mend
restrict + To prevent someone from doing something
restriction + law or rule that controls or limits the speed, size, amount, or number of something

52 New HSK word(s): 1 饭馆 + restaurant/ CL:家[jia1] 2 休息 + rest/ to rest 3 爱好 + to like/ to take pleasure in/ keen on/ fond of/ interest/ hobby/ appetite for/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 放心 + to set one's mind at rest/ to be at ease/ to rest 3 最近 + recent/ recently/ these days/ latest/ soon/ nearest (of locations)/ shortest (of routes) 3 兴趣 + interest in (something)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 吸引 + to attract (interest; investment etc)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 森林 + forest/ CL:片[pian4] 4 有趣 + interesting/ fascinating/ amusing 4 限制 + to restrict/ to limit/ to confine/ restriction/ limit/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 干燥 + to dry (of weather; paint; cement etc)/ desiccation/ dull/ uninteresting/ arid 5 其余 + the rest/ the others/ remaining/ remainder/ apart from them 5 利息 + interest (on a loan)/ CL:筆|笔[bi3] 5 利益 + benefit/ (in sb's) interest/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 启发 + to enlighten/ to explain and arouse interest/ to inspire/ inspiration/ heuristic (attributively)/ to teach/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 不安 + unpeaceful/ unstable/ uneasy/ disturbed/ restless/ worried 5 开放 + to lift (a ban or restriction)/ to open to the outside world (politics)/ to open for public use/ to come into bloom (of flowers) 5 恢复 + to reinstate/ to resume/ to restore/ to recover/ to regain/ to rehabilitate 5 餐厅 + dining-hall/ dining-room/ restaurant/ CL:間|间[jian1];家[jia1] 5 克 + to be able to/ to subdue/ to restrain/ to overcome/ gram 5 歇 + to rest 6 利率 + interest rates 6 修复 + restoration 6 搏斗 + to wrestle/ to fight/ to struggle 6 冲突 + conflict/ to conflict/ clash of opposing forces/ collision (of interests)/ contention 6 束 + to bind/ to tie/ bundle/ cluster/ restraint 6 束缚 + to bind/ to restrict/ to tie/ to commit/ fetters 6 牵制 + to control/ to curb/ to restrict/ to impede/ to pin down (enemy troops) 6 还原 + to restore to the original state/ reduction (chemistry) 6 浓厚 + dense/ thick (fog; clouds etc)/ to have a strong interest in/ deep/ fully saturated (color) 6 动荡 + unrest (social or political)/ turmoil/ upheaval/ commotion 6 肆无忌惮 + absolutely unrestrained/ unbridled/ without the slightest scruple 6 作息 + work and rest 6 查获 + to investigate and capture (a criminal)/ to ferret out/ to hunt down and arrest 6 约束 + to restrict/ to limit to/ to constrain/ restriction/ constraint 6 枯燥 + dry and dull/ uninteresting/ dry-as-dust 6 制约 + to restrict/ condition 6 津津有味 + with keen interest pleasure (idiom)/ with gusto/ to relish/ eagerly/ with great interest 6 打包 + to wrap/ to pack/ to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant) 6 威望 + prestige 6 威信 + (of a government; etc.) prestige and public reliance 6 趣味 + fun/ interest/ delight/ taste/ liking/ preference 6 权威 + authority/ authoritative/ power and prestige 6 过问 + to show an interest in/ to get involved with 6 大肆 + wantonly/ without restraint (of enemy or malefactor)/ unbridled 6 拼搏 + to struggle/ to wrestle 6 遏制 + to check/ to contain/ to hold back/ to keep within limits/ to constrain/ to restrain 6 逮捕 + to arrest/ to apprehend/ an arrest 6 信誉 + prestige/ distinction/ reputation/ trust 6 忍耐 + to show restraint/ to repress (anger etc)/ to exercise patience 6 憋 + to choke/ to stifle/ to restrain/ to hold back/ to hold in (urine)/ to hold (one's breath) 6 拘束 + to restrict/ to restrain/ constrained/ awkward/ ill at ease/ uncomfortable/ reticent
