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5 New HSK word(s): 4 乱 + in confusion or disorder/ in a confused state of mind/ disorder/ upheaval/ riot/ illicit sexual relations/ to throw into disorder/ to mix up/ indiscriminate/ random/ arbitrary 6 胡乱 + careless/ reckless/ casually/ absent-mindedly/ at will/ at random/ any old how 6 混乱 + confusion/ chaos/ disorder 6 扰乱 + to disturb/ to perturb/ to harass 6 捣乱 + to disturb/ to look for trouble/ to stir up a row/ to bother sb intentionally

我看了三套房子,都不太满意,有的太小,有的周围环境太乱。 Wǒ kàn le sān tào fángzi, dōu bú tài mǎnyì, yǒu de tài xiǎo, yǒu de zhōuwéi huánjìng tài luàn. Tôi đã xem được ba căn chung cư rồi, đều không vừa ý lắm, có cái thì quá bé, có cái thì môi trường xung quanh loạn quá. →