
thousand + number 1,000

4 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + qian1 thousand HSK3 + wan4 ten thousand; a great number HSK6 万分 + wan4fen1 very much; extremely; one ten thousandth part HSK6 千方百计 + qian1fang1bai3ji4 lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
8 Old HSK word(s): A num * wan4 ten thousand/ a very great number A num * qian1 thousand C * cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 thousands of/ large quantity of C Adv * wan4fen1 thousands-portions/ very much/ extremely C * wan4 gu3 chang2 qing1 thousands-age-ever-green/ remain fresh forever C VA * wan4sui4 thousands-years/ long live/ Your Majesty C Adv * wan4wan4 thousands-thousandsin millions of cases/ in any case C n;Adv * wan4yi1 thousands-oneone in thousands/ eventuality/ in case



Nghìn +


Triệu +

Rất +

Lật lên +
Grade E word(s):

这个小男孩能够数到一千。 The little boy can count up to a thousand.
我的工资多达一万元。 I received no less than ten thousand yen for my work.
这部小说引起了千万读者的想象。 The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers.
自由党候选人轻易获胜,超出选票数以千计。 The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare.
暴风给成千上万的人带来灾难。 The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people.
听众至少也有五千人。 The audience was not less than five thousand.
把我的电视机修好要花去我10000日元。 It cost me ten thousand yen to have my television set repaired.
史密斯悄悄地向地向拍卖人做手势,然后把出价又抬高了1,000元。 Smith signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.
数千人死於这场灾祸. Thousands died in the disaster.
花瓶已经粉碎了. The vase shattered into a thousand pieces.
在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家. During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.
自从我们的祖先发明指南针以来,将近两千年过去了。 Nearly two thousand years have passed since our ancestors invented the compass.
千千万万的人死于饥荒。 Thousands of people died of famine.
油轮需求量下降使造船业成千上万的工作职位受到威胁. A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.
在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。 In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.
她从容地掏出钱夹付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽! She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
我们的新型洗衣粉顾客都很满意, 成千上万的人不可能都错了, 您也不妨试一试好吗? Thousands of satisfied customers can't be wrong, so why don't you try our new washing-powder?
唉!可怜的公爵!他担负的工作简直是数沙饮海;一个人站在他一边作战,就有1000人转身逃走。 Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly.
人类经数千年才文明开化. The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years.
参观的人成千上万, 把台阶踩得不像样子了. The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.
现已有数千人给我们来信索要免费样品. Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample.
沙滩上有许多遮阳篷。 There are thousands of awnings on the sea beach.
密耳长度单位,等于一英寸的千分之一(10-3)(0。0254毫米),如用来标明电线的直径或按页出售的材料的厚度 A unit of length equal to one thousandth(10-3) of an inch(0.0254 millimeter), used, for example, to specify the diameter of wire or the thickness of materials sold in sheets.