
2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 + la1 (onom.) sound of singing, cheering etc; (phonetic); (dialect) to chat HSK6 曲子 + qu3zi5 poem for singing; tune; music; CL:支zhi1
3 Old HSK word(s): C * neng2 ge1 shan4 wu3 be good at both singing and dancing C VA * ge1chang4 sing/ praise through singing D N * ge2yong3 singing


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Bài hát +
Grade E word(s):

我喜欢唱歌,更不用说听音乐了。 I enjoy singing, much more listening to music.
他们以唱歌来减轻等候的厌烦. They alleviated the boredom of waiting by singing songs.
她多才多艺, 能歌善舞. Dancing and singing were among her many accomplishments.
她的歌唱得已是炉火纯青. Her singing was perfection.
她一演唱剧院就满座. Opera houses were packed out whenever she was singing.
欢乐的歌手们正在唱颂歌。 Merry songsters are singing carols.
画眉是一种小鸣禽。 The thrush is a kind of small singing bird.
这名吟游诗人在全国游历,吟唱他自己写的诗歌。 The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him.
当我初次离家时,喜鹊在树上唱歌,在中国文化中这是个好预兆。 Some magpies was singing in the tree when I left home for the first time, a good omen in Chinese culture.