
fire + heat and the flame produced when burning

18 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + li2 to leave; to part from; to be away from; (in giving distances) from; without (sth); independent of; one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦ba1 gua4, symbolizing fire; ☲ HSK2 + zhao2 to touch; to come in contact with; to feel; to be affected by; to catch fire; to fall asleep; to burn HSK3 + fang4 to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out; to set off (fireworks) HSK4 + huo3 fire; urgent; ammunition; fiery or flaming; internal heat (Chinese medicine); hot (popular); classifier for military units (old) HSK5 鞭炮 + bian1pao4 firecrackers; string of small firecrackers; CL:枚mei2 HSK5 + qiang1 gun; firearm; rifle; spear; thing with shape or function similar to a gun; CL:支zhi1,把ba3,杆/杆gan3,条/条tiao2,枝zhi1; to substitute for another person in a test; to knock; classifier for rifle shots HSK5 射击 + she4ji1 to shoot; to fire (a gun) HSK5 + chao3 to sauté; to stir-fry; to speculate; to hype; to fire (sb) HSK5 火柴 + huo3chai2 match (for lighting fire); CL:根gen1,盒he2 HSK6 + ao2 to cook on a slow fire; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure HSK6 + bo1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch HSK6 发射 + fa1she4 to shoot (a projectile); to fire (a rocket); to launch; to emit (a particle); to discharge; emanation; emission HSK6 解雇 + jie3gu4 to fire; to sack; to dismiss; to terminate employment HSK6 + hong1 to bake; to heat by fire; to set off by contrast HSK6 爆竹 + bao4zhu2 firecracker HSK6 烟花 + yan1hua1 fireworks; prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater) HSK6 熄灭 + xi1mie4 to stop burning; to go out (of fire); to die out; extinguished HSK6 消防 + xiao1fang2 firefighting; fire control
14 Old HSK word(s): A VA * zuo4 sit/ take a seat/ ride/ put on a fire B N * huo3 fire C N * huo3li4 firepower/ thermal power/ one's ability to stand cold C N * juo4yan4 flame/ tongue of fire/ blaze C VA * fa1she4 launch/ discharge/ shoot/ fire/ transmit C VA * she4ji1 shoot/ fire D VA * nao3huo3 angry/ take fire D N * lie4huo3 raging fire/ blaze D VA * jie3gu4 fire/ dismiss from D N * bian1pao4 firecracker D N * huo3zai1 fire D VA * hong1 dry or warm by the fire D N * pao4huo3 fire/ shellfire D N * bao4zhu2 firecracker



Từ +


Những +


Đưa +


Lửa +

Pháo +

Súng +

Bắn +

Chiên +

Trận đấu +

Sôi +

Quay +

Khí thải +

Sa thải +

Nướng +

Pháo +

Pháo hoa +

Tắt +

Lửa +
Grade E word(s):

棉花容易着火。 Cotton catches fire easily.
火警警报响时全体人员应到楼外集合. If the fire-alarm goes, staff should assemble outside the building.
先让我烤烤火暖和一下,然后我们开始谈话。 Just give me a minute to thaw out in front of the fire, then we can talk.
他被他的老板解雇了。 He was fired by his boss.
她只有坐在壁炉前才感觉到暖和。 She felt warm only when she sat before the fireplace.
一块煤炭从火中掉出来,烧坏了地席。 A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat.
中国孩子会在春节前买很多鞭炮。 Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival.
人们聚集在篝火周围唱歌。 The men clustered together round the fire and sang songs.
火蜥蜴曾被认为能生活于火中。 Salamanders once were thought to be capable of living in fire.
大火扑灭之後, 工厂只剩下个空架子了. Only the shell of the factory was left after the fire had been put out.
我的房子保了火险。 My house is insured against fire.
他们拣拾木柴以补充煤的不足. They eked out their coal by collecting firewood.
他加了一些煤油, 火就燃烧起来了. The fire blazed up when he added paraffin.
做个消防队员有时候会有危险。 Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous.
警察朝人群上方射出一排子弹。 Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd.
全体居民都动员起来,防止森林火灾。 The entire population was mobilized to watch for forest fires.
消防队到达时, 整座建筑物正在熊熊燃烧著. When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing.
消防队员需用呼吸器械才能进入燃烧著的房屋. Firemen needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.
在天气干燥时把点燃的香烟扔进树林可能会引起火灾。 A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire.
老人蹲在炉火旁. The old man squatted (down) by the fire.
他得罪了上司,于是被解雇了。 He offended his superior and then was fired.
庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。 The climax of the celebration was a firework display.
炮火掩护步兵前进. Artillery gave cover (ie fired at the enemy to stop them firing back) while the infantry advanced.
出售枪支受到许多法律限制。 The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions.
他舒展开身体躺在炉火旁边睡著了. He stretched (himself) out in front of the fire and fell asleep.
政府将制定法规限制枪支出售。 The government will introduce legislation to restrict the sale of firearms.
我往火里扔了一根木炭。 I threw a stick of charcoal in the fire.
一个厨房里的小火炉就会把整个房子都熏黑。 One small fire in the kitchen will cover the whole house in soot.
那篝火只有余烬尚存。 Only the embers of the bonfire remained.
他瞄准羚羊射击, 把它打倒了. He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope.
这个项目由於缺少资金而推迟了许多年. The project had hung fire for several years because of lack of funds.
你再迟到一次, 就把你开除. Arrive late once more and (ie If you arrive late once more) you're fired.
士兵们不停地射击. The soldiers kept up a steady fire.
夹叉射击按这种方式射出的炮弹 The shells fired in such a manner.
消防队员无法控制这场大火。 The firemen were unable to control the blaze.
士兵们遭到近距离的火力射击。 The soldiers got fired into at close quarters.
年轻人特有的热情和锐气在这些人当中没有多大表现。 The fire and dash pertaining to youth are not much in evidence among these people.
火焰吞没了房子。 The fire swallowed up the house.
他们摊开手脚烤火。 They were sprawled out in front of the fire.
烟火炸开放出一阵火花. The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.
原子弹爆炸总是伴随着巨大的火球。 The atomic explosion is always accompanied by huge fireball.
在火上一下子添上很多煤, 反而能把火闷死. If you put too much coal on the fire at once you'll smother it.
一场大火过后,这座建筑剩下的只是一个空壳。 All that remained of the building after the fire was an empty shell.
把电炉打开,在穿睡衣睡裤之前把它们先烤热。 Put on the electric fire and warm your pyjamas before putting them on.
密集的迫击炮火力从这些阵地射向由山谷那边上来的援军。 From these positions mortar fire was rained down upon reinforcements moving up through the valley.
我们有了孩子以后不可能再居住在单间套房里了,爹爹帮了我们大忙,把买房的定金借给了我们。 It was impossible living in a one-roomed flat after we had the baby but Dad pulled the chestnuts out of the fire by lending us the deposit for a house.
他们燃起篝火防止野兽接近. They lit a fire to keep wild animals off.
受重型迫击炮火力威胁的敌军阵地;受步枪火力的袭击 Subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire; struck by rifle fire.
窑用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑 Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.
她用枪向他们射击。 She fired her gun at them.
他在火灾中伤了左手。 He injured his left hand in a fire.
无人能否认火能燃烧的事实. No one can deny the fact that fire burns.
射石炮早期发射石弹大炮的一种 An early form of cannon that fired stone balls.
这场火把城市上空映得一片通红。 The fire cast a ruddy glow over the city.
人们一桶又一桶传递著水以便把火扑灭。 Bucket of water is passed from hand to hand to put the fire out.
救济品很快被送到遭受火灾的灾民手中。 Relief was quickly sent to the sufferers from the great fire.
把你的椅子转向炉火一边. Turn your chair round to the fire.
两个棍棒相互摩擦能起火. Friction between two sticks can create a fire.
在火灾中,好些房子给烧毁了。 A number of houses were burnt down in the fire.
这幢旧房子在昨夜的大火中烧毁了。 The old house burned down last night in the big fire.
一场火烧毁了他开的店,他的事业就此完蛋。 His business was done in by a fire that burned down his store.
在暴动中,农奴们以赤手空拳对付钢枪铁炮。 In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire.
最高天天堂的最高处,古人相信那里完全是火与光的圣地 The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure fire or light.
经过长时间调查后,撤消了对经理失职罪的指控,并免除了他对导致工厂烧毁的失火事故的责任。 After a long inquiry, the Manager was exonerated from the charge of neglect and from any responsibility for the fire that destroyed the factory.
遇火灾时按下此钮。 Press this button in case of fire.
宣告贩卖军火是非法的 Outlawed the sale of firearms.
壁炉凸出在外,伸入房间。 The fireplace came out into the room.
他的肖像挂在壁炉的上方. His portrait (was) hung above the fireplace.
爆竹响了,吓了杰克的狗一跳。 The firecracker went off and scared Jack's dog.
爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。 The fire cracker went off and scared Jack's dog.
我们生起了火, 很快就觉得暖烘烘的了. We lit the fire and were soon as warm as toast.
上个月数百名妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。 Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels’ gunfire last month.
我扣动了扳机,可是枪打不响,那鹿也就逃走了。 I pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped.
陶瓷学制作陶瓷物品的工艺或技术,尤指用耐火粘土制 The art or technique of making objects of ceramic, especially from fired clay.
点射由于扣动扳机而从自动武器中射出的一定数量的子弹 The number of bullets fired from an automatic weapon by one pull of the trigger.
她在当地的旅馆询问打听,得知罗切斯特太太在一天夜间点火烧着了房子。 Making inquiries at the local inn, she discovers that Mrs. Rochester one night succeeded in setting the house on fire.
燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。 Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
莫斯科电视为撤军做了广泛的报导,一则苏联电视报导说车队曾受攻击,但是并未提供细节。  Moscow television carried extensive coverage of the pullout. A Soviet television correspondence said the convoy had come under fire but did not provide details.
爆竹啪啪地响。 The firecrackers popped.
烟火砰的一声爆开了. The firework exploded with a loud bang.
火灾过後, 寒舍所剩无几. After the fire, very little remained of my house.
这场火灾应该追究谁的责任? Who is to blame for starting the fire?
拂晓时敌人向我防线开了火。 The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn.
熊熊的柴火在起居室的炉中噼啪作响。 A cheerful wood fire was crackling in the sitting room.
由於炸弹过早爆炸, (恐怖分子的)阴谋未能得逞. The plot backfired (on the terrorist) when the bomb exploded too soon.
"那些男孩一直在花园里点火堆。""他们又在搞这名堂了,是不是?" "The boys have been lighting fires in the garden." "So they're at it again, are they? "
客迈拉一种通常被描绘成狮子、山羊和蛇的组合体吐火的雌性怪物 A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.
修车厂雇用琼斯做修理工,但发现他是冒牌货后,就把他解雇了。 The garage hired Jones as a mechanic, but fired him when they found he was sailing under false colours.
破墙槌一种非常沉重的金属槌,是救火人员和执法官员用来捣破墙和门而用的 A very heavy metal bar used by firefighters and law enforcement officers to break down walls and doors.