
expert + skillful person with special knowledge

5 New HSK word(s): HSK2 大家 + da4jia1 everyone; influential family; great expert HSK5 专家 + zhuan1jia1 expert; specialist; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 大方 + da4fang1 expert; scholar; mother earth; a type of green tea HSK6 擅长 + shan4chang2 to be good at; to be expert in HSK6 拿手 + na2shou3 expert in; good at
2 Old HSK word(s): B N * zhuan1jia1 expert/ specialist D VS;n * nei4hang2 expert



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Grade E word(s):

税务法非常复杂,只有专家才能解释清楚。 The tax laws are so complicated that only an expert can provide enlightenment.
她的武术练到家了。 She is expert at Chinese boxing.
他并不以这方面专家自居。 He has no pretensions to being an expert on the subject.
在这一测验中你与专家较量一下技巧吧。 Match your skill against the experts in this quiz.
根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验。 According to expert opinions, they gave up the experiment immediately.
专家已经确认了该画是真迹。 The experts have vouched for the painting's authenticity.
他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已. We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.
专家们正在勘查这个岛的各个部分。 The experts are exploring every part of the island.
但是我们彼此合作的领域还在不断增加。我们已经商定在贸易、技术、投资以及科学与管理专门知识的交流等方面更密切地合作。 But the areas of our mutual cooperation continue to expand. We have already agreed to cooperate more closely in trade, technology, investment, and exchanges of scientific and managerial expertise.
他是电子应用专家. He's an expert in electronics.
她是个有声望的专家。 She is a reputable expert.
请来了专家担当政府顾问. Experts were brought in to advise the Government.
她以内行的眼光看, 这幅画糟透了. To her expert eye, the painting was terrible.
专家们对该计划的可行性意见不一。 Experts were divided on the feasibility of the project.
他精通世界上的神秘宗教。 He is an expert on the world's mystical religions.
这份手稿只有专家才看得懂. The manuscript requires an expert to understand it.
报刊杂志刊登了许多名家的文章。 The newspapers and magazines carry a lot of articles written by famous experts.
他是徒手格斗的能手。 He is an expert in unarmed combat.
用廉价的仿制品骗不了行家. You can't fob an expert off with cheap imitations.
美元突然贬值, 财经专家无不大伤脑筋. The sudden fall in the value of the dollar has puzzled financial experts.
史密斯先生擅长做很多事情,但他从来不表现自己。 Mr Smith is expert at a lot of things, but he always hides his light under a bushel.
专家系统是一套能够整理并呈现既有知识的电脑程式。 An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre- existing knowledge.
Rex很快就成了一个开门能手了。 Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.
桨手划桨者,尤指划桨能手;桨手 A man who rows, especially an expert in rowing; a rower.
我并不自诩对这一问题内行[是这一问题的专家]. I don't profess expert knowledge of/to be an expert in this subject.