
agree + to have the same opinion as someone else
agreement + when you share the same opinion or reach a decision
both + Used to refer to two things at the same time
difference + Not of the same kind; unlike other things
different + Not of the same kind; unlike other things
fair + Treating all people the same way
himself + the same (male) person who did the action
myself + the same person as did the action mentioned
pair + two of the same thing, e.g. socks
together + Near close in the same place not far in a family or group
under + In the same place as another thing, but lower
while + During the time that; at the same time
whilst + During the time that; at the same time
association + organization of people with the same interest
bunch + group of things of the same kind
copy + To make something that looks the same as the original
equal + same in shape, size, or number
gay + person attracted to someone of the same sex
generation + People born and living at about the same time
similar + Nearly the same
similarly + In away that is almost the same as something or someone else
twin + Two children born from same mother at same time
twist + To turn something in opposite directions at the same time
unite + To join or come together for the same goal
upper + Located above others of the same kind
variation + Something almost the same as another but different
meanwhile + At or during the same time ; in the meantime
parallel + Very similar and often occurring at the same time
peer + person of the same age, class or background as another
fellow + belonging to the same group

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Grade E word(s):
