
advertise + to show how good a product is, to make people buy
anyway + A word people use to change the topic of a conversation
bed + A piece of furniture that people sleep on
blood + red liquid in the bodies of people and animals
bus + A large road vehicle used for carrying many people
camp + place where people live for a short time in tents
class + rank or level in society, ranked from high (rich professional people) to low (ordinary people)
club + group of people who share an interest, as in sport
collect + To gather things/people together in one place
conversation + when you talk with other people; discussion or chat
couple + two of something; two people; a pair
excitement + When people feel very happy and enthusiastic
fair + Treating all people the same way
family + a group of people who are related through blood
food + What people and animals eat to live
game + Activity with rules that people play to have fun
generally + Usually; as a rule; by, to or for most people
government + group of people and system which rule a nation
group + number of people or things gathered together
holiday + day when people don't go to work or school
hospital + building for sick people, with doctors and nurses
knock + To hit something to get people's attention
management + people who are in control of a business or group
market + public event where people sell goods on tables
neighborhood + area of a town or city that people live in
nurse + person trained to care for sick or injured people
ourselves + Used by a speaker to show that they and one or more people are affected by their action
please + You say this when you politely ask people for things
police + People, often in uniforms, who solve crimes
race + contest between either people, animals or vehicles, to determine which is the fastest
relation + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
relationship + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
right + on side where the hand that most people write with
security + Things done to protect people, buildings, a country, etc. from harm
sort + group or class of similar things or people
tax + Money taken by a government from its people
team + group of people working on a task together
them + Referring to specified other people
these + People, things, or ideas near you
they + Used to refer to two or more people, animals, or things
those + used to show which people or things we are talking about
train + vehicle that carries people and runs on rails
us + Belonging to the speaker and other people
we + Used to refer to the speaker and other people together
who + What or which person or people, to ask about, talking about
with + Used to express that people or things are together
announcement + act of informing people about something publicly
arrest + To use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes
association + organization of people with the same interest
attraction + interesting place people want to visit e.g. museum
cast + people who appear in a play or movie
charm + quality of making people like you; attractiveness
committee + group of people who do or decide something
community + group of people who share a common idea or area
crowd + large group of people together in one place
dozen + 12 people or things
entertainment + activity make people have a good time by singing, telling jokes, etc
famous + widely known; recognized by many people
folk + of ordinary people; not sophisticated
gather + To bring people/animals together into a group
generation + People born and living at about the same time
guide + To lead people visiting a new or unknown place
hotel + place where people can stay when travelling
industrial + Concerning industry or people involved in industry
lawyer + professional who helps people with the law
mass + Having to do with a large amount of people
match + "a sports competition between two people or teams
organization + formal group of people with a particular purpose
pink + One of the colors people can see:
pool + large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in
popular + liked or enjoyed by many people
population + number of people who live in a country, area etc
proposal + offer or plan to people who can decide about it
retirement + Concerning people who have stopped working because they have reached a certain age
signal + move a hand, or other thing to tell people to do something.
social + Involving activities among people especially free time activities
society + community of people living together
taxi + car that transports people for money
topic + matter people talk or write about
audience + group of people listening, watch a play, movie etc
capacity + Ability to hold, involve or contain people or things
celebration + party/event where people rejoice over something
communication + talking to people; giving information to people
democratic + of democracy; entitling the people to power
distribute + To hand in or deliver something to people
ethnic + Connected with people who shares a cultural tradition
exhibit + To display or make available for people to see
exhibition + public event at which an object or group of objects is put on display for people to look at
fiction + book or story including ideas , people and events that are not real
interaction + process of two or more people or things affecting each other; the process of INTERACTING
moral + in a way considered proper and good by most people
mutual + Shared between two or more people
panel + group of people who answer questions or give opinions
passage + narrow path or space through which people or objects can go through
personnel + group of people who work for a company
platform + flat, raised structure that people stand on
poll + process of gathering people's opinions about something by asking a question or series of questions about a particular subject
privilege + advantage or right that is given to only a certain person or group of people
promotion + act of advertising a product to people
rank + To rate people in higher or lower position relative to others
recruit + To get people to come and work, join or study with you
remote + Being far away from people, towns, and other things that are familiar
reputation + common opinion that people have about someone
romantic + Involving, causing, or relating to strong feelings of love between two people
survey + To ask people a question about a particular topic
transportation + act, system, or business of moving people or goods from one place to another
virus + very small living thing that causes disease or sickness and can be spread among people or animals
welfare + program for poor or unemployed people help living
band + group of people who work together e.g. play music
type + group of things or people sharing common features
Settlement + place or region where people build homes and few people have lived before
Widely + By or among a large number of people

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