
afraid + Worried that something bad will happen; scared
already + Having happened or been done before this time
cause + To make something happen; create effect or result
certainly + (said when something is definitely true or is sure to happen)
chance + The possibility that something will happen
continuous + Happening, existing, or being performed without stops
cut + To use a knife or scissors to divide or open the surface
daily + Happening every day
draw + To create an image using pen or pencil and paper
early + Happening sooner than expected
expect + To believe something is probably going to happen
expectation + belief or hope that something is going to happen
field + open area of land, especially without buildings
glad + happy that something happened; pleased
hole + opening into or through something
hope + when you wish something would happen; what you wish
hopefully + in a manner wishing something to happen
if + Introducing a condition for something to happen
impossible + very unlikely to happen or exist
key + Something you use to open a lock or start a car
late + Happening near the end of a given time
lock + To use a key/code so others can’t open something
luck + accidental way things happen, often good things
lucky + fortunate; having good things happen by chance
might + used to express that something could happen
pop + to cause something to open or burst suddenly
possibility + something with a chance of happening or being true
possible + Having a chance of happening, or being true
probability + what the chances are that something will happen
probably + (+adj or v) that is likely to happen or be true
real + Actually existing or happening, not imagined
recent + happening or beginning not long ago
responsibility + state of being dependable or reliable
sad + feeling unhappy; wishing something hadn't happened
shall + Expressing the future tense, to expect to happen
slow + "moving or happening without speed; not fast
stay + To spend time visiting a place or someone’s home
story + an account or description of how something happened
sudden + Happening or done quickly or unexpectedly
suppose + To imagine or guess what might happen
today + on this day; at the time that is happening now
uncertainty + The feeling that you don't really know what will happen
until + Up to, to indicate a point in time when something happens
wait + to spend time until an expected thing happens
watch + to look at carefully to work out what is happening
weekly + Happening, published, or done once a week
whether + if something will happen or not
window + opening in a wall or door to let in light
wish + To want something to happen or to become true
anxious + Afraid of what may happen; worried and nervous
arrange + To organize things into an order for them to happen
assure + To make sure that something happens
avoid + To prevent from happening, or stay away from
briefly + Happening in a short period of time; using few words
constant + Happening frequently or without pause
current + Happening or being in the present time
currently + Happening or being in the present time
event + Something that happens
gate + place in a fence which can be opened or closed
guarantee + To make a formal promise that something will happen or be done.
impressive + Causing admiration or respect; big, grand, expensive etc
indication + Something that signals that something else exists or will happen
influence + to affect what happens; change something (indirectly)
keen + Being eager or excited for something to happen
likely + referring to the chance that something will actually happen
manner + That way that something happens or is done
nor + Used to show two things that are both untrue or do not happen
occasion + time when something happens or takes place
occur + To come to pass or to happen
pray + To wish or hope for something to happen or be true
prevent + To stop something from happening or existing
previous + Existing or happening before the present time
rapid + Happening very quickly
reliable + Deserving of your trust, dependable
rely on + To depend on someone or something
series + number of things that happen one after another
unlikely + Not being likely to happen or not likely to be the truth
witness + person who sees something happen
annual + happening once a year, or every year
anxiety + Fear about what might happen; worry
arise + To result or happen due to a particular event
budget + the amount of money planned to be spent on something
cancel + To stop a planned event from happening
distant + Existing or happening far away in space
frequency + How often something happens
frequent + Happening often
initiative + ability to decide or act upon things yourself without depending on someone else
investor + person who spends money to help business grow
luxury + Something expensive or costly that is not needed which is bought for pleasure
net + crossed rope/fibers with partly open pattern
outcome + Something that happens as a result, consequence
pace + rate of speed at which someone or something moves or happens
permit + To allow something to happen; to give permission
potential + capable of happening or becoming reality
potentially + that could happen or become reality
predict + To guess or estimate what will or might happen
routine + Happening or done regularly or frequently
sequence + order in which things (should) happen
subsequent + Happening after
subsequently + After something else has happened
undergo + To experience or endure something (bad) that happens to you

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