A 照顧 + + * * zhao4gu4 look after/ give consideration to 1. berücksichtigen, etw in Betracht ziehen 2. sich um jn kümmern, betreuen, Fürsorge + + +
B + + * * gu4 attend to/ look at 1. sich herumdrehen und schauen, sich umsehen 2 auf etwas Rücksicht nehmen, berücksichtigen 3. besuchen + + +
B 顧客 + + * * gu4ke4 shopper/ customer/ client Kunde + + +
C 顧問 + + * * gu4wen4 consultant/ adviser Berater, Ratgeber + + +
C 不顧 + + * * bu2gu4 have no consideration for/ have no regard for ohne Rücksicht, ungeachtet + + +
D 回顧 + + * * hui2gu4 review/ look back zurückblicken, Rückschau halten + + +
D 顧不得 + + * * gu4 bu de have no time to attend to the matter sich nicht um etwas sorgen können + + +
D 顧慮 + + * * gu4lv4 misgive/ misgiving Bedenken, Befürchtung + + +
D 顧全大局 + + * * gu4quan2 da4ju2 take the whole account into consideration alle Umstände berücksichtigen + + +
D 只顧 + + * * zhi3gu4 merely/ simply/ be absorbed in sich nur um etwas,jmd kümmern + + +

3 chăm sóc 照顾 4 khách hàng 顾客 6 không quan tâm 不顾 6 không đáng quan tâm 不屑一顾 6 lo lắng 顾虑 6 cố vấn 顾问 6 lo đứng lo ngồi 后顾之忧 6 hồi cố 回顾 6 lấy mọi khía cạnh để xem xét thông qua kế hoạch và chuẩn bị 统筹兼顾

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

look back / look at / look after
maintain, keep whole or intact

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

顧' + * * + surname /
顧' + * * + to look after/ to take into consideration to attend
顧不上' + 顾不上* * + cannot attend to or manage/
顧不得' + 顾不得* * + unable to change sth/ unable to deal with
顧全' + 顾全* * + to give careful consideration to/ to display thoughtfulness towards
顧全大局' + 顾全大局* * + to take the big picture into consideration (idiom)/ to work for the benefits of all
顧及' + 顾及* * + to take into consideration/ to attend to
顧名思義' + 顾名思义* * + as the name implies/
顧問' + 顾问* * + adviser/ consultant
顧客' + 顾客* * + client/ customer CL:位
顧客至上' + 顾客至上* * + the cus /
顧影自憐' + 顾影自怜* * + lit. looking at one's shadow and feeling sorry for oneself (idiom)/ fig. alone and dejected
顧忌' + 顾忌* * + to have misgivings/ apprehension worry
顧念' + 顾念* * + to care for/ to worry about
顧惜' + 顾惜* * + to take loving care of/ to value
顧愷之' + 顾恺之* * + Gu Kaizhi or Ku K'aichih (346-407), famous painter of Eastern Jin dynasty, one of /
顧慮' + 顾虑* * + misgivings/ apprehensions
顧此失彼' + 顾此失彼* * + lit. to attend to one thing and lose sight of another (idiom)/ fig. to be unable to manage two or more things at once cannot pay
顧炎武' + 顾炎武* * + Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), late Ming and early Qing Confucian philosopher, linguist and/
顧盼自雄' + 顾盼自雄* * + to strut about feeling complacent (idiom)/
顧眄' + 顾眄* * + to turn one's head and look around/
顧野王' + 顾野王* * + Gu Yewang (519-581), historian and an interpreter of classical texts, editor of Yu/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


822 超市 食品 可以 顾客 挑选 +
1219 顾客 介绍 +
1220 照顾 +
3052 服务 宗旨 顾客 第一 +
3433 我们 照顾 不周 包涵 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

照顾 보살피다. 돌보다. 간호하다. + + 顾客 고객. 손님. + + 不顾 고려하지 않다. 꺼리지 않다. 감안하지 않다. 돌보지 않다. + + 不屑一顾 거들떠볼 가치도 없다. + + 顾虑 고려하다. 걱정하다. 근심하다. 염려하다. 고민하다. 우려하다. 주저하다. + + 顾问 고문. + + 后顾之忧 뒷걱정. 뒷근심. + + 回顾 회고하다. 회상하다. 돌이켜보다. 되돌아보다. + + 统筹兼顾 여러 방면의 일을 통일적으로 계획하고 두루 돌보다. + +

+ + + + + + + +