A 辛苦 + + * * xin1ku3 hard/ toilsome/ laborious/ tire mühsam,anstrengend + + +
A + + * * ku3 bitter/ miserable 1. bitter 2. Bitternis, Härte, Leiden, Schmerz 3. jm Schmerz zufügen 4. unter etw leiden 5. sein Möglichstes tun, mühsam, fleißig + + +
B 痛苦 + + * * tong4ku3 painful/ suffering Schmerz + + +
B 艱苦 + + * * jian1ku3 difficult/ hard/ tough mühevoll, hart, schwierig + + +
B 刻苦 + + * * ke4ku3 assiduous/ hardworking eifrig, hart arbeitend + + +
C 貧苦 + + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend + + +
C 吃苦 + + * * chi1 ku3 bear hardships/ suffer Not leiden, Schweres ertragen + + +
D 困苦 + + * * kun4ku3 hard and difficult Not, Armut, Elend + + +
D 窮苦 + + * * qiong2ku3 indigent/ destitute arm, armselig, verarmt,ärmlich + + +
D 苦難 + + * * ku3nan4 tribulation Leiden, Elend, Not + + +
D 苦惱 + + * * ku3nao3 distressed/ worried/ tormented gequält, kummervoll, Kopfzerbrechen bereitend + + +

4 đắng 4 vất vả 辛苦 5 gian khổ 艰苦 5 chịu khổ 刻苦 5 đau khổ 痛苦 6 chịu khổ 吃苦 6 khổ tận cam lai 苦尽甘来 6 cay đắng 苦涩

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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bitter / hardship, suffering
war, fighting, battle

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

苦' + * * + bitter/ hardship pain
苦不唧' + 苦不唧* * + slightly bitter/
苦不唧兒' + 苦不唧儿* * + erhua variant of 苦不唧/
苦中作樂' + 苦中作乐* * + to find /
苦主' + 苦主* * + victim's family (esp. in murder case)/
苦事' + 苦事* * + hard job/ arduous task
苦刑' + 苦刑* * + torture/ corporal punishment (traditionally involving mutilation or amputation)
苦力' + 苦力* * + bitter work/ hard toil (loanword)
苦功' + 苦功* * + hard work/ laborious effort painstakin
苦勞' + 苦劳* * + toil/ hard work
苦參' + 苦参* * + liquorice (Sophora flavescens), with roots used in TCM/
苦口' + 苦口* * + lit. bitter taste (cf good medicine tastes bitter 良藥苦口|良药苦口)/ fig. earnestly (of warning, advice)
苦口婆心' + 苦口婆心* * + earnest and well-meaning advice (idiom); to persuade patiently/
苦味' + 苦味* * + bitter taste/ bitterness
苦命' + 苦命* * + hard lot/ bitter fate unfortunat
苦哈哈' + 苦哈哈* * + to have difficulty getting by/ to struggle (financially etc)
苦因' + 苦因* * + affliction/
苦境' + 苦境* * + grievance/ dire straits
苦大仇深' + 苦大仇深* * + great bitterness, deep hatred (idiom); deeply ingrained long-standing resentment/
苦寒' + 苦寒* * + bitter cold/
苦工' + 苦工* * + hard labor (in penal code)/ coolie
苦差' + 苦差* * + hard and unprofitable (job)/ poorly paid drudgery arduous an
苦差事' + 苦差事* * + hard and unprofitable/ drudgery sweated la
苦幹' + 苦干* * + to work hard/
苦役' + 苦役* * + forced labor/ corvée penal serv
苦待' + 苦待* * + treat harshly/
苦心' + 苦心* * + painstaking effort/ to take a lot of trouble laborious
苦心孤詣' + 苦心孤诣* * + to make painstaking efforts (idiom); after much trouble/ to work hard at sth
苦心經營' + 苦心经营* * + to build up an enterprise through painstaking efforts/
苦思' + 苦思* * + to think hard/ bitter thoughts to pour ou
苦思冥想' + 苦思冥想* * + to consider from all angles (idiom); to think hard/ to rack one's brains
苦悶' + 苦闷* * + depressed/ dejected feeling lo
苦情' + 苦情* * + wretched situation/ plight wretched
苦惱' + 苦恼* * + vexed/ distressed
苦戰' + 苦战* * + bitter struggle/ hard battle arduous ef
苦日子' + 苦日子* * + hard times/
苦杏仁苷' + 苦杏仁苷* * + amygdalin/
苦果' + 苦果* * + lit. bitter fruit/ fig. painful consequence
苦根' + 苦根* * + underlying cause of poverty/
苦楚' + 苦楚* * + suffering/ misery pain (esp.
苦楝' + 苦楝* * + chinaberry (Melia azedarach)/
苦水' + 苦水* * + bitter water (e.g. mineral water containing sulfates)/ suffering digestive
苦況' + 苦况* * + wretched state/ miserable plight
苦活' + 苦活* * + bitter work/ sweated labor
苦活兒' + 苦活儿* * + erhua variant of 苦活/
苦海' + 苦海* * + lit. se abyss of worldly suffering (Buddhist term)/ depths of misery
苦海無邊,回頭是岸' + 苦海无边,回头是岸* * + The sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn your head to see the shore (idiom). Only/ Repent and ye shall be saved!
苦海茫茫' + 苦海茫茫* * + sea of bitterness is vast (idiom)/
苦澀' + 苦涩* * + bitter and astringent/ pained agonized
苦熬' + 苦熬* * + to endure (years of suffering)/
苦瓜' + 苦瓜* * + bitter melon (bitter gourd, balsam pear, balsam apple, leprosy gourd, bitter cucum/
苦瓜臉' + 苦瓜脸* * + sour expression on one's face/
苦甘' + 苦甘* * + bitter sweet/
苦痛' + 苦痛* * + pain/ suffering
苦盡甘來' + 苦尽甘来* * + bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good t/
苦窯' + 苦窑* * + (slang) prison/
苦竹' + 苦竹* * + bitter bamboo (Pleioblastus amarus)/
苦笑' + 苦笑* * + to force a smile/ a bitter laugh
苦練' + 苦练* * + to train hard/ to practice diligently hard work
苦肉計' + 苦肉计* * + the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence/ CL:條|条
苦膽' + 苦胆* * + gall bl /
苦艾' + 苦艾* * + wormwood/ Artemisia absinthium
苦艾酒' + 苦艾酒* * + absinthe (distilled anise-based liquor)/
苦苓' + 苦苓* * + chinaberry (Melia azedarach)/
苦苣' + 苦苣* * + endive/
苦苦' + 苦苦* * + strenuously/ persistently hard
苦苦哀求' + 苦苦哀求* * + to entreat piteously/ to implore
苦菊' + 苦菊* * + endive/
苦菜花' + 苦菜花* * + Bitter Cauliflower, 1954 socialist realist novel by Feng Deying 馮德英|冯德英/
苦蕒菜' + 苦荬菜* * + Ixeris /
苦蘵' + 苦蘵* * + cutleaf ground-cherry/ Physalis angulata
苦處' + 苦处* * + suffering/ distress
苦行' + 苦行* * + ascetic practice/
苦行贖罪' + 苦行赎罪* * + penance (to atone for a sin)/
苦衷' + 苦衷* * + secret trouble/ sorrow difficulti
苦諫' + 苦谏* * + to admonish strenuously/
苦趣' + 苦趣* * + wretched feelings (opposite: 樂趣|乐趣, delight)/
苦迭打' + 苦迭打* * + coup d'état (loanword)/
苦集滅道' + 苦集灭道* * + the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), namely: all life is suffering 苦, the cause of suffe/ also called 四諦|四谛
苦難' + 苦难* * + suffering/
苦難深重' + 苦难深重* * + deep grief/ extensive sorrow
苦頭' + 苦头* * + sufferings/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


900 咖啡 有点 +
2030 工作 辛苦 +
2091 他们 生活 艰苦 +
3211 农民 辛苦 耕耘 +
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

쓰다. + + 辛苦 고생스럽다. 수고롭다. 고되다. + + 艰苦 간고하다. 어렵고 고달프다. 가난하고 고생스럽다. + + 刻苦 노고를 아끼지 않다. 고생을 참아 내다. 몹시 애를 쓰다. + + 痛苦 고통. 아픔. 비통. 고초. + + 吃苦 고생하다. 고통을 맛보다〔당하다〕. + + 苦尽甘来 고진감래. 고생끝에 낙이 온다. + +

+ + + + + + + +