A 老(老二) + + * * lao3 old/ aged/ tough/ of long standing 1.alt, betagt 2.Alte(r) 3. seit lange bestehend, alt 4. veraltet, alt, überholt 5. hart, zäh, nicht zart 6. lange, für eine lange Zeit 7. stets, immer 8. sehr + + +
A 老師 + + * * lao3shi1 teacher Lehrer + + +
B 古老 + + * * gu3lao3 bone alt, uralt + + +
B 老(是) + + * * lao3shi always immer + + +
B 老百姓 + + * * lao3bai3xing4 always gewöhnliche Leute + + +
B 老闆 + + * * lao3ban3 common people Boss, Arbeitgeber + + +
B 老大媽(大媽) + + * * lao3da4ma1 boss/ shopkeeper Tante + + +
B 老大娘(大娘) + + * * lao3dan4niang2 aunt/ old lady Tante, alte Dame + + +
B 老大爺(大爺) + + * * lao3da4ye uncle/ old man Onkel, älterer Mann + + +
B 老虎 + + * * lao3hu3 tiger Tiger + + +
B 老人 + + * * lao3ren2 old person, aged alte Leute + + +
B 老實 + + * * lao3shi frank/ honest ehrlich, aufrichtig + + +
B 老太太 + + * * lao3tai4tai old woman alte Frau + + +
B 老頭兒 + + * * lao3tou2r old man alter Mann (oft unhöflich) + + +
C 老年 + + * * lao3nian2 old age/ agedness alte (Leute) + + +
C 老婆 + + * * lao3po wife Frau, Weib + + +
C 老人家 + + * * lao3renjia elderly/ old person/ old parent sehr höfliche Anrede für ältere Respektsperson + + +
C 老鄉 + + * * lao3xiang1 fellow-townsman/ fellow-villager/ farmer buddy Landsmann, Bauer + + +
D 衰老 + + * * shuai1lao3 decrepit altersschwach sein, alt und hinfällig werden + + +
D 老成 + + * * lao3cheng2 experienced erfahren und umsichtig + + +
D 老漢 + + * * lao3han4 old man alter Mann + + +
D 老化 + + * * lao3hua4 aging altern, Alterung + + +
D 老家 + + * * lao3jia1 hometown Heimat, Geburtsort + + +
D 老鼠 + + * * lao3shu3 mice Ratte, Maus + + +
D 老太婆 + + * * lao3tai4po2 old woman alte Frau + + +
D 老天爺 + + * * lao3tian1ye2 God Gott, Himmel + + +
D 老爺 + + * * lao3ye lord/ master/ grand father Euer Gnaden, gnädiger Herr, hoher Beamter, Mandarin, Großvater + + +
D 老一輩 + + * * lao3yi1bei4 older generation ältere Generation + + +

1 giáo viên 老师 3 già 4 con hổ 老虎 5 古老 5 dân thường 老百姓 5 ông chủ 老板 5 thành thật 老实 5 chuột 老鼠 6 già yếu 衰老

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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old, aged / experienced
ancestor, forefather / grandfather
lineage, ancestry / ancestor, clan

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

老' + * * + prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of bi/ old (of people) venerable
老一套' + 老一套* * + the same old stuff/
老一輩' + 老一辈* * + previous generation/ older generation
老丈' + 老丈* * + (formal) Sir/ CL:位
老三篇' + 老三篇* * + Lao San /
老三色' + 老三色* * + the three plain colors used for clothing in the PRC in the 1960s: black, gray and /
老不死' + 老不死* * + (derog.) old but still alive/ old fart old bastar
老么' + 老幺* * + youngest/
老二' + 老二* * + the second child or brother (or sister)/ (slang) penis
老人' + 老人* * + old man or woman/ the elderly one's aged
老人家' + 老人家* * + polite term for old woman or man/
老人院' + 老人院* * + nursing home/ old people's home
老伯' + 老伯* * + uncle (polite form of address for older male)/
老伯伯' + 老伯伯* * + grandpa (polite form of address for old man)/
老伴' + 老伴* * + (of an elderly couple) husband or wife/
老伴兒' + 老伴儿* * + erhua variant of 老伴/
老佛爺' + 老佛爷* * + title o nickname for Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后/
老來俏' + 老来俏* * + old per mutton dressed as lamb/
老來少' + 老来少* * + old but young at heart/
老兄' + 老兄* * + 'old chap' (form of address between male friends)/
老兒' + 老儿* * + father/ husband old man
老兩口兒' + 老两口儿* * + an old married couple/
老公' + 老公* * + (coll.) husband/
老公' + 老公* * + (coll.) eunuch/ see also 老公
老公公' + 老公公* * + old man husband's father/ father-in-law court eunu
老兵' + 老兵* * + veteran/
老到' + 老到* * + experienced and careful/
老化' + 老化* * + to age (of person or object)/ becoming old
老化酶' + 老化酶* * + aged enzyme/
老千' + 老千* * + cheat/ swindler (in gambling)
老半天' + 老半天* * + (coll.) a long time/
老友' + 老友* * + old friend/ sb who passed the county level imperial exam (in Ming dynasty)
老叟' + 老叟* * + old man/
老古板' + 老古板* * + overly conservative/ old-fashioned old fogey
老君' + 老君* * + Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, the founder of Taoism/ the sacred book of Daoism, 道德經|道德经 by Laozi
老吾老,以及人之老' + 老吾老,以及人之老* * + to honor old people as we do our own aged parents/
老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人' + 老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾幼,以及人* * + to honor old people as we do our own aged parents, and care for other's children a/
老城' + 老城* * + old town/ old district of a city
老城區' + 老城区* * + Laocheng district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市/
老城區' + 老城区* * + old cit historical center/
老境' + 老境* * + advanced years/ old age
老墨' + 老墨* * + (coll.) a Mexican/
老外' + 老外* * + (coll.) foreigner (esp. non Asian person)/ layman amateur
老大' + 老大* * + old age/ very eldest chi
老大哥' + 老大哥* * + big brother/
老大娘' + 老大娘* * + old lady/ Madam (polite address) CL:位
老大媽' + 老大妈* * + Madam ( CL:位/
老大徒傷悲' + 老大徒伤悲* * + vain re /
老大爺' + 老大爷* * + uncle/ grandpa CL:位
老天' + 老天* * + God Heavens/
老天爺' + 老天爷* * + God/ Heavens
老太' + 老太* * + old lady/
老太公' + 老太公* * + aged gentleman (dialect, respectful term)/
老太太' + 老太太* * + elderly lady (respectful)/ esteemed mother CL:位
老太婆' + 老太婆* * + old wom /
老太爺' + 老太爷* * + elderly gentleman (respectful)/ esteemed father
老套' + 老套* * + old things/ old ways (pejorative)
老套子' + 老套子* * + old methods/ old habits
老奶奶' + 老奶奶* * + (coll.) father's father's mother/ paternal great-grandmother respectful
老奸巨滑' + 老奸巨滑* * + variant of 老奸巨猾/
老奸巨猾' + 老奸巨猾* * + cunning crafty/ wily old fox
老好人' + 老好人* * + one who tries never to offend anybody/
老姥' + 老姥* * + old lady (term of modesty)/
老娘' + 老娘* * + my old mother/ I, this old woman my old lad
老婆' + 老婆* * + (coll.) wife/
老婆孩子熱炕頭' + 老婆孩子热炕头* * + wife kids and a warm bed (idiom); the simple and good life/ longa est vita si plena est la dolce v
老婦人' + 老妇人* * + old lady (term of modesty)/
老媽' + 老妈* * + mother/ mom
老媽子' + 老妈子* * + older female servant/ amah
老嫗' + 老妪* * + old woman (formal writing)/
老子' + 老子* * + Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, the founder of Taoism/ the sacred book of Daoism, 道德經|道德经 by Laozi
老子' + 老子* * + father/ daddy I, your fa
老字號' + 老字号* * + shop, firm, or brand of merchandise with a long-established reputation/
老客' + 老客* * + peddler/ old or regular customer
老客兒' + 老客儿* * + erhua variant of 老客/
老家' + 老家* * + native place of origin/ home state or region
老家賊' + 老家贼* * + (dialect) sparrow/
老實' + 老实* * + honest/ sincere open and g
老實巴交' + 老实巴交* * + (coll.) docile/ well-behaved biddable
老實說' + 老实说* * + honestly speaking/ to be frank, ...
老將' + 老将* * + lit. old general/ commander-in-chief 將帥|将帅, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess fig. old-t
老少' + 老少* * + the old and the young/
老少咸宜' + 老少咸宜* * + suitable for young and old/
老少無欺' + 老少无欺* * + cheating neither old nor young/ treating youngsters and old folk equally scrupulously Our house
老少皆宜' + 老少皆宜* * + suitable for both the young and the old/
老山自行車館' + 老山自行车馆* * + Laoshan Velodrome, a Beijing 2008 Olympics venue/
老師' + 老师* * + teacher/ CL:個|个
老帽兒' + 老帽儿* * + (dialec a hick/
老年' + 老年* * + elderly/ old age autumn of
老年人' + 老年人* * + old people/ the elderly
老年性痴獃症' + 老年性痴呆症* * + senile dementia/
老年期' + 老年期* * + old age/
老年痴獃' + 老年痴呆* * + senile dementia/ Alzheimer's disease
老年痴獃症' + 老年痴呆症* * + senile dementia/ Alzheimer's disease
老式' + 老式* * + old-fashioned/ old type outdated
老弟' + 老弟* * + (affectionate form of address for a male who is not very much younger than oneself/ old pal
老態' + 老态* * + elderly, as in movement or bearing/
老態龍鍾' + 老态龙钟* * + doddering/ senile
老成' + 老成* * + mature/ experienced sophistica
老成持重' + 老成持重* * + old and wise/ experienced and knowledgeable
老手' + 老手* * + experienced person/ an old hand at sth
老抽' + 老抽* * + dark soy sauce/
老拙' + 老拙* * + old fart (usually in self reference)/ geezer
老掉牙' + 老掉牙* * + very old/ obsolete out of dat
老摳' + 老抠* * + penny-pincher/ miser
老撾' + 老挝* * + Laos/
老於世故' + 老于世故* * + experienced in the ways of the world (idiom); worldly-wise/ sophisticated
老早' + 老早* * + a long time ago/
老是' + 老是* * + always/
老朋友' + 老朋友* * + old friend/ (slang) period menstruati
老本' + 老本* * + capital/ assets savings
老東西' + 老东西* * + (derog.) old fool/ old bastard
老板娘' + 老板娘* * + female proprietor/ lady boss boss's wif
老框框' + 老框框* * + rigid conventions/ reactionary framework
老樣子' + 老样子* * + old situation/ things as they were
老歌' + 老歌* * + oldie (song)/
老殘遊記' + 老残游记* * + The Travels of Lao Tsan, novel by late Qing novelist Liu E 劉鶚|刘鹗/
老毛子' + 老毛子* * + Western /
老毛病' + 老毛病* * + chronic illness/ old weakness chronic pr
老氣橫秋' + 老气横秋* * + old and decrepit/ proud of one's age and experience (idiom)
老河口' + 老河口* * + Laohekou county level city in Xiangfan 襄樊/
老河口市' + 老河口市* * + Laoheko /
老油子' + 老油子* * + (coll.) crafty fellow/
老油條' + 老油条* * + old fox/ slick customer
老漢' + 老汉* * + old man/ I (an old man referring to himself)
老烏恰' + 老乌恰* * + same as 烏魯克恰提|乌鲁克恰提 in Xinjiang/
老煙槍' + 老烟枪* * + heavy smoker/ chain smoker life-long
老煙鬼' + 老烟鬼* * + heavy smoker/ chain smoker
老父' + 老父* * + father/ old man venerable
老爸' + 老爸* * + father/ dad
老爹' + 老爹* * + (dialect) father/ old man sir
老爺' + 老爷* * + (respectful) lord/ master (coll.) ma
老爺子' + 老爷子* * + my (you etc) old father/ polite appellation for an elderly male
老爺嶺' + 老爷岭* * + Chinese name for Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russia's Primorsky Krai around Vla/
老爺爺' + 老爷爷* * + (coll.) father's father's father/ paternal great-grandfather
老爺車' + 老爷车* * + classic car/
老牌' + 老牌* * + old, well-known brand/ old style old school
老牛吃嫩草' + 老牛吃嫩草* * + lit. an old cow eats young grass (idiom)/ fig. a May-December relationship a romance
老牛拉破車' + 老牛拉破车* * + see 老牛破車|老牛破车/
老牛破車' + 老牛破车* * + lit. ol fig. slow and inefficient/
老牛舐犢' + 老牛舐犊* * + lit. an old ox licking its calf (idiom)/ fig. (of parents) to dote on one's children
老狐狸' + 老狐狸* * + old fox/ fig. cunning person
老玉米' + 老玉米* * + (dialect) corn/
老王賣瓜,自賣自誇' + 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸* * + every potter praises his own pot (idiom)/ all one's geese are swans
老生' + 老生* * + venerable middle-aged or elderly man, usually wearing an artificial beard (in Chin/
老當益壯' + 老当益壮* * + old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despite the years/
老百姓' + 老百姓* * + ordinary people/ the "person in the street" CL:個|个
老皇曆' + 老皇历* * + lit. la fig. ancient history/ obsolete practice old-fashio
老眼昏花' + 老眼昏花* * + blurred vision of an old person (idiom)/
老神在在' + 老神在在* * + calm and easy-going (Taiwanese)/
老粗' + 老粗* * + uneducated person/ yokel boor
老糊塗' + 老糊涂* * + dotard/
老練' + 老练* * + seasoned/ experienced
老總' + 老总* * + boss/ executive
老繭' + 老茧* * + callus (patch or hardened skin)/ corns (on feet) also 老趼
老美' + 老美* * + (coll.) an American/ person from the United States
老羞成怒' + 老羞成怒* * + see 惱羞成怒|恼羞成怒/
老翁' + 老翁* * + old man /
老老' + 老老* * + maternal grandmother/ same as 姥姥
老耄' + 老耄* * + dim sight of the aged/ doddering senile
老者' + 老者* * + old man/ elderly man
老聃' + 老聃* * + another name for Laozi 老子/
老臉' + 老脸* * + self-re face/ thick-skinned (i.e. impervious to criticism) brazen
老舊' + 老旧* * + outmoded/ old-fashioned
老舍' + 老舍* * + Lao She (1899-1966), Chinese novelist and dramatist/
老花' + 老花* * + presbyopia/
老花眼' + 老花眼* * + presbyopia/
老花鏡' + 老花镜* * + presbyopic glasses/
老莊' + 老庄* * + Laozi and Zhuangzi (or Lao-tze and Chuang-tze), the founders of Daoism/
老著臉' + 老着脸* * + shamelessly/
老虎' + 老虎* * + tiger/ CL:隻|只
老虎伍茲' + 老虎伍兹* * + Eldrick /
老虎機' + 老虎机* * + slot machine/
老虎灶' + 老虎灶* * + old-style large kitchen stove/
老虎菜' + 老虎菜* * + Tiger Vegetable Salad, Northeast China dish usually consisting of hot pepper, cucu/
老虎鉗' + 老虎钳* * + vise/ pincer pliers
老處女' + 老处女* * + unmarried old woman/ spinster
老蚌生珠' + 老蚌生珠* * + lit. an old oyster producing a pearl (idiom)/ fig. birthing a son at an advanced age
老街' + 老街* * + Lao Cai, Vietnam/ Laokai or Laukkai, Burma (Myanmar)
老視' + 老视* * + presbyopia/
老視眼' + 老视眼* * + presbyopia/
老調重彈' + 老调重弹* * + to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal/
老謀深算' + 老谋深算* * + rigorous schemes and deep foresight (idiom); astute and circumspect/
老譜' + 老谱* * + old ways/ old habit
老資格' + 老资格* * + veteran/
老賬' + 老账* * + lit. old account/ old debt fig. old s
老趼' + 老趼* * + callus (patch or hardened skin)/ corns (on feet)
老路' + 老路* * + old road/ familiar way beaten tra
老辣' + 老辣* * + shrewd and ruthless/ efficient and unscrupulous
老遠' + 老远* * + very far away/
老邁' + 老迈* * + aged/ senile
老邊' + 老边* * + Laobian district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning/
老邊區' + 老边区* * + Laobian district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning/
老鄉' + 老乡* * + fellow townsman/ fellow villager sb from th
老酒' + 老酒* * + wine, esp. Shaoxing wine/
老闆' + 老板* * + Robam (brand)/
老闆' + 老板* * + boss/ business proprietor CL:個|个
老頭' + 老头* * + old fel old man/ father husband
老頭兒' + 老头儿* * + see 老頭子|老头子/
老頭子' + 老头子* * + (coll.) (said of an aging husband) my old man/
老頭樂' + 老头乐* * + backscratcher (made from bamboo etc)/ (may also refer to other products that are of benefit to old people, such as padded cloth shoes, mobility tricycle etc)
老饕' + 老饕* * + glutton/
老馬嘶風' + 老马嘶风* * + old horse sniffs the wind (idiom); fig. aged person with great aspirations/
老馬戀棧' + 老马恋栈* * + lit. the old horse loves his stable/ fig. sb old but reluctant to relinquish their post (idiom)
老馬識途' + 老马识途* * + an old horse knows the way (idiom); an experienced worker knows what to do/ an old hand knows the ropes
老驥' + 老骥* * + old thoroughbred/ fig. aged person with great aspirations
老驥伏櫪' + 老骥伏枥* * + lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 miles (idiom); fig. a/
老驥伏櫪,志在千里' + 老骥伏枥,志在千里* * + lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 miles (idiom); fig. o/
老驥嘶風' + 老骥嘶风* * + old steed sniffs the wind (idiom); fig. aged person with great aspirations/
老骨頭' + 老骨头* * + weary old body (colloquial term, used jocularly or irreverently)/
老鳥' + 老鸟* * + old hand/ veteran
老鴇' + 老鸨* * + female brothel keeper/
老鴰' + 老鸹* * + a crow/
老鵰' + 老雕* * + vulture/
老鷹' + 老鹰* * + (coll.) eagle/ hawk any simila
老鷹星雲' + 老鹰星云* * + Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16/
老黑' + 老黑* * + (coll.) black person/
老鼠' + 老鼠* * + rat/ mouse CL:隻|只
老鼠尾巴' + 老鼠尾巴* * + lit. ra /
老鼠拉龜,無從下手' + 老鼠拉龟,无从下手* * + like mice trying to pull a turtle, nowhere to get a hand grip (idiom)/ no clue where to start
老鼠拖木鍁,大頭在後頭' + 老鼠拖木锨,大头在后头* * + when the mice drag a shovel, the biggest thing comes second/ the tip of the iceberg the cockro
老鼠洞' + 老鼠洞* * + mouse hole/
老鼻子' + 老鼻子* * + many/
老齡' + 老龄* * + old age/ aging aged
老齡化' + 老龄化* * + aging (population)/

old alt เก่า vieux viejo vecchio vanha

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2 老师 机场 +
114 老师 身后 +
157 老师 +
180 爷爷 树林 散步 +
257 老师 我们 英文 +
367 公园 老者 +
403 代课 老师 +
436 老师 我们 数学 +
477 老鼠 搬家 狂躁 可能 地震 噩兆 +
504 我们 老师 +
573 教师 平易近人 +
847 老师 学生 相处 +
882 老板 工作 要求 严格 +
1017 老师 我们 背诵 单词 +
1056 太极 运动 适合 老年人 +
1136 老师 孩子们 +
1147 老师 今天 我们 减法 +
1171 老板 +
1197 大家 仿效 老师 动作 练习 +
1248 夫妇 恩爱 +
1311 遇到 老朋友 +
1342 学生 课堂 戏弄 老师 +
1447 老板 认为 +
1608 老师 我们 单词 +
1665 老板 赞成 意见 +
1723 老师 授课 +
1839 街上 碰到 老同学 +
1857 动物园 老虎 +
1925 大炮 古老 +
1944 老鹰 天空 盘旋 +
1951 学生 尊敬 老师 +
1958 慈祥 老婆婆 +
2000 拜访 老师 +
2086 老师 进行 钢琴 伴奏 +
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩 +
2153 学生 老师 表示 由衷 感谢 +
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 +
2256 老师 严厉 +
2307 学生 努力 老师 欣慰 +
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 +
2413 渖阳 古老 城市 +
2565 爷爷 慈祥 +
2569 老鼠 偷吃 面包 +
2729 顽固 老头 +
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨 +
2868 学生 受到 老师 称讚。 +
2920 老板 马屁 +
2928 老鹰 空中 飞翔 +
2977 老虎 悄悄 走过来 +
3039 敦厚 老实 +
3112 渔翁 +
3125 老年人 喜欢 回忆 往昔 +
3290 憎恨 老板 +
3341 老师 发脾气 +
3538 老师 孩子 谚语 故事 +
3670 退休 老人 精心 培养 盆景 +
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花 +
3699 幼儿园 老师 告诉 小朋友们 互敬 互爱 +
3700 那天 追悼会 上, 敬爱 老师 致了哀辞 +
3702 老师 非常 恭敬 +
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 +
3723 老师 鼓励 学生 超越 自我 +
3740 年轻人 老年人 活力 +
3744 这个 老人 无儿无女 老景 十分 凄凉 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


老师 선생님. 스승. + + 늙다. + + 老虎 범. 호랑이. + + 古老 오래 되다. + + 老百姓 백성. 국민. 일반 국민. [군인이나 공무원과 구별됨] + + 老板 상점 주인. + + 老实 성실하다. 솔직하다. 정직하다. + + 老鼠 쥐. [주로 집쥐를 가리킴] + + 衰老 노쇠하다. 늙어 쇠약해지다. + +

+ + + + + + + +