B + + * * que1 lack of mangeln, fehlen, an etw gebrechen + + +
B 缺點 + + * * que1dian3 shortcoming/ defect/ weakness Fehler, schwache Seite, Angriffspunkt + + +
B 缺乏 + + * * que1fa2 be short of/ lack unzulänglich, fehlen, mangeln an + + +
B 缺少 + + * * que1shao3 lack/ be short of fehlen, ermangeln, mangeln an + + +
D 缺口 + + * * que1kou3 breach/ gap Lücke, Bresche + + +
D 缺席 + + * * que1 xi2 absent/ default abwesend sein + + +
D 缺陷 + + * * que1xian4 disfigurement Defekt, Fehler, Makel, Mangel + + +

4 khuyết điểm 缺点 4 thiếu 缺少 5 thiếu 缺乏 6 chỗ hổng 缺口 6 vắng họp 缺席 6 chỗ thiếu hụt 缺陷

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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/* * + +

be short of, lack / gap, deficit
watch tower / palace
letter, character, word
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

缺' + * * + deficie lack/ scarce vacant pos
缺一不可' + 缺一不可* * + not a single one is dispensable/ can't do without either
缺乏' + 缺乏* * + to lack/ to be short of lack
缺乏症' + 缺乏症* * + clinical deficiency/
缺口' + 缺口* * + nick/ jag gap
缺嘴' + 缺嘴* * + harelip/
缺失' + 缺失* * + deficiency/ shortcoming hiatus
缺少' + 缺少* * + lack/ shortage of shortfall
缺席' + 缺席* * + absence/ absent
缺德' + 缺德* * + to be lacking in moral sense/ to lack common basic respect for others lacking in
缺德事' + 缺德事* * + misdeed/ immoral action wicked dee
缺德鬼' + 缺德鬼* * + public nuisance/ a wicked, mean spirited individual
缺心少肺' + 缺心少肺* * + brainless/ stupid
缺心眼' + 缺心眼* * + stupid/ senseless dim-witted
缺心眼兒' + 缺心眼儿* * + erhua variant of 缺心眼/
缺憾' + 缺憾* * + a regre sth regrettable/
缺氧' + 缺氧* * + lacking oxygen/ anaerobic
缺氧症' + 缺氧症* * + anoxia/
缺水' + 缺水* * + water shortage/ dehydration
缺油' + 缺油* * + oil shortage/
缺漏' + 缺漏* * + to overlook/ omissions deficienci
缺省' + 缺省* * + default (setting)/
缺糧' + 缺粮* * + to lack food supplies/
缺血' + 缺血* * + lack of blood/
缺衣少食' + 缺衣少食* * + short of food and clothing/ destitute
缺貨' + 缺货* * + lack of supplies/ unavailable goods
缺錢' + 缺钱* * + shortage of money/
缺陷' + 缺陷* * + defect/ flaw physical d
缺額' + 缺额* * + vacancy/
缺點' + 缺点* * + weak point/ fault shortcomin

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1328 公司 缺少 人手 +
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


缺点 결점. 단점. 부족한 점. + + 缺少 (인원이나 물건의 수량이) 부족하다. 모자라다. + + 缺乏 결핍되다. 결여되다. + + 缺口 (~儿) 결함. 흠집. + + 缺席 결석하다. + + 缺陷 결함. 결점. 부족한 점. + +

+ + + + + + + +