B + + * * sha1 kill 1. töten 2. kämpfen, fechten 3. schwächen, dämpfen, beseitigen 4. verhindern 5. äußerst, besonders, extra, im höchsten Grad + + +
D 暗殺 + + * * an4sha1 assassinate durch einen Anschlag töten + + +
D 屠殺 + + * * tu2sha1 slaughter massakrieren, abschlachten, in Massen töten + + +
D 殺害 + + * * sha1hai4 slay/ kill töten, ermorden + + +
D 抹殺 + + * * mo3sha1 write off/ obliterate ausstreichen, negieren, verneinen + + +
D 自殺 + + * * zi4sha1 suicide Selbstmord begehen + + +

5 giết 6 gạt bỏ 抹杀

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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kill, slaughter, murder / hurt
one / a, an / alone
warn / warning

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

殺' + * * + to kill/ to murder to fight
殺一儆百' + 杀一儆百* * + lit. kill one to warn a hundred (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to / pour encourager les autres
殺一警百' + 杀一警百* * + variant of 殺一儆百|杀一儆百/
殺人' + 杀人* * + homicid to murder/ to kill (a person)
殺人不眨眼' + 杀人不眨眼* * + to murder without blinking an eye (idiom)/ ruthless cold-blood
殺人不過頭點地' + 杀人不过头点地* * + It's all exaggeration, you don't need to take it seriously/ a fuss about nothing nothing to
殺人如麻' + 杀人如麻* * + to kill people like scything flax (idiom); human life as grass/ a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen
殺人放火' + 杀人放火* * + to kill and burn (idiom); murder and arson/
殺人未遂' + 杀人未遂* * + attempted murder/
殺人案' + 杀人案* * + murder case/ homicide case
殺人案件' + 杀人案件* * + (case of, incident of) murder/
殺人犯' + 杀人犯* * + murderer/ homicide
殺人狂' + 杀人狂* * + homicidal maniac/
殺人越貨' + 杀人越货* * + to kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money/
殺人鯨' + 杀人鲸* * + killer whale (Orcinus orca)/
殺傷' + 杀伤* * + to kill and injure/
殺傷力' + 杀伤力* * + killing or wounding power of a weapon/
殺價' + 杀价* * + to beat down the price/ to haggle to slash o
殺嬰' + 杀婴* * + infanticide/
殺害' + 杀害* * + to murder/
殺富濟貧' + 杀富济贫* * + robbing the rich to help the poor/
殺彘教子' + 杀彘教子* * + to kill a pig as a lesson to the children (idiom); parents must teach by example/
殺戮' + 杀戮* * + to massacre/ to slaughter
殺手' + 杀手* * + killer/ murderer hit man
殺手級應用' + 杀手级应用* * + killer application/ killer app
殺掉' + 杀掉* * + to kill/
殺敵' + 杀敌* * + to kill the enemy/
殺機' + 杀机* * + desire to commit murder/ great danger
殺死' + 杀死* * + to kill/
殺毒軟件' + 杀毒软件* * + antivirus software/
殺氣' + 杀气* * + murderous spirit/ aura of death to vent on
殺氣騰騰' + 杀气腾腾* * + ferocious/ murderous-looking
殺滅' + 杀灭* * + to exterminate/
殺熟' + 杀熟* * + to swindle associates, friends or relatives/
殺牛宰羊' + 杀牛宰羊* * + slaughter the cattle and butcher the sheep/ to prepare a big feast (idiom)
殺球' + 杀球* * + to spike the ball (volleyball etc)/ to smash (tennis etc)
殺生' + 杀生* * + to take the life of a living creature/
殺真菌' + 杀真菌* * + fungicidal/ to have a fungicidal effect
殺真菌劑' + 杀真菌剂* * + fungicide/
殺絕' + 杀绝* * + to exterminate/
殺草快' + 杀草快* * + diquat/
殺菌' + 杀菌* * + disinfectant/ to disinfect
殺菌作用' + 杀菌作用* * + sterilization/
殺菌劑' + 杀菌剂* * + a disinfectant/
殺虎斬蛟' + 杀虎斩蛟* * + lit. to kill the tiger and behead the scaly dragon/
殺螺劑' + 杀螺剂* * + snail poison/
殺蟲' + 杀虫* * + insecticide/
殺蟲劑' + 杀虫剂* * + insecticide/ pesticide
殺蟲藥' + 杀虫药* * + insecticide/
殺蠹藥' + 杀蠹药* * + mothicide/
殺豬宰羊' + 杀猪宰羊* * + to kill the pigs and slaughter the sheep (idiom)/
殺軟' + 杀软* * + antivirus software/ abbr. for 殺毒軟件|杀毒软件
殺進' + 杀进* * + to stor to raid/
殺進殺出' + 杀进杀出* * + to execute a lightning raid/ (investment) to buy, then quickly sell (tourism)
殺雞儆猴' + 杀鸡儆猴* * + lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an/ pour encourager les autres
殺雞取卵' + 杀鸡取卵* * + lit. to kill the chicken to get the eggs (idiom)/ fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
殺雞嚇猴' + 杀鸡吓猴* * + lit. killing the chicken to scare the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as a/ pour encourager les autres
殺雞宰鵝' + 杀鸡宰鹅* * + kill the chickens and butcher the geese (idiom)/
殺雞焉用牛刀' + 杀鸡焉用牛刀* * + don't use a sledgehammer on a nut/ aquila non capit muscam
殺雞給猴看' + 杀鸡给猴看* * + lit. to kill a chicken in front of a monkey; fig. to make an example of sb (by pun/
殺雞警猴' + 杀鸡警猴* * + lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an/ pour encourager les autres
殺青' + 杀青* * + to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc)/ to finalize to kill-gr
殺頭' + 杀头* * + to behead/
殺風景' + 杀风景* * + variant of 煞風景|煞风景/
殺馬特' + 杀马特* * + Chinese /
殺鼠藥' + 杀鼠药* * + rat poison/

kill töten ฆ่า tuer matar uccidere tappaa

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1229 狮子 杀死 斑马 +
1345 恐怖份子 喜欢 杀人 +
2819 这些 兔子 屠杀 +
2944 宰杀 +
3503 平民 惨遭 杀戮 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

죽이다. 살해하다. 잡다. + + 抹杀 말살하다. 없애다. 지우다. 삭제하다. + +

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