B 寶貴 + + * * bao3gui4 valuable/ precious wertvoll, kostbar + + +
C + + * * bao3 precious things/ treasure 1. Schatz, Wertsachen, Kleinod 2. kostbar, wertvoll, edel 3.(alt) Anrede-Attribut für Damen + + +
C 寶石 + + * * bao3shi2 precious stone/ gem Edelstein, Juwel + + +
D 寶貝 + + * * bao3bei4 precious things Baby, Schatz + + +
D 寶劍 + + * * bao3jian4 double-edged sword zweischneidiges Schwert + + +
D 寶庫 + + * * bao3ku4 treasure-house Schatzkammer + + +

5 bảo bối 宝贝 5 quý giá 宝贵

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

//* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

treasure, jewel / precious, rare
seat / stand, base

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

寳' + * * + variant of 寶|宝/
寶' + * * + jewel/ gem treasure
寶典' + 宝典* * + canonical text/ treasury (i.e. book of treasured wisdom)
寶刀不老' + 宝刀不老* * + lit. a good sword always remains sharp (idiom)/ fig. (of one's skills etc) to be as good as ever the old ma
寶刀未老' + 宝刀未老* * + treasure knife does not age (idiom); old but still vigorous/
寶劍' + 宝剑* * + (double-edged) sword/ CL:把
寶嘉康蒂' + 宝嘉康蒂* * + Pocahon /
寶坻' + 宝坻* * + Baodi rural district in Tianjin 天津/
寶坻區' + 宝坻区* * + Baodi r /
寶塔' + 宝塔* * + pagoda /
寶塔區' + 宝塔区* * + Baota or Pagoda district of Yan'an city 延安市/
寶塔菜' + 宝塔菜* * + Chinese Stachys sieboldii/
寶媽' + 宝妈* * + mom/
寶安' + 宝安* * + Bao'an district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/
寶安區' + 宝安区* * + Bao'an district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/
寶寶' + 宝宝* * + darling/ baby
寶山' + 宝山* * + Baoshang District of Shanghai/ Baoshan District of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山
寶山區' + 宝山区* * + Baoshan Baoshan district of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山/
寶山鄉' + 宝山乡* * + Baoshan /
寶島' + 宝岛* * + Formosa /
寶座' + 宝座* * + throne/
寶庫' + 宝库* * + treasure-house/ treasury treasure-t
寶應' + 宝应* * + Baoying county in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州/
寶應縣' + 宝应县* * + Baoying /
寶成鐵路' + 宝成铁路* * + Baoji-C /
寶書' + 宝书* * + treasured book/
寶林' + 宝林* * + Po Lam (area in Hong Kong)/
寶殿' + 宝殿* * + king's palace/ throne hall
寶清' + 宝清* * + Baoqing county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山/
寶清縣' + 宝清县* * + Baoqing /
寶潔' + 宝洁* * + Procter /
寶潔公司' + 宝洁公司* * + Procter & Gamble/
寶爸' + 宝爸* * + dad/
寶物' + 宝物* * + treasure/ CL:件
寶特瓶' + 宝特瓶* * + plastic /
寶玉' + 宝玉* * + precious jade/ treasures
寶瓶' + 宝瓶* * + Aquarius (star sign)/
寶瓶座' + 宝瓶座* * + Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ also called 水瓶座
寶生佛' + 宝生佛* * + Ratnasambhava Buddha/
寶石' + 宝石* * + precious stone/ gem CL:枚
寶興' + 宝兴* * + Baoxing /
寶興歌鶇' + 宝兴歌鸫* * + (Chines /
寶興縣' + 宝兴县* * + Baoxing county in Ya'an 雅安/
寶興鶥雀' + 宝兴鹛雀* * + (Chines /
寶萊塢' + 宝莱坞* * + Bollywood (film industry based in Mumbai, India)/
寶葫蘆' + 宝葫芦* * + magic gourd, granting your every wish/
寶葫蘆的秘密' + 宝葫芦的秘密* * + Secret of the magic gourd (1958), prize-winning children's fairy tale by Zhang Tia/
寶蓋' + 宝盖* * + name of see also 宀/
寶蓋草' + 宝盖草* * + henbit /
寶藍' + 宝蓝* * + sapphire blue/
寶藏' + 宝藏* * + precious (mineral) deposits/ (budd.) the treasure of Buddha's law
寶誌' + 宝志* * + Baozhi, or Pao-chih, Chinese monk (418–514), also known as 保誌|保志 or 誌公|志公/
寶豐' + 宝丰* * + Baofeng county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山/
寶豐縣' + 宝丰县* * + Baofeng /
寶貝' + 宝贝* * + treasur treasure/ darling baby
寶貝兒' + 宝贝儿* * + erhua variant of 寶貝|宝贝/
寶貝疙瘩' + 宝贝疙瘩* * + (of a c /
寶貨' + 宝货* * + precious object/ treasure
寶貴' + 宝贵* * + valuable/ precious to value
寶貼' + 宝贴* * + Blu-tack (brand)/
寶鋼' + 宝钢* * + Baosteel, China's largest steel maker/
寶鋼集團' + 宝钢集团* * + Baosteel, China's largest steel maker/
寶雞' + 宝鸡* * + Baoji prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ called Chencang 陳倉|陈仓
寶雞市' + 宝鸡市* * + Baoji p called Chencang 陳倉|陈仓/
寶馬' + 宝马* * + BMW (ca /
寶馬' + 宝马* * + precious horse/
寶馬香車' + 宝马香车* * + precious horses and magnificent carriage (idiom); rich family with extravagant lif/ ostentatious display of luxury
寶麗來' + 宝丽来* * + Polaroid/
寶麗金' + 宝丽金* * + PolyGram (record label)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


34 宝宝 走路 +
1241 孩子 妈妈 宝贝 +
1242 罕见 宝物 +
1450 宝宝 睡觉 +
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 +
1666 首饰 珠宝商 赞助 +
1717 妈妈 宝宝 餵奶 +
1872 宝塔 +
2294 宝宝 稀饭 +
2539 宝宝 梯子 +
2554 宝宝 换尿片 +
2657 专家 鉴定 宝石 +
2825 妈妈 宝宝 童谣 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

宝贝 (~儿) 귀염둥이. 귀여운 아이. 착한 아기. 예쁜이. 달링(darling)... + + 宝贵 진귀한. 귀중한. 소중한. 보배로운. + +

+ + + + + + + +