A 決定 + + * * jue2ding4 decide/ resolve/ decision/ resolution bestimmen,entscheiden + + +
A 一定 + + * * yi1ding4 fixed/ definite/ given/ necessarily gewiß,sicherlich + + +
B 不一定 + + * * bu4 yi2ding4 not sure unbestimmt, nicht sicher, nicht notwendig + + +
B 堅定 + + * * jian1ding4 firm/ steadfast/ staunch/ strengthen fest, resolut, entschieden + + +
B 穩定 + + * * wen3ding4 stable/ steady stabil,standfest,stabilisieren/fixieren/festigen + + +
B 規定 + + * * gui1ding4 provide/ stipulate/ provision; rule bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen + + +
B 確定 + + * * que4ding4 make certain/ make sure/ define/ determine sicher, definitiv, bestimmt, bestimmen, ermitteln, sicher sein + + +
B 否定 + + * * fou3ding4 negate/ deny negativ, negieren, Negation + + +
B 肯定 + + * * ken3ding4 affirm/ approve/ positive/ affirmative bejahend, bejahen, bestätigen, anerkennen, positiv, zustimmend, eindeutig, definitiv, zweifellos + + +
B 制定 + + * * zhi4ding4 establish/ lay down/ stipulate ausarbeiten, niederlegen, entwerfen, verfassen + + +
B + + * * ding4 decide/ set 1. festsetzen, bestimmen, beschließen 2. ruhig, still 3. bestimmt, sicher, gewiß + + +
C 安定 + + * * an1ding4 1. stable, settled 2. stabilize, maintain stabil,ruhig,aufrechterhalten + + +
C 必定 + + * * bi4ding4 undoubtedly/ certainly/ surely sicher + + +
C 固定 + + * * gu4ding4 fixed/ regular/ predetermined/ fix/ fasten/ regularize fest, feststehend,befestigen,festlegen + + +
C 鑒定 + + * * jian4ding4 authenticate/ appraise/ identify/ determine Gutachten, Beurteilung, begutachten + + +
C 說不定 + + * * shuo1buding4 cannot say for sure/ maybe/ perhaps nicht sicher sagen können, vielleicht, + + +
C 協定 + + * * xie2ding4 joint-decision/ agreement/ accord Abkommen, Vereinbarung, etwas vereinbaren, + + +
C 奠定 + + * * dian4ding4 establish/ found/ build up (a foundation) gründen, herstellen, einrichten, etablieren + + +
C 定期 + + * * ding4qi1 regular schedule/ at regular intervals/ periodical regelmäßig, zu festen Zeiten + + +
D 認定 + + * * ren4ding4 firmly believe von etw. überzeugt, fest glauben, unbeirrt auf etwas bestehen + + +
D 鎮定 + + * * zhen4ding4 cool/ calm gleichmütig,gefaßt,gelassen + + +
D 審定 + + * * shen3ding4 examine and approve überprüfen und bestätigen + + +
D 假定 + + * * jia3ding4 assume/ presume annehmen, voraussetzen,angenommen,Annahme + + +
D 評定 + + * * ping2ding4 assess auswerten, abschätzen + + +
D 擬定 + + * * ni3ding4 study out entwerfen, ausarbeiten, erstellen + + +
D 斷定 + + * * duan4ding4 be sure/ figure out eine Schlußfolgerung ziehen,behaupten, feststellen + + +
D 特定 + + * * te4ding4 specific/ given speziell festgelegt + + +
D 選定 + + * * xuan3ding4 make a choice of/ choose/ select auswählen, eine Wahl treffen, + + +
D 測定 + + * * ce4ding4 determine/ measure entscheiden + + +
D 判定 + + * * pan4ding4 determine/ judge Urteil, verurteilen + + +
D 指定 + + * * zhi3ding4 appoint/ designate festlegen, festsetzen, bestimmen, designieren, + + +
D 預定 + + * * yu4ding4 book/ engage festlegen, festsetzen + + +
D 法定 + + * * fa3ding4 legal gesetzlich,gesetzlich festgelegt,legal + + +
D 議定書 + + * * yi4ding4shu1 protocol Protokoll + + +
D 定點 + + * * ding4 dian3 regular ein fester Punkt + + +
D 定額 + + * * ding4'e2 ration Norm, Quote, Soll + + +
D 定價 + + * * ding4jia4 price festgesetzter Preis, einen Preis vereinbaren + + +
D 定居 + + * * ding4ju1 settle down sich niederlassen + + +
D 定理 + + * * ding4li3 theorem Theorem, Lehrsatz + + +
D 不定 + + * * bu4ding4 inconstantly unbestimmt + + +
D 定量 + + * * ding4liang4 fixed quantity/ ration festgelegte Menge, Ration + + +
D 定律 + + * * ding4lv4 law Gesetz, Regel + + +
D 定向 + + * * ding4xiang4 directional gerichtet + + +
D 定性 + + * * ding4 xing4 determine the nature etwas bestimmen + + +
D 定義 + + * * ding4yi4 definition Definition, definieren + + +

3 quyết định 决定 3 nhất định 一定 4 quy định 规定 4 khẳng định 肯定 5 phủ định 否定 5 cố định 固定 5 quyết định 决定 5 xác định 确定 5 nói không chừng 说不定 5 ổn định 稳定 5 chế định 制定 6 đặt 奠定 6 định kỳ 定期 6 định nghĩa 定义 6 đoán định 断定 6 kiên định 坚定 6 giám định 鉴定 6 định ra 拟定 6 nhận định 认定 6 riêng 特定 6 bình tĩnh 镇定 6 chỉ định 指定

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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decide, settle, fix
crime, sin, vice / evil / hardship

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

定' + * * + to set/ to fix to determi
定位' + 定位* * + position/ location localizati
定作' + 定作* * + to have sth made to order/
定例' + 定例* * + usual practice/ routine
定做' + 定做* * + to have something made to order/
定價' + 定价* * + to set a price/ to fix a price
定冠詞' + 定冠词* * + definite article (grammar)/
定出' + 定出* * + to determine/ to fix upon to set (a
定分' + 定分* * + predestination/ one's lot (of good and bad fortune)
定勢' + 定势* * + attitude/ mindset prejudice
定南' + 定南* * + Dingnan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/
定南縣' + 定南县* * + Dingnan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/
定向' + 定向* * + to orientate/ directional directed
定向培育' + 定向培育* * + directed breeding/
定向越野' + 定向越野* * + cross-country orienteering/
定員' + 定员* * + fixed complement (of crew, passengers etc)/
定單' + 定单* * + variant of 訂單|订单/
定型' + 定型* * + to fina stereotype/ permanent wave or perm (hairdressing)
定型水' + 定型水* * + hairspray/
定場白' + 定场白* * + first soliloquy (introducing opera character)/
定場詩' + 定场诗* * + first soliloquy text (introducing opera character)/
定奪' + 定夺* * + to make a decision/ to determine
定婚' + 定婚* * + variant of 訂婚|订婚/
定存' + 定存* * + certifi time deposit/ abbr. for 定期存款|定期存款
定安' + 定安* * + Ding'an /
定安縣' + 定安县* * + Ding'an county, Hainan/
定局' + 定局* * + foregone conclusion/ to be settled conclusively
定居' + 定居* * + to settle/ to fix a place to live
定居者' + 定居者* * + settler/
定居點' + 定居点* * + settlement/
定州' + 定州* * + Dingzhou county level city in Baoding 保定/
定州市' + 定州市* * + Dingzho /
定常態' + 定常态* * + constan fixed state/
定座率' + 定座率* * + occupancy (i.e. proportion of seats occupied)/
定式' + 定式* * + joseki (fixed opening pattern in go game)/
定弦' + 定弦* * + tuning (stringed instrument)/
定影' + 定影* * + to fix a photographic image/
定律' + 定律* * + scientific law/
定心丸' + 定心丸* * + tranquilizer/ sth that sets one's mind at ease
定性' + 定性* * + to determine the nature (usually of error or crime)/ to determine chemical composition qualitativ
定性分析' + 定性分析* * + qualitative inorganic analysis/
定性理論' + 定性理论* * + qualitative theory/
定情' + 定情* * + to exchange love tokens or vows/ to pledge one's love to get eng
定戶' + 定户* * + variant of 訂戶|订户/
定數' + 定数* * + constan quota/ fixed number (e.g. of places on a bus) fixed quan
定於' + 定于* * + set at/ scheduled at
定日' + 定日* * + Tingri town and county, Tibetan: Ding ri rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, central T/
定日縣' + 定日县* * + Tingri county, Tibetan: Ding ri rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/
定時' + 定时* * + to fix a time/ fixed time timed (of
定時信管' + 定时信管* * + timed detonator/
定時攝影' + 定时摄影* * + time-lapse photography/
定時炸彈' + 定时炸弹* * + time bomb/
定時鐘' + 定时钟* * + timer/ timing clock alarm cloc
定期' + 定期* * + regularly/ at regular intervals
定期儲蓄' + 定期储蓄* * + fixed deposit (banking)/
定期存款' + 定期存款* * + fixed deposit/ time deposit certificat
定格' + 定格* * + to fix/ to confine to freeze fra
定案' + 定案* * + to reach a verdict/ to conclude a judgment
定標' + 定标* * + to calibrate (measure or apparatus)/ fixed coefficient
定標器' + 定标器* * + scaler/
定洋' + 定洋* * + (payment) account/
定海' + 定海* * + Dinghai district of Zhoushan city 舟山市/
定海區' + 定海区* * + Dinghai /
定然' + 定然* * + certain of course/
定理' + 定理* * + established theory/ theorem (math.)
定界' + 定界* * + demarcation/ boundary delimited
定界符' + 定界符* * + delimiter (computing)/
定當' + 定当* * + necessarily/
定當' + 定当* * + settled/ ready finished
定盤星' + 定盘星* * + the zero point indicator marked on a steelyard/ fixed opinion solid idea
定直線' + 定直线* * + directrix of a parabola/
定睛' + 定睛* * + to stare at/
定神' + 定神* * + to compose oneself/ to concentrate one's attention
定票' + 定票* * + to reserve tickets/
定禮' + 定礼* * + betrothal gift/ bride-price
定約' + 定约* * + to conclude a treaty/ to make an agreement contract (
定結' + 定结* * + Dinggyê county, Tibetan: Gding skyes rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/
定結縣' + 定结县* * + Dinggyê county, Tibetan: Gding skyes rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/
定編' + 定编* * + fixed allocation/
定罪' + 定罪* * + to convict (sb of a crime)/
定義' + 定义* * + definition/
定義域' + 定义域* * + domain (math.)/
定能' + 定能* * + to be definitely able (to do sth)/
定興' + 定兴* * + Dingxing county in Baoding 保定/
定興縣' + 定兴县* * + Dingxin /
定艙' + 定舱* * + (of fre /
定製' + 定制* * + custom-made/ made-to-order to have so
定襄' + 定襄* * + Dingxiang county in Xinzhou 忻州/
定襄縣' + 定襄县* * + Dingxia /
定西' + 定西* * + Dingxi /
定西地區' + 定西地区* * + Dingxi prefecture in Gansu/
定西市' + 定西市* * + Dingxi prefecture level city in Gansu/
定語' + 定语* * + attributive (modifier)/
定調' + 定调* * + to set the tone/
定調子' + 定调子* * + to set the tone/
定論' + 定论* * + final conclusion/ accepted argument
定讞' + 定谳* * + to judge a case/ to render a verdict verdict
定貨' + 定货* * + variant of 訂貨|订货/
定購' + 定购* * + to orde to place an order/
定遠' + 定远* * + Dingyuan county in Chuzhou 滁州/
定遠營' + 定远营* * + old nam /
定遠縣' + 定远县* * + Dingyua /
定邊' + 定边* * + Dingbia /
定邊縣' + 定边县* * + Dingbia /
定量' + 定量* * + quantit fixed amount/ ration
定量分塊' + 定量分块* * + chunking/
定量分析' + 定量分析* * + quantitative analysis/
定金' + 定金* * + down payment/ advance payment
定銀' + 定银* * + deposit/ down payment
定錢' + 定钱* * + security deposit/ earnest money (real estate) good-faith
定閱' + 定阅* * + variant of 訂閱|订阅/
定陶' + 定陶* * + Dingtao /
定陶縣' + 定陶县* * + Dingtao /
定音' + 定音* * + to call to make the final decision/
定音鼓' + 定音鼓* * + timpani/
定額' + 定额* * + fixed amount/ quota
定額組' + 定额组* * + quorum/
定風針' + 定风针* * + wind vane/ anemometer weathercoc
定點' + 定点* * + to determine a location/ designated appointed
定點企業' + 定点企业* * + a specialized enterprise/
定點廠' + 定点厂* * + factory designated by the state to make a particular product/
定鼎' + 定鼎* * + lit. to set up the sacred tripods (following Yu the Great)/ to fix the capital to found a

surely sicherlich อย่างแน่นอน sûrement seguramente certamente varmasti

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


204 确定 我们 已经 迷路 +
205 每天 定时 起床 +
286 今晚 必定 下雨 +
792 他们 制定 计划 +
1179 选择 否定 答案 +
1502 机器 运行 稳定 +
2444 他们 会上 签署 协定 +
2657 专家 鉴定 宝石 +
3013 购买 指定 商品 赠品 +
3438 进球 奠定 比赛 胜利 +
3691 不辱使命 +
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 +
3724 这种 制度 效率 暗耗 一定 改进 +
3730 母亲 反复 丁宁 出门 一定 注意 安全 +
3743 外边 那么 肯定 着凉 受病 +
3765 为了 保证 安全 驾驶 摩托车 一定 帽盔 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

决定 결정〔결심·결의·의결〕하다. + + 一定 반드시. 필히. 꼭. + + 规定 규정하다. 정하다. + + 肯定 확실히. 틀림없이. 의심할 여지없이. + + 否定 (어떤 존재나 사실을) 부정하다. + + 固定 고정되다. 불변하다. + + 确定 확정하다. 확실히 결정을 내리다. + + 说不定 아마. 짐작컨대. 대개. + + 稳定 안정되다. + + 制定 (방침·정책·법률·제도 등을) 제정하다. 작성하다. 확정하다. + + 必定 반드시. 의심할바 없이. + + 奠定 다지다. 닦다. 안정시키다. + + 定期 날짜를〔기일을·기한을〕 정하다〔맞추다·잡다〕. + + 定义 정의(定義). + + 断定 단정하다. 결론을 내리다. + + 坚定 (입장·주장·의지 등이) 확고부동하다. 결연하다. 굳다. 꿋꿋하다. 흔들리지... + + 鉴定 감정(鑑定)하다. + + 拟定 입안하다. 초안을 세우다. + + 认定 인정하다. 확신하다. 굳게 믿다. + + 特定 특정한. 특별히 지정한. + + 镇定 침착하다. 냉정하다. 차분하다. 태연하다. + + 指定 (사전에 사람·시간·장소 등을) 지정하다. 확정하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +