A + + * * ting1 listen/ hear/ heed/ obey 1. hören, anhören, zuhören 2. aufeinen Rat hören 3. lassen, gewähren + + +
A 聽見 + + * * ting1jian4 hear hören + + +
A 聽說 + + * * ting1 shuo1 be told/ hear of/ hear about man sagt daß,..gehört haben, daß... + + +
A 聽寫 + + * * ting1xie3 dictate/ dictation diktieren,Diktat + + +
B 好聽 + + * * hao3ting1 pleasant to hear wohlklingend + + +
B 打聽 + + * * da3ting ask about/ inquire about fragen nach, sich erkundigen nach + + +
B 聽講 + + * * ting1 jiang3 listen to (teacher)/ attend a lecture einer Vorlesung zuhören, einem Redner zuhören + + +
D 竊聽 + + * * qie4ting1 wire tapping abhorchen, abhören, Lauschangriff + + +
D 傾聽 + + * * qing1ting1 give ear to aufmerksam zuhören + + +
D 聽話 + + * * ting1 hua4 persuasible/ docile auf die ältere Generation oder die Vorgesetzten hören + + +
D 聽取 + + * * ting1qu3 hear anhören, sich etwas anhören + + +
D 聽眾 + + * * ting1zhong4 audience/ listener Zuhörer, Hörerschaft + + +

1 nghe 5 thăm dò 打听 6 lắng nghe 倾听

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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hear / understand / obey, comply
marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase / it, him her, them / go to
trust to, rely on, appoint / to bear, duty, office / allow
marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase / it, him her, them / go to
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

听' + * * + smile (archaic)/
聽' + * * + to list to hear/ to obey a can (loa
聽' + * * + (literary pronunciation, still advocated in Taiwan) to rule/ to sentence to allow
聽不到' + 听不到* * + can't hear/
聽不懂' + 听不懂* * + unable to make sense of what one is hearing/
聽不見' + 听不见* * + not be able to hear/
聽不進去' + 听不进去* * + not to listen/ to be deaf to
聽之任之' + 听之任之* * + to take a laissez-faire attitude/
聽事' + 听事* * + to hold audience/ to advise on state affairs to adminis
聽任' + 听任* * + to let things happen/ laissez-faire
聽來' + 听来* * + to sound (old, foreign, exciting, right etc)/ to ring (true) to sound a
聽信' + 听信* * + to listen to information/ to get the news to believe
聽信謠言' + 听信谣言* * + to take heed of idle chatter (idiom)/
聽候' + 听候* * + to wait for (orders, a decision, a judgment)/
聽其自然' + 听其自然* * + to let things take their course/ to take things as they come
聽其言而觀其行' + 听其言而观其行* * + hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person /
聽其言觀其行' + 听其言观其行* * + hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person /
聽到' + 听到* * + to hear/
聽力' + 听力* * + hearing/ listening ability
聽力理解' + 听力理解* * + listening comprehension/
聽取' + 听取* * + to hear (news)/ to listen to
聽君一席話,勝讀十年書' + 听君一席话,胜读十年书* * + listening to the words of a wise man can be superior to studying ten years of book/
聽命' + 听命* * + to obey an order/ to take orders to accept
聽天安命' + 听天安命* * + to accept one's situation as dictated by heaven (idiom)/
聽天由命' + 听天由命* * + to submit to the will of heaven/ to resign oneself to fate to trust t
聽審' + 听审* * + to attend court/ to take part in a trial
聽審會' + 听审会* * + hearing (law)/
聽寫' + 听写* * + dictate/ dictation CL:次
聽小骨' + 听小骨* * + ossicle three ossicles, acting as levers to amplify sound, namely: stapes or stirrup bone /
聽岔' + 听岔* * + to mishear/ to hear wrongly
聽得懂' + 听得懂* * + to understand (by hearing)/ to catch (what sb says)
聽得見' + 听得见* * + audible/
聽從' + 听从* * + to listen and obey/ to comply with to heed
聽憑' + 听凭* * + to allow (sb to do as he pleases)/
聽懂' + 听懂* * + to understand (on hearing)/ to catch (what is spoken)
聽戲' + 听戏* * + to attend an opera/ to see an opera
聽房' + 听房* * + to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchamber (folk custom)/
聽斷' + 听断* * + to judge (i.e. to hear and pass judgment in a law court)/ to hear and decide
聽書' + 听书* * + to listen to stories/ to listen to performance of 說書|说书 storytelling
聽會' + 听会* * + to attend a meeting (and hear what is discussed)/
聽清' + 听清* * + to hear clearly/
聽牆根' + 听墙根* * + to eavesdrop/ to listen in secret to sb's conversations
聽牆根兒' + 听墙根儿* * + erhua variant of 聽牆根|听墙根/
聽牆面' + 听墙面* * + surface /
聽眾' + 听众* * + audience/ listeners
聽窗' + 听窗* * + to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchamber (folk custom)/
聽筒' + 听筒* * + telephone receiver/ headphone earphone
聽者' + 听者* * + listener/ member of audience
聽而不聞' + 听而不闻* * + to hear but not react (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/ to ignore deliberately
聽聞' + 听闻* * + to listen/ to hear what sb says news one h
聽膩了' + 听腻了* * + fed up of hearing/
聽見' + 听见* * + to hear/
聽見風就是雨' + 听见风就是雨* * + lit. on hearing wind, to say rain/ to agree uncritically with whatever people say to parrot
聽覺' + 听觉* * + sense of hearing/
聽訟' + 听讼* * + to hear litigation (in a law court)/ to hear a case
聽診器' + 听诊器* * + stethoscope/
聽話' + 听话* * + to do what one is told/ obedient
聽話聽聲,鑼鼓聽音' + 听话听声,锣鼓听音* * + to understand the unspoken implications (idiom)/
聽說' + 听说* * + to hear (sth said)/ one hears (that) hearsay
聽課' + 听课* * + to attend a class/ to go to a lecture
聽講' + 听讲* * + to attend a lecture/ to listen to a talk
聽證會' + 听证会* * + (legislative) hearing/
聽起來' + 听起来* * + to sound like/
聽錯' + 听错* * + to mishear/
聽閾' + 听阈* * + audibility threshold/
聽隨' + 听随* * + to obey/ to allow
聽頭' + 听头* * + a can (loanword from English "tin")/
聽風就是雨' + 听风就是雨* * + lit. to believe in the rain on hearing the wind (idiom)/ to believe rumors to be cred
聽骨' + 听骨* * + ossicles (in the middle ear)/ also written 聽小骨|听小骨
聽骨鏈' + 听骨链* * + chain of ossicles (in the middle ear)/

hear hören ได้ยิน entendre oír sentire kuulla
listen hören ฟัง écouter escuchar ascolta kuunnella

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


478 正在 音乐 +
558 音乐 +
620 音乐 好听 +
860 听到 惊人 消息 +
1651 耳机 音乐 +
2843 直升机 听候 政府 差遣 +
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听 +
3537 丫头 喜欢 音乐 +
3593 中文 不够 流利 中文 广播 费劲 +
3608 昨晚 听到 音乐 几个 片段 不断地 萦绕 在他的 脑际 +
3615 经常 走入 社区 倾听 普通 民众 心声 +
3720 听说 家乡 今年 闹灾 赶快 些 钱 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + +

듣다. + + 打听 물어보다. 탐문하다. 알아보다. + + 倾听 귀를 기울여 듣다. 경청하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +