A + + * * jiao4 (used to make a passive sentence) 1. rufen, ausrufen, schreien 2. rufen, anrufen ansprechen 3.bestellen, anfordern 4. heißen, bedeuten, anreden 5. veranlassen, anordnen 6. ... + + +
A + + * * jiao4 call/ greet/ order/ name/ shout/ cry 1. rufen, ausrufen, schreien 2. rufen, anrufen ansprechen 3.bestellen, anfordern 4. heißen, bedeuten, anreden 5. veranlassen, anordnen 6. ...präp.passiv + + +
B 叫做 + + * * jiao4zuo4 be called/ named genannt werden, bekannt sein als + + +
C 喊叫 + + * * han3jiao4 shout/ cry out/ scream laut rufen, schreien + + +
D 叫喊 + + * * jiao4han3 cry/ clamor laut rufen, schreien, heulen + + +
D 叫喚 + + * * jiao4huan cry out/ call out schreien, heulen + + +
D 叫嚷 + + * * jiao4rang3 break out/ clamor schreien, laut rufen, lärmen + + +

1 gọi

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
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cry, shout / hail, greet, call
seat / stand, base

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

叫' + * * + to shout/ to call to order
叫作' + 叫作* * + to call/ to be called
叫做' + 叫做* * + to be called/ to be known as
叫化子' + 叫化子* * + variant of 叫花子/
叫喊' + 叫喊* * + exclama outcry/ shout yell
叫喚' + 叫唤* * + to cry out/ to bark out a sound
叫嚷' + 叫嚷* * + to shout/ to bellow one's grievances
叫囂' + 叫嚣* * + to hoot/
叫好' + 叫好* * + to applaud/ to cheer
叫屈' + 叫屈* * + to complain of an injustice/ to lament sb's misfortune
叫床' + 叫床* * + to moan (in bed)/ cries of pleasure during love-making
叫床聲' + 叫床声* * + to moan (in bed)/ cries of pleasure during love-making
叫春' + 叫春* * + to caterwaul/ to call like an animal in heat
叫板' + 叫板* * + to signal the musicians (in Chinese opera, by prolonging a spoken word before atta/ (coll.) to challenge
叫牌' + 叫牌* * + to bid (bridge and similar card games)/
叫聲' + 叫声* * + yelling (sound made by person)/ barking braying
叫花子' + 叫花子* * + beggar/
叫苦' + 叫苦* * + to whine about hardships/ to complain of one's bitter lot to complai
叫苦不迭' + 叫苦不迭* * + to complain without stopping (idiom); to bitch endlessly/ incessant grievances
叫苦連天' + 叫苦连天* * + to whine on for days (idiom)/ to endlessly grumble complaints incessant
叫賣' + 叫卖* * + to hawk (one's wares)/ to peddle
叫道' + 叫道* * + to call/ to shout
叫醒' + 叫醒* * + to awaken/ to wake sb up to rouse
叫醒服務' + 叫醒服务* * + morning call/ wake-up call (hotel service)
叫陣' + 叫阵* * + to challenge an opponent to a fight/
叫雞' + 叫鸡* * + rooster/ cock (slang) (C
叫響' + 叫响* * + to gain fame and success/
叫驢' + 叫驴* * + (coll.) male donkey/
呌' + * * + variant of 叫/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


20 三明治 +
21 汤姆 +
91 中国 医生 大夫 +
203 什么 名字 +
1195 这里 呼叫 中心 +
1708 她们 害怕 尖叫 起来 +
2423 一直 叫唤 +
2892 小鸟 树枝 鸣叫 +
3237 他们 相互 叫嚷 +
3498 皇帝 女儿 丈夫 驸马 +
3525 蟋蟀 叫声 响亮 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

외치다. 고함치다. 소리지르다. 소리치다. 부르짖다. + +

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