B + + * * pian1 inclined to one side 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich 3.parteiisch 4.unbedingt5.wider Erwarten + + +
C + + * * pian1 inclined to one side/ off-center/ off-target/ off-standard 1. sich nach einer Seite neigen, geneigt 2. absichtlich + + +
C 偏偏 + + * * pian1pian1 against sb.'s wish/ contrary to expectations/ only/ just unerwartet + + +
D 偏差 + + * * pian1cha1 error/ deviation Abweichung, Fehler + + +
D 偏見 + + * * pian1jian4 prejudice Vorurteil + + +
D 偏僻 + + * * pian1pi4 out of the way/ devious/ outlying abgelegen,entlegen + + +
D 偏向 + + * * pian1xiang4 partial to Abweichung, parteiisch für jn sein + + +

6 độ lệch 偏差 6 phiến diện 偏见 6 hoang vu 偏僻 6 lại 偏偏

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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inclined one side / slanting
heavy, weighty / double

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

偏' + * * + to lean/ to slant oblique
偏低' + 偏低* * + to be on the low side/ to be inadequate (e.g. of a salary)
偏偏' + 偏偏* * + (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what w/ unfortunately against ex
偏僻' + 偏僻* * + remote/ desolate far from t
偏光' + 偏光* * + polarized light/
偏勞' + 偏劳* * + undue trouble/ Thank you for having gone out of your way to help me.
偏向' + 偏向* * + partial towards sth/ to prefer to incline
偏執' + 偏执* * + prejudice/ bigotry
偏執型' + 偏执型* * + paranoid (psych.)/
偏執狂' + 偏执狂* * + paranoia/
偏壓' + 偏压* * + biasing (electronics)/ bias voltage
偏好' + 偏好* * + to prefer/ to be partial to sth preference
偏安' + 偏安* * + content to hold a small part of the territory/ fig. forced to relinquish the middle ground forced to
偏宕' + 偏宕* * + extremely (stubborn, contrary, disobedient etc)/
偏寵' + 偏宠* * + to favor/ to prefer to show fa
偏將' + 偏将* * + deputy general/
偏巧' + 偏巧* * + by coincidence/ it so happened that fortunatel
偏差' + 偏差* * + bias/ deviation
偏差距離' + 偏差距离* * + offset distance/
偏師' + 偏师* * + military auxiliaries (archaic)/
偏廈' + 偏厦* * + side annex/ lean-to
偏廢' + 偏废* * + to give unequal emphasis to/ doing some things at the expense of others
偏待' + 偏待* * + to show favoritism against sb/ to treat unfairly
偏微分' + 偏微分* * + (math.) partial differential/ (math.) partial derivative
偏微分方程' + 偏微分方程* * + partial differential equation (PDE)/
偏心' + 偏心* * + partial/ biased prejudiced
偏心率' + 偏心率* * + (math.) eccentricity/
偏心眼' + 偏心眼* * + bias/ partiality to be part
偏心矩' + 偏心矩* * + axis of eccentricity/
偏愛' + 偏爱* * + to be partial towards sth/ to favor to prefer
偏態' + 偏态* * + skewness (math)/
偏房' + 偏房* * + side room/ concubine
偏才' + 偏才* * + talent in a particular area/
偏振' + 偏振* * + polarization (of waves)/
偏振光' + 偏振光* * + polarization of light/ polarized light
偏振波' + 偏振波* * + polarized wave/
偏斜' + 偏斜* * + crooked/ not upright diverging
偏方' + 偏方* * + folk remedy/ home remedy
偏旁' + 偏旁* * + the left- and right-side of a split Chinese character, often the key (radical) and/
偏析' + 偏析* * + segregation (metallurgy)/
偏極' + 偏极* * + polarity/ polarized (light)
偏極化' + 偏极化* * + polarization/ polarized
偏極濾光鏡' + 偏极滤光镜* * + polarizing filter/
偏極鏡' + 偏极镜* * + polarizing lens/ polarizer
偏正式合成詞' + 偏正式合成词* * + modified compound word/
偏殿' + 偏殿* * + side palace hall/ side chamber
偏激' + 偏激* * + extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances)/
偏狹' + 偏狭* * + prejudiced/ narrow-minded
偏疼' + 偏疼* * + to favor a junior/ to show favoritism to some juniors
偏癱' + 偏瘫* * + paralysis of one side of the body/ hemiplegia
偏私' + 偏私* * + to practice favoritism/
偏科' + 偏科* * + to overemphasize some topic (at the expense of others)/ overdoing it to go over
偏移' + 偏移* * + displacement/ deviation offset
偏置' + 偏置* * + offset/ biasing (electronics) bias volta
偏置電流' + 偏置电流* * + bias current (electronics)/
偏置電阻' + 偏置电阻* * + bias impedance (electronics)/
偏聽偏信' + 偏听偏信* * + selective listening/ to hear what one wants to hear
偏航' + 偏航* * + to diverge (from bearing, flight path etc)/ off course to yaw
偏蝕' + 偏蚀* * + partial eclipse/
偏袒' + 偏袒* * + to side with/ to discriminate in favor of
偏西' + 偏西* * + inclining to the west (of the sun after noon)/ fig. pro-Western
偏要' + 偏要* * + to insist on doing sth/ must do it, despite everything
偏見' + 偏见* * + prejudice/
偏角' + 偏角* * + angle of drift (navigation)/ deflection (from course) angle of d
偏註' + 偏注* * + to stress in a prejudiced way/ to emphasize sth unduly
偏誤' + 偏误* * + bias (statistics)/
偏護' + 偏护* * + to protect a croney/ to give unprincipled support
偏轉' + 偏转* * + deflection (physics)/ deviation (away from a straight line)
偏轉角' + 偏转角* * + angle of drift (navigation)/ deflection (from course) angle of d
偏辭' + 偏辞* * + one-sided words/ prejudice flattery
偏遠' + 偏远* * + remote/ far from civilization
偏邪不正' + 偏邪不正* * + biased/ prejudiced (idiom)
偏重' + 偏重* * + to stress in a prejudiced way/ to emphasize sth unduly
偏鋒' + 偏锋* * + brush stroke to the side (calligraphy)/ fig. side stroke lateral th
偏門' + 偏门* * + side door/ doing things by the side door (i.e. dishonestly)
偏關' + 偏关* * + Pianguan county in Xinzhou 忻州/
偏關縣' + 偏关县* * + Piangua /
偏離' + 偏离* * + to devi to diverge/ to wander
偏頗' + 偏颇* * + biased/ partial
偏頭痛' + 偏头痛* * + migraine/
偏題' + 偏题* * + obscure question/ trick exam question catch ques
偏食' + 偏食* * + partial having likes and dislikes/ partial eclipse
偏高' + 偏高* * + to be on the high side/ to be unusually high

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1487 太阳 西 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

偏差 편차. 오차. + + 偏见 편견. 선입견. + + 偏僻 외지다. 궁벽하다. 구석지다. + + 偏偏 기어코. 일부러. 굳이. 좀처럼. 도무지. 한사코. 아무리 해도. 기를 쓰고... + +

+ + + + + + + +