B 宣傳 + + * * xuan1chuan2 propagate/ propaganda publizieren, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, propagieren, Propaganda + + +
B + + * * chuan2 pass/ send 1.weitergeben, weiterschicken 2. etw als Erbe hinterlassen, vererben 3. verbreiten, sich verbreiten 4.rufen, kommen lassen 5. übertragen, leiten 6.ausdrücken + + +
B 傳播 + + * * chuan2bo1 propagate/ spread verbreiten, propagieren, Übertragung/Verbreitung + + +
B 傳統 + + * * chuan2tong3 tradition Tradition + + +
C 流傳 + + * * liiu2chuan2 spread/ circulate/ hand down/ pass down überliefern,sich verbreiten, + + +
C 傳達 + + * * chuan2da2 convey/ transmit/ communicate weitergeben, weiterleiten + + +
C 傳染 + + * * chuan2ran3 infect/ be contagious anstecken, infizieren, ansteckend + + +
C 傳說 + + * * chuan2shuo1 pass on (a story)/ people say/ legend/ folk tale man sagt, daß..., Legende + + +
D + + * * zhuan4 biography Kommentare zu klassischen Werken, Biographie + + +
D 遺傳 + + * * yi2chuan2 inheritance/ inherit Vererbung, Erblichkeit + + +
D 傳記 + + * * zhuan4ji4 biography Biographie + + +
D 傳單 + + * * chuan2dan1 fly sheet/ leaflet Flugblatt + + +
D 傳遞 + + * * chuan2di4 pass/ transfer weitergeben, übermitteln + + +
D 傳授 + + * * chuan2shou4 initiate/ teach beibringen, lehren + + +
D 傳送 + + * * chuan2song4 transmit/ remit/ carry transportieren, befördern + + +
D 傳真 + + * * chuan2zhen1 fax Fax, faxen + + +

4 máy fax 传真 5 truyền bá 传播 5 chuyền 传递 5 truyền nhiễm 传染 5 truyền thuyết 传说 5 truyền thống 传统 5 lưu truyền 流传 5 tuyên truyền 宣传 6 truyền đạt 传达 6 truyền đơn 传单 6 truyền thụ 传授 6 di truyền 遗传 6 truyện ký 传记

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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summon / propagate, transmit
lineage, ancestry / ancestor, clan
receive / continue / catch / connect
replace, replacement (of person or generation) / era, generation
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

傳' + * * + to pass on/ to spread to transmi
傳' + * * + biography/ historical narrative commentari
傳三過四' + 传三过四* * + to spread rumors/ to gossip
傳世' + 传世* * + handed down from ancient times/ family heirloom
傳人' + 传人* * + to teach/ to impart a disciple
傳代' + 传代* * + to pass to the next generation/
傳令' + 传令* * + to transmit an order/
傳令兵' + 传令兵* * + orderly/
傳來' + 传来* * + (of a sound) to come through/ to be heard (of news)
傳入' + 传入* * + to import/ transmitted inwards afferent
傳入神經' + 传入神经* * + afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain)/ afferent neuron
傳出' + 传出* * + to transmit outwards/ to disseminate efferent (
傳出神經' + 传出神经* * + efferent nerve (transmitting out from the brain)/ efferent neuron motor nerv
傳動' + 传动* * + drive (transmission in an engine)/
傳動器' + 传动器* * + drive (engine)/
傳動帶' + 传动带* * + transmission belt/
傳動機構' + 传动机构* * + transmission mechanism/
傳動比' + 传动比* * + transmission ratio/ gear ratio
傳動系統' + 传动系统* * + transmission system/ power drive
傳動裝置' + 传动装置* * + transmission (i.e. gears)/
傳動軸' + 传动轴* * + drive shaft/
傳名' + 传名* * + spreading fame/
傳告' + 传告* * + to convey (a message)/ to inform
傳呼' + 传呼* * + to notify sb of a call/ to call sb to the phone
傳呼機' + 传呼机* * + pager/ beeper
傳呼電話' + 传呼电话* * + to notify sb of a call/ to call sb to the phone
傳唱' + 传唱* * + (of a song) to pass from person to person/
傳喚' + 传唤* * + a summons (to the police)/ subpoena
傳單' + 传单* * + leaflet/ flier pamphlet
傳單廣' + 传单广* * + advertising leaflet/ circular
傳回' + 传回* * + to send back/
傳報' + 传报* * + notification/ memorial
傳奇' + 传奇* * + legendary/ fantasy saga romance
傳奇人物' + 传奇人物* * + legendary person/ legend (i.e. person)
傳媒' + 传媒* * + media/
傳宗接代' + 传宗接代* * + to carry on one's ancestral line/
傳家' + 传家* * + to pass on through the generations/
傳家寶' + 传家宝* * + family heirloom/
傳寄' + 传寄* * + to send (message to sb)/ to communicate to forward
傳寫' + 传写* * + to copy/ to pass on a copy
傳導' + 传导* * + to conduct (heat, electricity etc)/
傳布' + 传布* * + to spread/ to hand down to dissemi
傳幫帶' + 传帮带* * + to pass on experience (to the next generation)/
傳心術' + 传心术* * + telepathy/
傳情' + 传情* * + to pass on amorous feelings/ to send one's love to sb
傳感' + 传感* * + to pass on feelings/ telepathy sensing (e
傳感器' + 传感器* * + sensor/ transducer
傳戒' + 传戒* * + to initiate novice (Buddhist monk)/
傳承' + 传承* * + to pass on (to future generations)/ passed on (from former times) a continue
傳抄' + 传抄* * + to circulate copies/ to copy and pass on
傳授' + 传授* * + to impart/ to pass on to teach
傳揚' + 传扬* * + to spread (by word of mouth)/
傳播' + 传播* * + to disseminate/ to propagate to spread
傳播四方' + 传播四方* * + to disseminate in every direction (idiom)/
傳教' + 传教* * + to preach/ missionary to evangel
傳教團' + 传教团* * + a mission (group of missionaries)/
傳教士' + 传教士* * + missionary/
傳旨' + 传旨* * + issue a decree/
傳書鴿' + 传书鸽* * + carrier pigeon (used for mail)/
傳本' + 传本* * + edition (of a book) currently in circulation/
傳染' + 传染* * + to infect/ contagious
傳染性' + 传染性* * + infectious/ epidemic
傳染源' + 传染源* * + source of an infection/
傳染病' + 传染病* * + infectious disease/ contagious disease pestilence
傳染病學' + 传染病学* * + epidemiology/
傳檄' + 传檄* * + to circulate (a protest or call to arms)/ to promulgate
傳法' + 传法* * + to pass on doctrines from master to disciple (Buddhism)/
傳流' + 传流* * + to spread/ to hand down to circula
傳熱' + 传热* * + heat transfer/ heat transmission
傳熱學' + 传热学* * + theory of heat/ heat transmission (physics)
傳燈' + 传灯* * + to pass on the light of Buddha/
傳球' + 传球* * + pass (in soccer)/ to feed (ball)
傳略' + 传略* * + bibliographic sketch/
傳發' + 传发* * + to order sb to start on a journey/
傳真' + 传真* * + fax/ facsimile
傳真機' + 传真机* * + fax machine/
傳真發送' + 传真发送* * + fax transmission/
傳真號碼' + 传真号码* * + fax number/
傳真電報' + 传真电报* * + phototelegram/
傳神' + 传神* * + vivid/ lifelike
傳票' + 传票* * + summons/ subpoena voucher
傳種' + 传种* * + to reproduce/ to propagate
傳粉' + 传粉* * + pollination/ to pollinate
傳給' + 传给* * + to pass on (to sb)/ to send to pass (e
傳統' + 传统* * + tradition/ traditional convention
傳統中國醫藥' + 传统中国医药* * + Chinese /
傳統詞類' + 传统词类* * + traditional parts of speech (grammar)/
傳統醫藥' + 传统医药* * + Chinese traditional medicine/
傳經' + 传经* * + to pass on scripture/ to teach Confucian doctrine to pass on
傳習' + 传习* * + teaching and learning/ to study and impart
傳聞' + 传闻* * + rumor/
傳聞證據' + 传闻证据* * + hearsay (law)/
傳聲' + 传声* * + microphone/ to use a microphone
傳聲器' + 传声器* * + microphone/
傳聲筒' + 传声筒* * + loudhailer/ megaphone one who pa
傳藝' + 传艺* * + to impart skills/ to pass on one's art
傳見' + 传见* * + to summon for an interview/
傳觀' + 传观* * + to pass sth around (for others to look at)/
傳言' + 传言* * + rumor/ hearsay
傳訊' + 传讯* * + to summon (a witness)/ to subpoena
傳記' + 传记* * + biography/ CL:篇
傳記性' + 传记性* * + bibliog /
傳話' + 传话* * + to pass on a story/ to communicate a message
傳話人' + 传话人* * + messenger/ communicator relay
傳語' + 传语* * + to pass on (information)/
傳誦' + 传诵* * + widely known/ on everyone's lips
傳說' + 传说* * + legend/ folklore tradition
傳講' + 传讲* * + to preach/
傳譯' + 传译* * + to translate/ to interpret
傳質' + 传质* * + mass transfer/
傳贊' + 传赞* * + postscript to bibliography/
傳輸' + 传输* * + transport/ transmission
傳輸協定' + 传输协定* * + transfer protocol/ transportation protocol
傳輸媒界' + 传输媒界* * + transport method/
傳輸媒質' + 传输媒质* * + transmission medium/
傳輸媒體' + 传输媒体* * + transmission medium/
傳輸層' + 传输层* * + transport layer/
傳輸技術' + 传输技术* * + transmission technology/
傳輸控制' + 传输控制* * + transmission control/
傳輸控制協定' + 传输控制协定* * + transmission control protocol/ TCP
傳輸服務' + 传输服务* * + transport service/
傳輸模式' + 传输模式* * + transfer mode/ transmission method
傳輸率' + 传输率* * + transmission rate/
傳輸線' + 传输线* * + transmission line/
傳輸設備' + 传输设备* * + transmission facility/ transmission equipment
傳輸距離' + 传输距离* * + transmission distance/
傳輸通道' + 传输通道* * + transport channel/
傳輸速率' + 传输速率* * + transmission rate/ transmission speed
傳述' + 传述* * + to relay/ to retell
傳送' + 传送* * + to convey/ to deliver
傳送帶' + 传送带* * + conveyor belt/ transmission belt
傳送服務' + 传送服务* * + delivery service/
傳遍' + 传遍* * + to spread widely/
傳道' + 传道* * + to lecture on doctrine/ to expound the wisdom of ancient sages to preach
傳道受業' + 传道受业* * + to teach (idiom); lit. to give moral and practical instruction/
傳道書' + 传道书* * + Ecclesiastes (biblical book of sermons)/
傳道者' + 传道者* * + missionary/ preacher
傳道部' + 传道部* * + mission/
傳達' + 传达* * + to pass on/ to convey to relay
傳達員' + 传达员* * + usher/ receptionist
傳達室' + 传达室* * + reception room/
傳遞' + 传递* * + to transmit/ to pass on to sb else (math.) tr
傳遞者' + 传递者* * + messenger/ transmitter (of information)
傳銷' + 传销* * + multi-level marketing/
傳開' + 传开* * + (of news) to spread/ to get around
傳閱' + 传阅* * + to read and pass on/ to pass on for perusal
傳頌' + 传颂* * + to eulogize/ to pass on praise

pass passieren ผ่านไป passer pasar passare kulkea

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


502 传给 +
503 他们 接力棒 +
807 反传统 +
2274 历史 传记 +
2665 凤凰 传说 动物 +
2968 艺妓 日本 传统 文化 +
3545 谣言 纷纷纭纭 +
3553 端午节 粽子 传统 习俗 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + +

传真 팩시밀리. 팩스. + + 传播 전파하다. 널리 퍼뜨리다. 유포하다. 흩뿌리다. 널리 보급하다. + + 传递 (차례차례) 전달하다. 전하다. 건네다. + + 传染 전염하다. 감염하다. 옮다. + + 传说 전설. + + 传统 전통. + + 流传 유전하다. 유전되다. 대대로 전해 내려오다. 세상에 널리 퍼지다. + + 宣传 (대중을 향하여) 선전하다. 홍보하다. + + 传达 전하다. 전달하다. + + 传单 전단(지). 삐라. + + 传授 (학문·기예 등을 다른 사람에게) 전수하다. 가르치다. + + 遗传 유전하다. + + 传记 전기. [한 사람의 일생 동안의 행적을 적은 기록] + +

+ + + + + + + +