B Die Dienstleistungen: Die Kommunikation: Kartentelefon + 磁卡电话 +
B Das Lernen: Die Wissenschaft: Magnet + 磁铁 +
C Die Freizeit: Die Privatunterhaltung: Kassettenrekorder + 盒式磁带录音机 +

Häufigkeit: 1.06

A 磁帶 + * * ci2dai4 magnetic tape Tonband + +
D 磁鐵 + * * ci2tie3 magnet Magnet + +

磁带* 5 ci2 dai4 magnetic tape/ CL:盤|盘[pan2];盒[he2]

Abbaufeld (S) [shuai1 jian3 ci2 chang3] 衰减磁场
Bandkassette (S) [ka3 shi4 ci2 dai4] 卡式磁带
Bohr'sches Magneton [bo1 er3 ci2 yuan2] 波尔磁元
Bohr'sches Magneton [bo1 er3 ci2 zi3] 玻耳磁子
Bohr'sches MagnetonBohrsches Magneton [bo1 er3 ci2 zi3] 波耳磁子
Dauermagnet [yong3 jiu3 ci2 ti3] 永久磁体
Dauermagnet [yong3 jiu3 xing4 ci2 ti3] 永久性磁体
demagnetisieren, entmagnetisieren (V) [tui4 ci2] 退磁
Drehfeld (S) [xuan2 zhuan3 ci2 chang3] 旋转磁场
Drehfeldüberwachung (S) [xuan2 zhuan3 ci2 chang3 jian1 kong4] 旋转磁场监控
Durchlässigkeit (S) [dao3 ci2 shuai4] 导磁率
einzelne ferromagnetische Bereiche [dan1 ci2 chou2 qu1] 单磁畴区
elekromagnetische Strahlung, Elektrosmog (S) [dian4 ci2 fu2 she4] 电磁辐射
elekromagnetische Welle [dian4 ci2 bo1] 电磁波
Elektroinduktion, elektromagnetische Induktion (S) [dian4 ci2 gan3 ying4] 电磁感应
Elektromagnet (S) [dian4 ci2 shi2] 电磁石
Elektromagnet (S) [dian4 ci2 tie3] 电磁铁
elektromagnetisch lösbare Bremse [ke3 chai1 xie4 de5 dian4 ci2 zhi4 dong4 zhuang1 zhi4] 可電磁脱开的制動裝置
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (S) [dian4 ci2 jian1 rong2 xing4] 电磁兼容性
elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (S) [dian4 ci2 xiang1 rong2 xing4] 电磁相容性
elektromagnetischer Puls, EMP (S, Phys) [dian4 ci2 mai4 chong1] 电磁脉冲
Elektromagnetisches Spektrum (S) [dian4 ci2 bo1 pu3] 电磁波谱
Elektromagnetismus (S) [dian4 ci2 xue2] 电磁学
Elektronenspinresonanz-Spektroskopie (S, Chem)ESR-Spektroskopie (S, Chem) [dian4 zi3 shun4 ci2 gong4 zhen4 pu3 xue2] 电子顺磁共振谱学
Elektrosmog (S) [dian4 ci2 wu1 ran3] 电磁污染
entmagnetisieren (V) [xiao1 ci2] 消磁
Entmagnetisierung (S) [xiao1 ci2 fa3] 消磁法
Entmagnetisierung (S)entmagnetisieren (V) [chu2 qu4 ci2 xing4] 除去磁性
Entmagnetisierung (S)entmagnetisieren (V) [qu4 ci2] 去磁
Erdmagnetfeld [de5 ci2 chang3] 地磁场
Erdmagnetfeld (S) [di4 qiu2 ci2 chang3] 地球磁场
erregen (V) [li4 ci2] 励磁
Ferritkernspeicher (S) [tie3 yang3 ti3 ci2 xin4 cun2 chu3 qi4] 铁氧体磁芯存储器
Festkopfplatte (S) [gu4 ding4 ci2 tou2 shi4 ci2 pan2] 固定磁头式磁盘
Festplattenlaufwerk (S) [ying4 ci2 pan2] 硬磁盘
Funkstörung, elektromagnetische Interferenz (S, Phys) [dian4 ci2 gan1 rao3] 电磁干扰
Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie [gong1 neng2 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4] 功能磁共振成像
Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomografie (Med) [gong1 neng2 xing4 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4] 功能性磁共振成像
Gleichstrommagnet (S) [zhi2 liu2 dian4 ci2 tie3] 直流电磁铁
hochpermeabel (Adj, Phys) [gao1 dao3 ci2] 高导磁
Hubmagnet (S) [ti2 sheng1 dian4 ci2 tie3] 提升电磁铁
Induktionsgesetz (Phys) [fa3 la1 di4 dian4 ci2 gan3 ying4 ding4 lü4] 法拉第电磁感应定律
Induktionskochfeld [dian4 ci2 lu2] 电磁炉
je nach Änderung des Erdmagnetfelds [sui2 zhe5 di4 qiu2 ci2 chang3 de5 bian4 hua4] 随着地球磁场的变化
Kassettenablage (Tech) [he2 shi4 ci2 dai4 jia4] 盒式磁带架
Kassettenlaufwerk (Tech) [he2 shi4 ci2 dai4 zou3 dai4 zhuang1 zhi4] 盒式磁带走带装置
Kassettenspeicher (S) [he2 shi4 ci2 dai4 cun2 chu3 qi4] 盒式磁带存储器
Kernmagnetische Resonanz-Spektroskopie (NMR) (S, Chem) [he2 ci2 xie2 zhen4 pu3 xue2] 核磁谐振谱学
Kernspinresonanz (S) [xuan2 ci2 gong4 zhen4] 旋磁共振
Kernspinresonanz (S, Phys) [he2 ci2 gong4 zhen4] 核磁共振
leere Kassette, leeren Magnetband (S)Leerkassette (S) [kong1 ci2 dai4] 空磁带
Leerkassette (S) [kong4 bai2 de5 ci2 dai4] 空白的磁带
Lesekopf (S) [du2 shu4 ci2 tou2] 读数磁头
Linksdrehfeld (S, Bio) [zuo3 xuan2 ci2 chang3] 左旋磁场
Magneteisenstein (S) [tian1 ran2 ci2 shi2] 天然磁石
magnetisch [you3 ci2 xing4] 有磁性
Magnetkupplung (S) [dian4 ci2 li2 he2 qi4] 电磁离合器
magneto-optischlichtmagnetisch (Adj)magneto-optical (Adj)magnetooptisch (Adj)photomagnetisch (Adj) [guang1 ci2] 光磁
Magnetresonanztomografie (Phys) [he2 ci2 gong4 zhen4 cheng2 xiang4] 核磁共振成像
Magnetschalter (S) [dian4 ci2 kai1 guan1] 电磁开关
Magnetventil (S) [dian4 ci2 fa2] 电磁阀
Permeabilität (S) [dao3 ci2 xing4] 导磁性
Transrapid Shanghai (S) [shang4 hai3 ci2 fu2 shi4 fan4 yun4 ying2 xian4] 上海磁浮示范运营线
Videokassette, Kassette (S) [he2 shi4 ci2 dai4] 盒式磁带
Wechselplatte (S) [ke3 huan4 ci2 pan2] 可换磁盘
Wechselplatte (S) [ke3 yi2 dong4 ci2 pan2] 可移动磁盘

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

magnetic / magnetism / porcelain
nature, character, sex

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

磁' + * * + magnetic/ magnetism porcelain
磁共振' + 磁共振* * + magnetic resonance/
磁共振成像' + 磁共振成像* * + magnetic resonance imaging MRI/
磁力' + 磁力* * + magnetic force/ magnetic
磁力線' + 磁力线* * + line of magnetic flux/
磁力鎖' + 磁力锁* * + magnetic lock/
磁化' + 磁化* * + to magnetize/
磁卡' + 磁卡* * + magnetic card/ IC Card (telephone)
磁單極子' + 磁单极子* * + magnetic monopole/
磁器' + 磁器* * + variant of 瓷器/
磁場' + 磁场* * + magneti /
磁層' + 磁层* * + magnetosphere/ magnetic layer
磁帶' + 磁带* * + magnetic tape/ CL:盤|盘
磁帶機' + 磁带机* * + tape dr /
磁性' + 磁性* * + magnetic/ magnetism
磁感應' + 磁感应* * + magnetic induction/
磁感應強度' + 磁感应强度* * + magnetic field density/
磁感線' + 磁感线* * + line of magnetic flux/
磁懸浮' + 磁悬浮* * + magnetic levitation (train)/ maglev
磁控管' + 磁控管* * + cavity magnetron (used to produce microwaves)/
磁條' + 磁条* * + magnetic stripe card/
磁極' + 磁极* * + magnetic pole/
磁氣圈' + 磁气圈* * + magnetosphere/
磁浮' + 磁浮* * + maglev (type of train)/ magnetic levitation
磁片' + 磁片* * + magnetic disk/
磁異常' + 磁异常* * + magnetic anomaly (geology)/
磁盤' + 磁盘* * + (computer) disk/
磁盤驅動器' + 磁盘驱动器* * + disk drive/
磁矩' + 磁矩* * + magnetic moment/
磁石' + 磁石* * + magnet/
磁碟' + 磁碟* * + (magnetic) computer disk (hard disk or floppy)/
磁碟機' + 磁碟机* * + disk drive (computing)/ drive (computing)
磁縣' + 磁县* * + Ci county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸/
磁通量' + 磁通量* * + magneti /
磁釘' + 磁钉* * + button magnet (to use on whiteboards, refrigerator doors etc)/
磁鐵' + 磁铁* * + magnet/
磁鐵礦' + 磁铁矿* * + magnetite Fe3O4/
磁頭' + 磁头* * + magnetic head (of a tape recorder etc)/
磁體' + 磁体* * + magnet/ magnetic body

magnetic magnetisch แม่เหล็ก magnétique magnético magnetico magneettinen

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2330 磁铁 互相 吸引 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

磁带 자기 테이프. [녹음·녹화용 테이프] + +

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