Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome / When you buy these stocks you are gambling /

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

冒险 + 孤注一掷 + 赌博 + um Geld spielen + es wagen + pokern + ein Risiko eingehen + den Schritt tun + gamble + chance + risk + hazard + take chances + adventure + run a risk + take a chance + compromettre + aléa + risquer + risque + exposer + provoquer + éviter + apostar + arriesgar + arriesgarse + aventurar + aventurarse + correr un riesgo + poner en peligro + avventurare + rischiare +

+ + + + + + + +