Häufigkeit: 0.11

Amhara (S)amharisch (Adj) [a1 mu3 ha1 la1] 阿姆哈拉
Amritsar (Geo) [a1 mu3 li4 ze2] 阿姆利则
Amsterdam (Hauptstadt der Niederlande) (Eig, Geo) [a1 mu3 si1 te4 dan1] 阿姆斯特丹
Amsterdamer Börse (Wirtsch) [a1 mu3 si1 te4 dan1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3] 阿姆斯特丹证券交易所
Amudarja (Geo) [a1 mu3 he2] 阿姆河
Amuro Ray (Eig, Pers) [a1 mu3 luo2 lei2] 阿姆罗雷
Armstrong [a1 mu3 si1 te4 lang3] 阿姆斯特朗
Armstrong (S) [a1 mu3 si1 zhuang4] 阿姆斯壮
Eminem (Eig, Pers, 1972 - ) [a1 mu3] 阿姆
Freie Universität Amsterdam (Eig)Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Eig) [a1 mu3 si1 te4 dan1 zi4 you2 da4 xue2] 阿姆斯特丹自由大学
Lance Armstrong (Eig, Pers, 1971 - ) [lan2 si1 a1 mu3 si1 te4 lang3] 兰斯阿姆斯特朗
Louis Armstrong [lu4 yi4 si1 a1 mu3 si1 te4 lang3] 路易斯阿姆斯特朗
MS Amsterdam ( Kreuzfahrtschiff ) (Eig) [a1 mu3 si1 te4 dan1 hao4] 阿姆斯特丹号
Neil Armstrong (Eig, Pers, 1930 - ) [ni2 er3 a1 mu3 si1 te4 lang3] 尼尔阿姆斯特朗

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

阿姆哈拉' + 阿姆哈拉* * + Amhara (province, language and ethnic group of Ethiopia)/ Amharic Ethiopian
阿姆斯特丹' + 阿姆斯特丹* * + Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands/
阿姆斯特朗' + 阿姆斯特朗* * + surname Armstrong/
阿姆河' + 阿姆河* * + Amu Darya, the biggest river of Central Asia, from Pamir to Aral sea, forming the / formerly called Oxus by Greek and Western writers, and Gihon by medieval Islamic writers

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

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Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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