A + + * * gen1 root/ foot/ base/ origin 1. Wurzel 2. Fuß, Ende, Basis 3. Ursprung, Ursache 4. gründlich, vollkommen 5. Zählwort für streifenartige Dinge + + +
B 根本 + + * * gen1ben3 root/ essence/ basic/ fundamental 1. Wurzel 2. Fuß, Ende, Basis 3. Ursprung, Ursache 4. gründlich, vollkommen, grundlegend 5.schlicht, einfach 6. Zählwort für streifenartige Dinge + + +
B 根據 + + * * gen1ju4 base on/ according to/ basis/ grounds entsprechend, auf der Basis von, + + +
C 根源 + + * * gen1yuan2 origin/ root/ source Wurzel, Ursprung, Quelle + + +
D 斬草除根 + + * * zhan3 cao3 chu2 gen1 cut the weeds and dig up the roots etw. radikal ausmerzen, + + +
D 根據地 + + * * gen1ju4di4 base/ citadel Stützpunkt + + +
D 根深蒂固 + + * * gen1 shen1 di4 gu4 being deeply rooted/ in grain tief eingewurzelt + + +
D 歸根到底 + + * * gui1 gen1 dao4 di3 at all time and place in der letzten Analyse + + +

3 căn cứ 根据 5 nguồn gốc 5 căn bản 根本 6 sâu rễ bền gốc 根深蒂固 6 căn nguyên 根源 6 xét đến cùng 归根到底

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

root, base(d on) / foundation
govern, regulate, administer

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

根' + * * + root/ basis classifier
根基' + 根基* * + foundat /
根底' + 根底* * + foundation/ grounding background
根式' + 根式* * + surd (math.)/ algebraic expression involving a square root or other irrationality
根據' + 根据* * + according to/ based on basis
根據地' + 根据地* * + base of /
根據規定' + 根据规定* * + according to provisions/ as stipulated in the rules
根本' + 根本* * + fundamental/ basic root
根本法' + 根本法* * + fundame body of basic laws/
根柢' + 根柢* * + root/ foundation
根汁汽水' + 根汁汽水* * + root beer/
根河' + 根河* * + Genhe county level city, Mongolian Gegeen-gol xot, in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔/
根河市' + 根河市* * + Genhe c /
根治' + 根治* * + to brin to effect a radical cure/
根深葉茂' + 根深叶茂* * + deep roots and vigorous foliage (idiom)/ (fig.) well established and growing strongly
根深蒂固' + 根深蒂固* * + deep-rooted (problem etc)/
根源' + 根源* * + origin/ root (cause)
根特' + 根特* * + Ghent, city in Belgium/
根狀莖' + 根状茎* * + rhizome (biol.)/ root stock
根由' + 根由* * + the whys and the wherefores/ the detailed story root cause
根系' + 根系* * + root system/
根絕' + 根绝* * + to eradicate/
根茬' + 根茬* * + stubble/
根莖' + 根茎* * + stolon/ runner rhizome
根號' + 根号* * + radical sign √ (math.)/
根西島' + 根西岛* * + Guernsey (Channel Islands)/
根除' + 根除* * + to eradicate/
根音' + 根音* * + root of chord/
根鬚' + 根须* * + roots/

root Wurzel ราก racine raíz radice juuri

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


473 皮带 +
829 我们 根据 合同 办事 +
876 这里 筷子 +
877 +
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 +
1209 源头 +
2109 柱子 +
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都 +
2896 竖立 电线杆 +
3227 他们 只有 钓鱼 竿 +
3358 想要 斩断 树枝 +
3508 酒杯 牙籤 +
3599 归根到底 +
3613 这个 牛排 根本 咬不动。 根本 咬不动 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + +

根据 …에 의거하여. [동작 행위의 근거를 이끌어들임] + + (~儿) 뿌리. + + 根本 근본. 근원. 기초. 가장 주요한 부분. + + 根深蒂固 기초가 튼튼하여 쉽게 흔들리지 않다. + + 根源 근원. 근본 원인. + + 归根到底 근본으로 돌아가다. 결국. 끝내. + +

+ + + + + + + +