A 麻煩 + + * * ma2fan troublesome/ put sb. to trouble belästigen, stören,hinderlich (sein), lästig + + +
D 芝麻 + + * * zhi1ma sesame (Sesam) in in zhi1ma Sesam, Sesamsamen + + +
D + + * * ma2 fiber crops 1. allgemeine Bezeichnung für Hanf, Flachs, Jute Sisal usw 2. pockennarbig 3. prickeln, taub werden + + +
D 麻痹 + + * * ma2bi4 lull/ blunt/ paralysis Lähmung, Paralyse,betäuben, lähmen + + +
D 麻袋 + + * * ma2dai4 sack/ gunny-bag Hanfsack, Jutesack + + +
D 麻木 + + * * ma2mu4 numb gefühllos, empfindungslos, stumpf + + +
D 麻雀 + + * * ma2que4 sparrow Sperling, Spatz + + +
D 麻醉 + + * * ma2zui4 narcosis betäuben, anästhisieren, narkotisieren + + +

4 phiền toái 麻烦 6 bệnh tê liệt 麻痹 6 麻木 6 gây tê 麻醉

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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hemp, jute, flax / sesame
intoxicated, drunk / addicted to
leaf of Dahurian angelica plant / medicine

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

蔴' + * * + variant /
麻' + * * + surname /
麻' + * * + generic name for hemp, flax etc/ hemp or flax fiber for textile materials sesame
麻俐' + 麻俐* * + swift agile/ efficient quick-witt
麻利' + 麻利* * + swift agile/ efficient quick-witt
麻力' + 麻力* * + swift/ agile efficient
麻吉' + 麻吉* * + (Taiwan best pal/ to get along well to be tigh
麻嗖嗖' + 麻嗖嗖* * + to feel cold and numb/
麻城' + 麻城* * + Macheng county level city in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈/
麻城市' + 麻城市* * + Macheng /
麻婆豆腐' + 麻婆豆腐* * + mapo to stir-fried beancurd in chili sauce/
麻子' + 麻子* * + pockmark/
麻將' + 麻将* * + mahjong/ CL:副
麻將牌' + 麻将牌* * + mahjong /
麻山' + 麻山* * + Mashan district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西/
麻山區' + 麻山区* * + Mashan /
麻州' + 麻州* * + abbr. f /
麻布' + 麻布* * + sackcloth/
麻木' + 麻木* * + numb/ insensitive apathetic
麻木不仁' + 麻木不仁* * + numbed/ insensitive apathetic
麻栗坡' + 麻栗坡* * + Malipo county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州/
麻栗坡縣' + 麻栗坡县* * + Malipo /
麻櫟' + 麻栎* * + sawtoot Quercus acutissima/
麻江' + 麻江* * + Majiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州/
麻江縣' + 麻江县* * + Majiang /
麻油' + 麻油* * + sesame /
麻煩' + 麻烦* * + inconvenient/ troublesome annoying
麻瓜' + 麻瓜* * + Muggles (Harry Potter)/
麻生' + 麻生* * + Asō (name)/ ASŌ Tarō (1940-), Japanese entrepreneur and LDP politician, prime minister 2008-2009
麻生太郎' + 麻生太郎* * + ASŌ Tarō (1940-), Japanese entrepreneur and LDP politician, prime minister from 20/
麻疹' + 麻疹* * + measles/
麻痺' + 麻痹* * + paralysis/ palsy numbness
麻痺大意' + 麻痹大意* * + unwary/ negligent
麻瘋' + 麻疯* * + leprosy/ also written 麻風|麻风
麻瘢' + 麻瘢* * + pock mark/
麻省理工學院' + 麻省理工学院* * + Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/
麻章' + 麻章* * + Mazhang district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市/
麻章區' + 麻章区* * + Mazhang /
麻糬' + 麻糬* * + (transl mochi/
麻紗' + 麻纱* * + linen or cotton fabric/
麻絮' + 麻絮* * + hemp wadding/
麻纏' + 麻缠* * + to pester/
麻臉' + 麻脸* * + pockmarked face/
麻花' + 麻花* * + fried dough twist (crisp snack food made by deep-frying plaited dough)/ worn out or worn smooth (of clothes)
麻花辮' + 麻花辫* * + braided pigtail/
麻莖' + 麻茎* * + hemp straw/
麻藥' + 麻药* * + anesthetic/
麻衣' + 麻衣* * + hemp garment/
麻袋' + 麻袋* * + burlap (jute fiber)/
麻豆' + 麻豆* * + Matou town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县/
麻豆鎮' + 麻豆镇* * + Matou t /
麻辣' + 麻辣* * + hot and /
麻辣燙' + 麻辣烫* * + hot spicy soup (often sold in street stalls)/
麻醉' + 麻醉* * + anesthesia/ fig. to poison (sb's mind)
麻醉劑' + 麻醉剂* * + narcotic/ anesthetic
麻醉學' + 麻醉学* * + anesthetics/
麻醉學者' + 麻醉学者* * + anaesthesiologist/
麻醉師' + 麻醉师* * + anaesthetist/
麻醉狀態' + 麻醉状态* * + narcosis/ narcotism anesthesia
麻醉藥' + 麻醉药* * + anesthetic/ narcotic chloroform
麻醉藥品' + 麻醉药品* * + narcotic/
麻醬' + 麻酱* * + sesame paste/
麻陽' + 麻阳* * + Mayang Miao autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化/
麻陽縣' + 麻阳县* * + Mayang /
麻陽苗族自治縣' + 麻阳苗族自治县* * + Mayang /
麻雀' + 麻雀* * + sparrow (dialect) mahjong/
麻雀雖小,五臟俱全' + 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全* * + The sparrow may be small but all its vital organs are there (idiom)./ small but complete in every detail
麻類' + 麻类* * + bast fiber/
麻風' + 麻风* * + leprosy/ Hansen's disease
麻風病' + 麻风病* * + leprosy/ Hansen's disease
麻麻亮' + 麻麻亮* * + (dialect) to begin to dawn/ to be just getting light
麻黃' + 麻黄* * + ephedra (genus Ephedra)/
麻黃素' + 麻黄素* * + ephedrine/
麻黃鹼' + 麻黄碱* * + ephedrine/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1724 出国 旅行 护照 麻烦 +
1920 这儿 麻绳 +
1921 喜欢 麻婆豆腐 +
3640 专门 麻烦 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

麻烦 귀찮다. 성가시다. 번거롭다. + + 麻痹 마비되다. + + 麻木 마비되다. 저리다. (신체의 일부분이) 말을 듣지 않다. + + 麻醉 마취하다. + +

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