B 大膽 + + * * da4dan3 daring/ bold dreist, schamlos, unverschämt, mutig, gewagt, furchtlos, unverfroren + + +
C + + * * dan3 gallbladder/ courage/ nerve/ bladder 1. Gallenblase 2. Mut, Kühnheit, Tapferkeit 3. Einsatzgefäß + + +
D 膽量 + + * * dan3liang4 courage/ spunk Mut, Courage + + +
D 膽怯 + + * * dan3qie4 coward zaghaft, scheu + + +
D 膽子 + + * * dan3zi courage Mut, Kühnheit + + +

5 kẻ nhát gan 胆小鬼 6 nhát gan 胆怯

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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gall bladder / bravery, courage
juice, liquor, fluid, sap, gravy, sauce

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

膽' + * * + gall bladder/ courage guts
膽兒' + 胆儿* * + see 膽子|胆子/
膽力' + 胆力* * + courage bravery/
膽囊' + 胆囊* * + gall bladder/
膽固醇' + 胆固醇* * + cholesterol/
膽大' + 胆大* * + daring/ bold audacious
膽大包天' + 胆大包天* * + reckless/ extremely daring
膽大妄為' + 胆大妄为* * + daring/ presumptuous daredevil
膽子' + 胆子* * + courage/ nerve guts
膽寒' + 胆寒* * + to fear/ to be terrified
膽小' + 胆小* * + cowardice/ timid
膽小如鼠' + 胆小如鼠* * + chicken-hearted (idiom)/ gutless
膽小鬼' + 胆小鬼* * + coward/
膽怯' + 胆怯* * + timid/ cowardly
膽戰' + 胆战* * + to tremble with fear/
膽戰心驚' + 胆战心惊* * + to tremble with fear (idiom)/ scared witless
膽敢' + 胆敢* * + to dare (negative connotation)/ to have the audacity to (do sth)
膽氣' + 胆气* * + courageous/ bold
膽汁' + 胆汁* * + gall/ bile
膽略' + 胆略* * + courage and resource/
膽石' + 胆石* * + gallstone/
膽石症' + 胆石症* * + gallstone/
膽石絞痛' + 胆石绞痛* * + gallstone colic/
膽破' + 胆破* * + to be frightened to death/
膽管' + 胆管* * + bile duct/
膽紅素' + 胆红素* * + bilirubin/
膽結石' + 胆结石* * + gallstone/
膽綠素' + 胆绿素* * + biliverdin/
膽色素' + 胆色素* * + bilirubin/
膽識' + 胆识* * + courage and insight/
膽道' + 胆道* * + bile duct/ biliary tract
膽量' + 胆量* * + courage/ boldness guts
膽顫心驚' + 胆颤心惊* * + panic-stricken/
膽驚心顫' + 胆惊心颤* * + see 心驚膽戰|心惊胆战/
膽魄' + 胆魄* * + courage bravery/
膽鹼' + 胆碱* * + choline (amine related to vitamin B complex)/
膽鹼酯酶' + 胆碱酯酶* * + choline esterase (ChE), hydrolyzing enzyme in blood plasma/

gut Darm ไส้ใน intestin destripar intestino tyhjentää

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2641 胆量 领导 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

胆小鬼 겁쟁이. [풍자의 뜻을 내포함] + + 胆怯 겁내다. 겁이 많다. 무서워하다. 위축되다. 쫄(아들)다. + +

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