B 活潑 + + * * huo2po vivacious/ vivid/ lively lebhaft, lebendig, aktiv + + +
C + + * * po1 splash/ spill/ sprinkle/ throw a fluid in flying masses 1. besprengen, ausschütten 2. giftig, boshaft,unvernünftig und zänkisch + + +

4 sống động 活泼 6 hắt

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

pour, splash, water, sprinkle
cold, cool / lonely
water, liquid, lotion, juice

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

潑' + * * + to splash/ to spill rough and
潑冷水' + 泼冷水* * + lit. to pour cold water on/ fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm
潑出去的水' + 泼出去的水* * + spilt water/ (fig.) sth that can not be retrieved spilt milk
潑婦' + 泼妇* * + shrew/ vixen
潑婦罵街' + 泼妇骂街* * + shouting abuse in the street like a fishwife/
潑掉' + 泼掉* * + spill/
潑水' + 泼水* * + to sprinkle/ to spill water
潑水節' + 泼水节* * + Songkran (Thai New Year)/
潑水難收' + 泼水难收* * + water once spilt cannot be retrieved (idiom); irreversible change/
潑濺' + 泼溅* * + to spatter/
潑煙花' + 泼烟花* * + low-class prostitute/
潑物' + 泼物* * + evil creature (curse word)/
潑賤' + 泼贱* * + base/ worthless
潑賤人' + 泼贱人* * + slut/ tramp (old)
潑辣' + 泼辣* * + shrewish/ pungent forceful

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


802 少年 活泼 +
2555 泼水 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


活泼 활발하다. 활달하다. 활기차다. 생동감이 있다. + + (물 등의 액체를) 뿌리다. 붓다. + +

+ + + + + + + +